Color Themes For Renoise

you have this button:
but you can also paste pictures from your clipboard!

A new PICO-8 Theme, “Dusty Chocolate”, just for fun, nothing fancy.

Screen Shot 2020-07-10 at 5.40.43 PM Pico-8 Dusty Chocolate.xrnc (5.0 KB)


:vampire:Dracula Theme


:boom: Direct XRNC Download from GitHub: Dracula for ReNoise :arrow_down:


Redux Theme


:boom: Direct XRNC Download from GitHub: Dracula for Redux :arrow_down:

:ghost: Spooky Details


:spider_web: Dracula Theme for other apps:

:drummer: UPDATE 2020-10-25T05:00:00Z // ReNoise theme is up officially on the Dracula theme site:


@Bluethereal that blue theme looks gorgeous! Came here looking for something like that.


Thank you, i use VIM daily!
(not nano, nor emacs :PPP)


Finally singed up for the forums to post this.



That means a lot, thank you! I made it because my laptop screen is bad, I hope everyone benefits from the contrast :slight_smile:


The Dracula theme is definitely working now! Good job guys, this theme is awesome!

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Hello Renoise Community!

Here are 2 Themes from me, to give something back to our beloved Renoise Community.
The “Digital Camo” Theme and “LED Style” Theme. Both are primary optimized for optical ergonomic and good visibility. “Digital Camo” Theme is on maximal Contrast for better visibility of actual selected Channel in the Mixerwindow. LED Style Theme is inspired on 80’ LED Displays with some more moderat Contrast. Test it out, maybe you will love it! :slight_smile:

Digital Camo Theme

Digital Camo Theme

Download “Digital Camo” Theme


LED Style Theme

LED Style Theme

Download LED Style Theme


Glad you dig it. I made a small adjustment here recently when doing the redux version & noticed some ui text could be more distinct. It’s on GitHub now. Anyhow, thanks for like. :love_you_gesture:t2:

I’ve got an XFCE4 terminal Dracula adaption too, use it with almost everything so figure would look good in ReNoise.


This is really nice and clean, thanks for taking the time to post this. I really dig the pattern editor portion in contrast to the other sections. :+1:t2:

that looks painful to me, it’s too bright
this is my version
nonetheless - thank you a lot for your effort!:slight_smile:

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Different strokes for different folks :wink: that looks to be Solaris theme in htop?

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yes, solarized dark, p10k…vim(neovim :stuck_out_tongue: )

Ok mates, i made a slightly improved Version of my Digital Camo Theme. Visibility and
readability of Mainfont is better now. Here Some impressions.

Digital Camo 2_1

Digital Camo 2_2

Digital Camo 2_3

Enjoy it!

PS. An Ableton Monocrom Style Theme follow next :slight_smile:


Ok Mates, here it comes! :smiley:

Yesterday i made my “Ableton “Monochrome” Theme” Final.

Some Remarks first.

Not 100% Monochrome Theme. but approximately 90 %! I tryed to save all ergonomic visibility and readability. This was not easy, because human eyes have a significant lowered contrast perception on monochrome Visuality. But i think the result become fairly good. Track Colors i not switch to Monocrome because they are depending from loaded song, and i set a few Color accents on Patternwindow, Samplerslicer and Automation curves. After some testing i decide to make the monochrome VU-Meter View red, if it Oversteer because of better visibility. The First one inverted method was not so good to capture.

Ableton Theme 1

Ableton Theme 2

Ableton Theme 3

Download Ableton Theme

Yesterday i forget to post Download link for Digital Camo Them Mk.2. So her it is.

Digital Camo Theme Mk.2

Last i want say, that i would be very happy if there where a central Github archiv for the Themes because the FileHoster Links are gone in one week. I spend my scant free time with the work and testing on these Themes and it would be very nice if this work not get lost in digital nirvana at the end. I have not the time to reupload this again and again. Keep it on/share it …and happy tracking! :wink:

Ps. Sorry for my imperfect english


@NPC1 that cammo theme improvement looks awesome, i will use it for a couple of days to see how i react to it :slight_smile:
i think there was some reply/post about customizing panels with bitmap-custome images, can someone reshare or create a separate ‘document’ page where it is explained how one should approach modding the interface theme?
Thank you in advance

Hi mate, all you need is in the Theme archiv. Simply copy the folder “Digital” in your Renoise “Texture” Directory and then choose under Preferenes -> Gui -> Textures “Digital”. That’s it! :slight_smile:

happy tracking

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What do you think about it? Cool? Good? Bad? Not needed? Crap? :slight_smile:


