•••Zensphere's Renoise Tutorials•••

psy kicks, snares, and hi-hats from scratch using simple waveforms and the renoise instrument editor

hope you enjoy :]



I always wondered how you made your hihat sounds. Now i know! :grinning:

Thank you once again for putting this kind of quality out there!


My pleasure! It’s fun to make these. If anyone ever has any suggestions for topics to cover or dive deeper into, I’m all ears


I really liked the video of you making a track. It would be cool to see you do that again while talking through your workflow and your sound design.


Totally, will do. :+1:


Here ya go!


That was quick! Thank you, gonna give this a watch now.

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watching/listening to it now, I can see that the level balance is pretty off, in that the mic is pretty quiet. Hope it makes sense enough!

Hi, Zensphere, how are you doing? I don’t have any great idea for you right now but just wanted to thank you for the tutorials, those aren’t usual with Renoise and they’re quite resourceful and interesting.


Glad if you find them useful or interesting. Thanks for checking them out, and, I’m doing great, man. Excited for spring!

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part deux :v:


Half way through part 2 and I’m super excited to try this stuff out. Unfortunately I can’t at the moment. My computer died recently.

The truly ancient laptop I’m using now surprisingly runs renoise under Linux just fine. But doing anything heavier than playing straight audio or spitting out midi completely bogs down the cpu. Still, that’s a lot better than not being able to make music at all, of course.

Anyways, your sample editing process has really been eye opening. Normalising and smoothing individual selections of the sample. In part 1. :exploding_head: it never occurred to me to do that in such a way. And with the severely limited cpu power available to me at the moment that has come in handy indeed.

Thoroughly enjoying your output!

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Got a new video up, exploring some native time-based dsp (in addition to the ring mod) for synthesis/sound generation.

ring mod, chorus, flanger, and phaser dsp-based synthesis are all covered

hope you enjoy!


just a quickie today, looking at how to beef up your native renoise instruments using multiple waveforms and automation

hope you enjoy!


Hi great video as always!
Just had a question … in the first part of the video ,when stacking waveforms and you tried to detune them slightly using the pitch modulation (s/h random mode) I’ve always thought that those modulations are always per voice not per sample , As all those samples are considered one and are assigned to a single modulation source . Is my logic wrong here? Or is it something I don’t understand .

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Good question! Maybe it’s a bug not a feature, but the modulation (in the case of min freq s/h lfo) does seem to be applied per sample, not per voice. Again, not sure if this is the intended behavior, but it is useful!

If you wanted identical random modulation values applied to all samples in an instrument voice, a stepper device with 256 steps, a linear ramp of values, and random step length would do the trick

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That’s super useful !
I wonder why it works like that though being very usefull
Could anyone elaborate in this? @taktik

Or maybe because it’s rapidly changing, it feels like it’s acting per sample?

Well, it isn’t changing… It holds the initial value until release.

Or do you mean that the random number generator that governs the start value is changing so rapidly that each delay in sample onset triggering can’t help but grab a new value? Actually, I suspect that this may be what is happening. Perhaps there is a (very fast) cascade of note-on triggers for multiple sample voices, and that that small delay grabs a new random seed for each sample

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Well that ‘s the only logical explantion here :slight_smile:
But if even in this case there should be phase difference between samples which should be audible, right? Even without any modulation