Covid-19 (Corona virus)

Belgium : schools closed , all activities cancelled , bars and restaurants closed for at least 3 weeks .
If possible , working from home is advised .

@OopsIFly A great commentary for framing!

In Germany most media now turned into “hofberichterstattung”, they heavily misuse this crisis to shape the profile of their neoliberal, corrupt candidates.

Also companies like tui, a billions euro / global company, will get billions from the government it seems. You could produce 20000 breathing devices with billion. Or hire 30000 nurses, 10000 doctors for a year.

You might disagree, but this crisis shows to me how perverted this capitalistic system is once again. And people do not even realize it anymore. No, due lack of imagination and brainwashing, they like what they get.

Esp. old German people, who didn’t learn to properly investigate on their own for proper information. They are everywhere. (50% of German people are over 55).

It’s not real capitalism that’s at fault, blame the central bank monetary policies. We, the world need to get back to an honest capitalism that keep politicians and central bankers in check. I am not sure to what degree because it has probably been good with fiat money to jumpstart our well-fare but it’s definitely gone too far these days.

Well, I think capitalism is the problem, like it is common in Germany, with it’s crude, anti-human/anti-natural pseudo “laws”, which already have been proven to be wrong. It also breeds the worst in the humans. Public weal and sustainability need to be first in any case. If this will not change quickly, the global warming will solve this problem for us.

Lack of integrity is rampant among politicians these days, mix that with greed and you have a recipe for disaster and that is what’s wrong, not real healthy basic 101 capitalism. Fight greed, inject integrity into the system because our system is admittedly sick.

FriedRICH Merz ex BlackRock illuminati Manager & NWO Canselor Knadidat testd Positive on Corona.

The Virus somehow seemz too like thre Elite also. Maybe Demnocracyhas finaly arrived also in German

Hoping All Renoiserzz get thru this without blessures & keep on making this god musik!!

And forr the germans in here please sign for a more eazy and nonkapitalitzt way for the small people!!

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I tell folks Just use common sense like any other seasonal illness. The wife and I curbed our social activities a bit more is all. Hand washing, cover the cough, avoid large crowds are fairly normal steps to take in any event. As an “over 60” my wife and I have a bit more risk exposure than younger folks, but life goes on. The upside for me is that U-he updated Zebra2 and Zebra2 Dark Horse vsts so I can now play with them more “guilt free” that I should be doing something else …

Cheers and stay healthy everyone.


Woww ober 60 and still rocking itt!!! You ar somone to look up to sir and please dont be afraid ther are also yunger people who want to help and have the respect for ther elders (not saying yu ar old but) itzz a community thing, like helping each other out like in a Big family (Grossfammilie) oftn these yungsterzz are also wit migration baground and believe me those are the best people to hav around right now!! Stay healthy & have von with Zebra2!!!

i wonder if post still is coming from germany to the uk ?i ordered a book.
by the way this coronavirus is becoming a pain in the ass , people are stealing all
the toilet paper and all the good food , and being horrible to the cashiers, come
on its not there fault. dog eat dog world innit at least there are some good people i guess

Have you noticed things going slower on internet since this outbreak really kicked in? I take an internet speedometer test and gets very good results, so the problem shouldn’t be my line, but everything seems to start lagging constantly…

Here in Germany very many people are freed from work, or stay home for homeoffice tasks… So I guess there is a lot of unexpected bandwidth taken down by people watching porn or netflix at a time of the day that the the providers aren’t prepared for…

City streets have such a very peaceful and eerie mood to them that it’s strange, almost twisted. Like some holy holyday, everything quiet, little cars going, no parties going on, lots of people freed from work strolling with ease, chatting about the virus. Some seem very scared though, or wear breath protection and gloves…

Let’s hope things stay peaceful. Am thinking a lot about Africa. The G7 countries might have infrastructure and measures to try to handle the virus, but most african countries have nothing like that at all, so bad things can be expected to happen there once the virus spreads…


But crazy thing is it is not spreading in China (much) anymore…

“On Tuesday, China reported 19 new coronavirus infections, down from 40 a day earlier.”

“Wuhan closes last makeshift coronavirus hospital as China’s infection rate falls”

And there’s some good news regarding treatment:

“A renowned research professor in France has reported successful results from a new treatment for Covid-19, with early tests suggesting it can stop the virus from being contagious in just six days.”

“He said that the first Covid-19 patients he had treated with the drug chloroquine had seen a rapid and effective speeding up of their healing process, and a sharp decrease in the amount of time they remained contagious. Chloroquine - which is normally used mainly to prevent and treat malaria - was administered via the named drug, Plaquenil.”

"So far, no country - nor the World Health Organisation (WHO) - has officially published treatment measures against Covid-19, but in China and South Korea, guidelines already outline the use of chloroquine as an “effective treatment”

Reason why they have it under control in China may be because they have taken such drastic measures?

