Color Themes For Renoise

Yes, the panels main colour (Redish for ESX or Blue for EMX) is under Main > Body Back settings in theme editor.

Gray Scale Theme with red Highlights for record Mode, Meter Peaks and play Positions.

I am attempting the feel of late 80s early 90s Yamaha drum-machines with simple LCD screens. The red colour is from the Record Focus Indicator rectangle - it’s hard-coded, so I used it as a highlight colour.

Depending on Your Monitor, You might want to adjust Contrast, under Themes>Graphics>Contrast

GreyScaleWithRedHL87.xrnc (4.9 KB)



Didn’t realize that I just needed to change the Body color :sweat_smile:
Also went through and modified a large portion of the other colors to align with Pantone colors. Pantone Validated ReEMS-Gray theme modified to match the EMX-1. Everything should appear ever so slightly “softer.” Most Importantly it is very blue. I’ll take credit as a modder, but remsky gets all the credit for doing the legwork on the ReEMS theme.

ReEMX-Gray (remsky)(jrs).xrnc (5.0 KB)


Ooooh mah gah. Thanks a lot for this. I feel honored!

Wow, this looks really good! Definitely brings that 98/ME Vibe. Though I wasn’t around when Oldskool tracking was a thing, at least, I can try to capture that kind of vibe when making some oldskool rave hahaha. Nice one :slight_smile:

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Here’s my nostalgic ProTracker theme:

TNT Nostalgia.xrnc (5.0 KB)

The only difference is that the scopes, sample waveforms and “browse font” aren’t yellow as in the original. I could make it yellow, but it would destroy the overall “original” impression because there would be way too much yellow in the “main view” due to the fact that the disk browser is not hidden. I wanted to have a theme that gives me the most original ProTracker feeling, so I chose the colors according to that goal. Instead of the waveform being yellow the marker is yellow, so the original feeling is still being kept.


Wow! Thanks for this. Now it feels like home. :heart:

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Looks super solid, thanks.

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Old School Lo-Fi Norwegian Black-Metal inspired Theme. Kvlt.

For siting in a long forgotten dungeon in the middle of dark forest - with nothing but old Lenovo laptop povvered from pvre transylvanian hunger - ea, lord of the tracks.

Metal94.xrnc (5.0 KB)

Designed for low light ambience - depending on your monitor or room - you might want to adjust the contrast in Theme settings.


Exactly my thoughts when I finished another song yesterday. This theme kinda gives me new inspiration and fun, and it feels like time travelling. It’s pretty strange what a simple theme can do, isn’t it? :+1:


Haha…trve lord of blasphemy sitting with amiga and protracker, or 486 and fasttracker.

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Just installed it, you nailed it man :smiley:

A theme inspired by Paula Haunt’s Protracker theme.

Kawaii PICO-8 Pink & Purple.xrnc (5.1 KB)


Looks like candy cotton :grin:


Yep, for inspiring more positive music!

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Makes me wanna make Japanese anime music :badteethslayer:


Don’t! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Hello Kitty approves




Dang, this looks slick. I’m sensitive to bright light (and white metal for that matter :stuck_out_tongue: ) so this looks pretty perfect to me

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