Can AI make a song?

The one who made the Depeche Mode Track is also around here… In case you are interested
. It switches to English later…

Here’s another crazy generator.
AI will eventually whirlwind through all industries which is a bit mind-blowing to think about.

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We need to make an AI to control renoise for composing tracks… It’s simple, you just need to record a lot of renoise sessions, you record all keyboard commands and ui and sound as a video. Then you train an AI with this that is able to control renoise like the trainers did when training the training data.

We now need to record a lot of renoise sessions to train the AI. We better hurry, AI can already make what a renoise would make directly, so we need to noise up the renoise obscenely with some noisy boys from the scene, and then people can watch the AI trying to use renoise making a lot of bullshit patterns and obscure native instrument effects routings.

Aaaaand of course there will be a commercial point to this vision, not to say that the boys recording the noise would be sold out, because the renoise AI can just autocomplete your beat, so when you’re lazy you could just load a pattern and a bassdrum and set a one two three four and a hihat, and the noiseboys would make a complete bullshit scene intro song from this, and then you repeat, and then they make another one which is quite a bit like the first but you know, like, unique, and each would immediately let you win you any scene compo if you don’t forget to let it make some ascii art in the patterns and generate intellegible speech just from 303 filter modulations. No bullshit, people will pay for this and compos will be a whole new game. Over are the days of sweat and knuckles, nowadays the renoise demoise are trained in line and in shackles, and their masters will like just cast another tune into the world until nobody wants to listen to that crap any longer.

So on another hand, maybe better let’s protect the human creativity and turn back to straight up procedural algorithms coded in handmade assembly, so we at least still have some control over our machines and creativity. Those keys were made to bang them up alright in line, you know, each time a bassdrum, each time the producer hit a key or did a copy and paste, and then he molded his whole soul and mind state into the whole soundscape. This is why when people listen, there is life in the music, there is the stories of the producers and those listening to it in the music, some real life shit that is alive. One day, in the age of machine music, people would only listen to empty music, and all the life around it, is also empty, hollow, the voices in it all only talk empty lies. I can feel this vibe already today when I turn on the radio and listen to the muzak, there’s no more life in much of that crap, and it’s not even yet AI generated. Must’ve something to do with the wave of AI entrained/controlled music producers, while there wasn’t enough human resources and capabilities where a deal was made to serve all this hollow bullshit.

Now off with this bullshit, wish I could find back some peace of mind and could take my laptop and some power source and a GUITAR or some bullshit and books to read with a backpack and a tent to some green place in nature or maybe where some hippies are, then repelling mosquitos with herbal incenses and tracking beats all around the night time… But then when you play back such tracks on mainstream radio, people couldn’t comply, it’d just shatter their plastic faces and make then buy less artificial augmentations of reality. Who need hippies with chopped up mosquitos stuck in the cooling fan of their laptops nowadays, when we already have the clean shit from the box just with a push of a button? I tell you, in this clean shit, it’s not even alive, it’s just outright all emotions scattered together, it doesn’t uplift you but make you hollow - and within it is all filth and crap, once people realize that they will turn back to making art themselves and shoot anyone who still uses that crap and forces people to get their wits fucked by even just watching and listenting to the results.

AI makes generic music very easily, and so stock musicians might be in danger. For now I don’t think AI can really nail human expressiveness in the same way a real artist or band could. It’s always lacking something and while technically impressive, really doesn’t move me.

I don’t care if AI can write a song or paint a picture but I do care if AI decides who lives, dies, or gets to enjoy the benefits of society. Already AI is being used to make rash decisions about human lives but everywhere you go online it’s people desperately worrying about the artists. The AI conversation so far goes like this: “Oh won’t someone please think of the albums we could release and no one will listen to?!” or “Great now no one will buy my furry erotica!!!”

Maybe off topic but I think we need legal protections for more than intellectual property as it’s one component to what is going to be seen as the next industrial revolution. A lot is going to change in the next 10 years.

Back on topic these tools are excellent for sampling. Really surprised hiphop producers aren’t latching on more. Now you have unlimited exclusive vintage soul samples. Everyone is Moby now! You’re a Moby! I’m a Moby!

Personally I have about 5 albums from the past that did alright and I can’t put them anywhere because I can’t afford to clear the samples. Most are undetectable and short but I don’t risk it. If I were making them today, I’d have AI reinterpolate the samples and release the mambajambas. Suck it Harry Fox.

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So much wise words. I’m glad to see there is so much reason and common sense here in Renoise community.
I do agree with pretty much everything I’ve read on this thread. There’s however one thing I’ve personally found AI very useful for. I’ve done digital painting since 2010. About a year ago I had a serious moment of frustration with my progress. I tried AI art creator just because I was basically angry at myself. I kept producing images with it for about 6 months until I had enough. I noticed what was going on. So easy, so fast… I felt constantly rewarded without an effort. Not healthy. However I realised what was the true value of the whole thing for me. I studied the “paintings” AI created for me I kept learning more and more what was wrong with my approach in painting. I understood certain things about the painting process in a way I didn’t before. If the work of AI can open some locks in us to move on to next level in whatever it is that we do, then it’s good and useful, but only in that case I’d say.

If AI supplents the popular pop-artist’s, slaves of record companies, who are already making music very robotically without true passion, I don’t think anything signifigant happens. Nothing essentially changes there.

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I recommend for everyone to read what Nick Cave wrote on this subject.


renoise does in fact have the inputs, that’s where the OSC, LUA and open format XML come in for the translation. That Trimurti is where the “Guru levitating, producing without wires” connects.