Bye Bye Renoise

I want him to reply…

I’m leaving the internet because my own network is gonna be better.

i’m leaving the internet cuz, the only women on it, are dudes.

i’m leaving the planet, because it doesn’t have an arranger.

*hangs self in a bout of godless anxiety

What? Really? Well that’s obviously a personal preference but still… surprising to me.

Then again, I don’t “exclusively” use one particular piece of software anyway. My music is as much Reaktor as it is Renoise.

Still, Ableton over Renoise? Alright… I won’t troll or argue the point. I definitely don’t get it though.

And I’m leaving the leaving.


I’m also leaving an inappropriate smilie in my wake.

at one time, actually when i began posting on this forum.
i pissed off everybody.

some people even left. i was extremely loud, serious and full of ideas.
(always wondered where Tom went)

whenever i had a bug it would be reported like:


(mean time between WTF!!)

i bet Bantai remembers the score.
he probably rmembers it vividly, becuase he expressed quite a time, how upset i would make him.
i would also post my music and then remove it a couple hours later, or break the links.
so eventually i settled down, and everytime i posted anything a bunch of this community would think i was being sarcastic. :P

sometimes i was being sarcastic, then other times when i could tell i was being taken for being sarcastic i really wasn’t, then sometimes i was unsure if i was… no tellin really

but, i didn’t care so much about that, i just wanted to use renoise the way i thought it would run better according to what i had gleaned as the core ideas of tracking. then i kept noticing how complicated renoise seemed to new people coming from other standard sequencers. some need a Lot of help to understand the whole concept & logic behind tracking. the biggest problem i notice as a whole with tracking is the step sequencer / pattern basis. somewhere it becomes non-linear in a new users mind. i believe it has so much to do with trying to use samples that span several patterns. i have heard it in some music released using renoise.

sure there are a bunch of work arounds for this, but many new users are not willing to experiment to do what is viewed by them as a very simple task.

for me i pretty gave up on trying to do that. i do have one tune out of many or less tunes within the last 2 years that has a sample that spans more than 4 patterns, and the sample doesn’t match time for shit. :D
so after those 4 patterns it’s just not viable, unless you really want to spend hours on that 1 sample, running it through all the patterns adjusting it in tiny increments. i choose to just let it be off time, but many others are just not convinced with that being a good enough solution.

so, my heads not here anymore, so you guys gotta take up the slack on getting renoise to the best of it’s ability. (i might be being sarcastic, cuz even i can’t tell anymore)

This is a classic.

choice, if many people went through the same growth of consciousness you had done then we world would be a better place. Patience and mature peacefulness in 2009 is an utterly underrated thing, and fast becoming somewhat a rarity. You got it though, I saw it go on like a light bulb for you, and it was fantastic to witness. I’m sure a few of us here over the years have really learnt patience, as well as empathy for the developers. Now days, if I see someone getting all uppity and impatient I see it simply as their loss.

I actually avoid even reading the Ideas and Suggestions Forum because of this.

As someone who does a lot of recording of long vocal and guitar takes in my music I can see a real need for an arranger. You make an excellent point that beginners won’t easily see how to ‘work-around’ the lacking of this feature, and that old users like myself remain largely esoteric about their ‘work-around’. But what can you do? The devs can only program so fast at quality they have done so, and I know for a fact that VERY good things are yet to come soon in Renoise, possibly even sooner than people expect. Like vV has said, many things are being built to pave the way for a unique Renoise feature or features that will solve these issues for most people. The devs choices have been at the end of the day theirs, the rest is up to us to work out how we’re going to make music in a way that suits us. That’s an individual responsibility.

How true is it that people who spend more time flitting aimlessly between software and moaning about it all end up making sub-par music or even no music at all? I know what I think. There’s always been short-sighted impatient people in the world, just now in 2009 we’re seeing an accentuated expression of it on the internet. For every singular gem of consciousness and culture there are a 1000 voices of lameness saying ‘lol wut’ and ‘u suxx’. Same goes for feature requesting and Renoise usage: maturity comes with empathy, selflessness, patience and creativity - but sadly takes time and work to foster those qualities leaving about 80% of people giving up before they even begin on that path of growth.

And in calmness can we pose this question to ourselves: what is the use in arguing over details of music software when clearly there are much more important things going on in the world that require our precious energy? For every angered rant we’ve seen here, could have that energy and work been better utilised in making music that empowers consciousness development? Why bitch about Ableton-this or Cubase-that when we could be actually putting deliberate thought into how we can improve ourselves and the Earth? The response? Watch the snarky comments that come after this post to water down intelligence until we’re safely back in the self induced coma.

Nurture virtuosity. Noble behaviour is like good music: it is an act of giving rather than taking.

I’m leaving this thread because I haven’t got enough patience to read Foo?'s post.

Foo?: lolz @ u

im leaving cos my mum told me to

Funny how certain thread starters are still posting threads elsewhere, despite their threatened leaving.

Yep, i may be using Renoise for creating loops or sth - it’s alright when your ‘song’ has no more than few patterns.
Try to rearrange song when you are using let say 40-50 channels.
My hands are tired of copying and paste everything.
I still want to help devs that’s why i sent that bug report.
Anyway it started to be funny thread i am enjoying it :)

it’s of course not wrong if elcct wants to keep on using Renoise. as we have analyzed in this thread, the opposite would be actually strange…

by the way, I’m currently making an orchestral song made of 64 channels (20 tracks) which currently has 49 unique patterns on a 52 patterns sequence. I’m not even using pattern labels.

this does not mean that I’m better than you, or that people should not ask for an arranger; what I mean is that making music, and even complex music, is entirely possible for standard human beings even without an arranger.

But then you have the experience, stamina and determination, which others might not possess.

Irony is tasteless. I myself can not absolve myself and I have often made use of them. If this man is now using other software, it’s a personal decision.
Today you can be a Christian, a Buddhist or tomorrow, you liberate yourself from any religion. What is good and what is bad?
I have looked for this year, less ironic to act. Even in the few days, I feel better, without that burden of irony.

Greets Michael

Making music requires experience and determination? Not necessarily an arranger?

Wow, you just blew my mind!

Captain Obvious

Sarcasm aside, i’m the first in line for an arranger. That doesn’t stop me from using Renoise. Price/Quality ratio it’s the best thing out there, and keeps getting better, as far as I’m concerned.

Just determination and patience when things don’t work out that quick or that well.
Experience and kudos are the rewards.

I should point out that I too want an arranger… though I’ll settle for instrument patterns (which I indeed want MORE than an arranger) … and there are many other things on my list of features that are on par with an arranger (read: MODULAR ROUTING)

Personally I don’t see the need for an arranger in Renoise, but I don’t think I work the same as others on this forum might.

I start by making my own “samples” in Reaktor, either recording them with the Reaktor Recorder Box or Nuendo, depending on which of my computers I’m on, then importing them for use and alteration in Renoise.

If I need to record something like a guitar, a percussive sound, a voice etc I just use Nuendo and again, import the sound file for use in Renoise.

I also don’t use MIDI tracks, because I don’t feel I have enough control over them. Even if I use a VST I program it to do what I want it to do, record it, and use the wav or mp3 in it’s place.

Or maybe I am, due to my method of “climb in and assault it with fists until it works”, completely off base with what y’all are even talking about.

Arrangers are simply useful for nondestructively arranging parts of a song. The nondestructive part is the important part ;)