September 23, 2007, 5:29pm
I found a forgotten post from Plastic in the Merge Songs thread on July 11th, 2007 and I thought i’d break it into it’s own thread for anyone interested in exploring these ideas. Feel free to append or implement new ones as well.
ok, in reference to the randomizing.
i thought it’d be cool to also be able to randomize notes based on different scales for coming up with neat melodies, kinda pseudo-arpeggio, just not using the effect column. hence random notes. anyways, i could have done the algorithm (maybe), but you guys already got the randomize stuff happening so you could implement it better. these are only a few of many many scales, they’re are just the ones i use the most. i hope you guys find the idea useful. I made a note generator based on a LOT of scales in max/msp that randomized notes/chords/how many times the notes/chords played etc. it then outputted them as a midi file to load into cubase. i found this great for melodies.
I hope you guys can somehow use the same idea, like just add a randomize by scale option maybe? implement it to randomize the notes based on a randomized scale, or a selected scale. Complete randomization, how many times the note is played, chords, whatever you can think of. PURE MELODIC IDM FUN. also i’d randomize all the above but also randomize the octaves of the scales… possibly 1 octave lower and 1 octave higher than middle c, along with the octave of middle c. or whatever you really want to do.
harmonic minor.xrns
melodic minor.xrns
pentatonic blues.xrns
pentatonic major.xrns
pentatonic minor.xrns
pentatonic neutral.xrns
also it should go without saying, but these are only root c. obviously different roots could be used, the simplest of music theory. maybe it could also randomize a root to use, and obviously each octave generated would use the same root, but possibly still different note variations.
Can someone repost the xrns files?
September 23, 2007, 9:58pm
Thanks for the files, using them I was able to update the script. I have committed my changes in CVS
Windows users who want to help test can double click get_cvs_dev_version_scripts.cmd in XRNS-SF version 1.4. Others can check out the code using their CVS client of choice.
New features: Randomize modes based on scales, option to keep note octave.
Valid modes are:
Some feedback on my implementation appreciated.
September 23, 2007, 10:38pm
Haven’t tried the script yet, but it sounds like the randomizer is going places no tracker has been before…excellent work !!
This reminds also me that I should work some more on the microtuning script (been busy the past couple of weeks)
September 23, 2007, 11:22pm
PS: Kaneel Sink Sink Sink in preserved octave pentatonic_major, BOTB Syntherzupier in preserved octave pentatonic_blues with track beat 00 on mute, both winners!
March 4, 2008, 6:45pm
i dont even knows what this means
March 15, 2008, 5:49pm
If you are on MS Windows 1) download the XRNS-SF GUI 2) Unzip 3) Double click get_cvs_dev_version_scripts.cmd
4) Launchxrns-sf.exe
This will result in getting the CVS version of this script (as well as several others) and an easy GUI to mess around with to try new combos.
If you are on OS X or Linux, see this link for CVS access . You’ll have to know the command prompt though.
Good times.