What I find somewhat amusing is that one of the smallest organisms on the planet, a virus, is bringing our 21st century Earth to a virtual standstill. Don’t misunderstand me, people dying or suffering is not something to grin about. But we are not the masters of the Earth that we think we are either … Consider this, a relatively small number of the entire earth’s population, around 219,000 have been infected. Considering the 7.53 billions that live on the planet that’s about 0.0028% if our population. Look at the effects. The stock markets are plummeting, travel is being banned, entire manufacturing sectors shut down, recreational pursuits locked out, and more. Our societies are in turmoil due to a tiny virus, the actual name of which is SARS-CoV-2, a few microns in diameter.

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Fortunately, all this madness is the cause of wanting to save human lives and all its consequences. If the world is to stop for a few months, it is more than justified.This is also a blatant demonstration of how poorly prepared we are against these events and how overly fragile the economy is everywhere. But the saddest thing is the utter lack of foresight from governments around the world. Politics is sick.

Stay tuned, because we are about to see a monstrous chain of problems everywhere. Remember “THE CHAIN”! What is happening seems very misleading or innocent, and that makes it very dangerous.

It started in China, expanded in Iran, Italy, Korea, Spain, and many more, affecting practically the entire world population.
This has only started. If you think that this will be fixed in 2 or 3 months, it is that you still do not know anything.

We are going to have a very tough year, both in the EU and in the USA and please, it does not expand in Africa. This year 2020 is going to be a catastrophe. And China is not spared yet. There is very likely another outbreak there (they are warning you). I’m afraid we are going to have a lot of problems everywhere.

It is very important that you do not become infected. There have been reports of young people who have died, under the age of 40. The amount of viral load appears to be important. It is not the same that one person infects you, that several infect you. Crowds of people infected can be fatal for many. This virus can kill perfectly healthy young people, though the percentage is low.

On the other hand, do not forget the nursing residences. They are a perfect strainer deaths. Please communicate all this in your countries!

Finally, keep in mind the following. As long as there is a nearby country with the coronavirus, your country will continue to be at high risk, even if it has already overcome the epidemic. It is essential that all countries coordinate to solve it all together.

Unfortunately, we cannot wait for a vaccine, which will come too late. This is the first wave. As this does not stop with forcefully, we will have a second wave again. And then it will be very wild. We need a vaccine as soon as possible!

It is extremely important that all the links in the chain succeed in overcoming their particular war against their epidemic. Until this no happens or there no is vaccine, the pandemic will remain active, with all their problems fucking the entire population…

I fully expected this to be 100% esoteric BS because of the title, but she makes a lot of really important points actually:

I’m not as loving, or fair, but I can still recognize the value in a lot of what she says and want to share it for the benefit of others, even if it makes me kind of a hypocrite.

Because personally, I’m just bored. All the time, since before I was born, people shat all over the poor and defenseless, be it in the form of letting people who start wars of aggression get away with it, or letting the gap between rich and poor grow at an increasing pace… but now suddenly everyone is afraid? Of what? For what? A life full of consuming things and looking the other way? Suddenly human life is oh so precious, because it could affect us, not just other people? I just can’t get teary eyed over it, you know.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m fine with not going out, because people fucking bore me since over a decade ago, nothing changes for me. I have like 20 years of voluntary “isolation” under my belt. I’m also fine with washing my hands and keeping distance and helping others.

But it can’t be JUST that. We can’t just “stay at home and wait for instructions” — this is what LEAD to us being unprepared, to a world where most of the wealth is in a few dozen pairs of hands, where nurses have been wringing their hands for decades because of all the pressure and the lack of funds. Being passive, being cowardly, not seeing the woods for all the trees.

And no, you can’t blame it on politicians either. Those exploit a vacuum of people being stupid and weak, which is a result of them rarely stopping to think. All their power is derived from the people who lift them up, because that’s still easier than assuming responsibilty oneself. We made this, this wasn’t done to us.

The upside of all that guilt – the perversely huge mountains of disgusting guilt, and all those pleas for justice falling on deaf ears – is that we do have agency. But we can’t exercise it without acknowleding the guilt, too, because they go hand in hand, and that’s where most people get stuck I think.

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hmm, nevermind the borked preview, it’s a really good article.

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A lot of people are losing their jobs and will struggle, could we have saved ourselves a lot of trouble if we all received civil wages? Instead of having a hugely complicated well fare system we’ll receive enough to survive without the need of a silly amount of applications and waiting time for it all to be processed. If you have extraordinary needs you would still have to apply for financial help to cover those, but this will be a lot more manageable and cost a lot less than the overly complicated system we have now.
Instead of spending time at the well fare office, sending applications, waiting for answers and the whole lot of stress and worry you have to endure in the process, you instead would be free to do something productive without worrying if you will end up on the streets or not.
In times like these i wouldn’t want to have all those worries on top of what is already quite stressful.

So the rich, instead of being cut down to size, generously feed everybody? Until they no longer want to? I never liked UBI. We need justice, not handouts.

Charity is the drowning of rights in the shithole of mercy.

– Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi