Dead Dog Collaboration Idea

I’m sorry my one and only free time this week was sunday afternoon wich was reserved to my girlfriend, so no I didn’t resurrect the dead dog

Shame. I had hoped to work on DDRC22 over the weekend but had a really busy and quite stressful one with work this weekend so not done anything myself :(

Guess that means it’s not to E.H.V.A.H SDC.

Well this round is slowly drawing to a close so we can reassess how to work with it next time soon…

where’s the last version? haven’t seen it in a while

Links are all in the first post, not been a new addition for ages :(

Yeah, would be really cool to have someone work on it in between my turns. ;)

Well I completely failed to give this a push on Tuesday when the turns changed hands again but still we are stuck with no work from yet another collaborator!

Technically we should now be about half way through The Bellow’s round but that seems a little unfair… :(

What do you mean, is it my turn now? :blink:
I haven’t had any time to track since tuesday anyway, but tomorrow i have some time i think, maybe even on Monday, so it wouldn’t make any difference if i knew several days ago.

Yeah afraid so:

Shame to take you away from DDRC and the Formula Device though :P

You confuse me kazakore, it clearly says Beat Fuhrer and that’s another dude last time i checked. :lol:

Can you tell I didn’t have much sleep last night? Working at 0730 on a Saturday sucks!! :(

Haha, i tought you were baked. :P

Well another Tuesday, another blank pass…

Only a few more rounds to go so let’s see if we can tidy and finish off what we have in it.

Time to step up td6d. Can you be the saviour this experiment needs?

Where can I find the latest version? I might have some spare time on my hands this week. ^_^

in that case my turns would all have to be on weekends since i am not practically able to make music during the week.

So that leaves a week in between again :lol:

Always in the first post.

Anyway: DDRColla1-R09(20110801-f+d+k)

Was thinking maybe try with 4, possibly 6 people. Could even run multiple at the same time with 4 people each but that might be a bit much…

yeah, do we vote on who gets to join? that would be awesome. i can just not vote for uav because he is my nemesis. ;)

First time around maybe I should give priority to people who actually managed to contribute this round… Otherwise people who haven’t yet had a turn in a go seems maybe fairest.

I got an idea. What if we have an open round, where anyone could join at any time by making a post where he/she says “i’m in” or something?
The one who posts first has a certain amount of hours to edit and upload the xrns, then the first one to post after the track is re-uploaded or his/her time is up get’s it and so on.
24 hours could work perhaps or maybe 48 or even 12 hours. There are lots of additional rules that could be set, like a 5-day wait before you can get a new try on it so everyone get’s their chance.

The nice thing about it is that we could track excatly when we want and no more long waits. :)

@TheBellows: yeah something like that could work i think.