Dead Dog Collaboration Idea

Shame but not surprising. If we had been keeping a closer eye on it we could of tried to swap you with somebody further down the line but would of been better to do that before the round started. (Uav would of been a good choice as although I know he’s busy with his EP at least he checks the forum regular enough to say yay or nay.) As it is I guess the fairest thing to do is tell Ripley it’s his turn…

i really hate it but it is just a damn busy 2 weeks for me. i know after that i’ll have more time… we’ll see how this all works out, wouldn’t mind working a bit off-schedule if we won’t be able to finish the song properly with too many people stepping down.

Anybody seen or heard from Ripley? Will send him a PM now making sure he is aware his turn is officialy starting (although he could of had an extra week as Rhowaldt said at the start of this round he wouldn’t have the time.)

Starting to worry nobody is going to actually do their turn again!..

Maybe we should just start a new round? Imo i think there is a bit much going on in the track already, makes a bit difficult to get started. :)

I don’t think we should stop this round but there is no harm in having a discussion on what you would like to change for the next one. (After all I’ve got nothing against doing another one shortly after this has finished if people are up for it.)

yeah, when i had to tell you guys i couldn’t do my part this time around i was pretty bummed because i had the feeling this was not going to work out in the end. however, remember i have plenty of time as of next weekend, and i would not mind working on this then. i also would not mind discussing some other stuff that people like to discuss, nor would i mind doing another one after this one is ‘finished’.

personally, i think it would be cool if we would get clear whether we’re doing a ‘seamless EP’ or a ‘track’. i know i started out working on it as a ‘track’, then with people who did not adhere that much to that idea (at least so it seemed), i accepted immediately when kazakore coined the ‘seamless EP’ term. if i had not accepted that would’ve meant disappointment because it did not sound like a ‘track’. hope you get what i mean.

in the end i see this as an experiment. maybe when we got a solid team together and have had some practice in this, we can build something that we all agree is pretty good.

Questions to consider:

  1. Should we limit number of people and find out who is interested until “full” or work like we have this time with fitting schedule around participants.
  2. Should there be any kind of vetting process on participants to try and ensure they actually take part (feel that may be a little unfair…)
  3. Does current schedule seem an OK to work, with a fixed week each and two turns each? Or something else? Pass the baton from person to person, no fixed duration? (That is what seemed to kill the last LongTrack experiment so I would vote against that personally.)
  4. Ways to make sure each participant is aware it’s their turn. PMing members should do it on the whole, as by default the board does email you when you get a PM, but still getting a response from people who haven’t been about doesn’t seem to happen. Maybe collect emails and send directly, rather than through board PMs…
  5. I think with a large project like this, rather than 3-4 people maximum, it’s going to be hard to do a coherent track rather than a “seemless EP” but maybe further restrictions could be an idea? What kind of things though? Addition length restriction? Additional amount of tracks/sends limit?

Any other ideas you good people may have…

And although I didn’t come up with the Seamless EP term until after we had kicked off I had always suggested it was to go that kind of way. From a post on the second page, from before the blank canvas was even created.

  1. imo, you cannot fully control whether someone is completely interested/devoted to the project, at least not online like this. this is part due to the nature of certain people, and part due to the nature of people in general. getting excited and saying ‘yes’ without too much consideration happens a lot faster than getting excited, re-thinking it and saying ‘no’. still, we could always try.
  2. no insurance. seems a little unfair to me too, and i love the fact that all of this is done ‘among friends’, without too much control.
  3. the period of a week i think works fine, only problem is it being a bit inflexible when it comes to the schedule, as my own case has proven. sadly i don’t have a very future-oriented mind, so i will forget that my next turn will be up in 1,5 month for example, and i will plan a weekend away. but i think earlier on schedule inflexibility has not been a problem because people said ‘let me go first if you don’t have the week of time right now’, which is great and works. agree with you that too much flexibility killed LongTrack2 so let’s not go all that way.
  4. i spend a part of each day hanging around on these forums, and i get email notifications on my phone. other people don’t. i think that is the whole problem with this ‘contacting’ stuff. think it comes down to point 1 in the end, complete and total devotion to the project :slight_smile:
  5. i like both ideas a lot. i agree with you that a seamless ep is ‘easier’. it is just that i did not get the idea that we were doing a seamless ep at the end.

reading this, without the word ‘collaboration’ emphasized, this just reads to me as ‘a single track’. a seamless ep would be just as you say not to do, bolt your work onto the end.
i need clarity for some things, i’m OCD/autist/whatever like that. if you tell me we are going to go to London tomorrow, and an hour before we leave you tell me it is going to be Paris after all, some rusty machine inside me grinds to a slow and almost painful halt, and then takes slowly gets back in gear in the other direction. it takes time for me to switch over to another idea once i have something in my mind, is what i’m saying.
so, i like it if we get it clear among us which one it is going to be. as we’re already half a seamless ep down the road, i’d say we make it a seamless ep, and make it sound as awesome as we can.

re-reading the above this post sounds very serious and a bit irritated to me. let me assure you that it is not meant that way at all, by showing you a cartoon depicting the process of development of my love for all things DDRC and you guys with whom i speak all day and night through these forums and make music together with:
:expressionless: :S :slight_smile: :smiley: :DDDDDDDDDDDDD

Cheers Rhowaldt.

Where’s the cartoon? :)

Damned busy mind yesterday! Was thinking of updating this thread and messaging YourLocalLoser when I got up yesterday but it had completely slipped my mind by midday (and just come back to me now.)

Well it seems we have another defaulter so time to move on! PMing Yourlocalloser now…

sorry, i totally missed this :( you probably hear this from every person, but i was super busy, had to move to another country and need to get things done in the new environment, also lots of learnings.

haven’t renoised for a long time and was never successful with it, but hope to contribute to the song somehow.

that’s no excuse! :)

nah don’t worry about it man. you’re not the only one making excuses (me too!), and we’ll live with it and deal with it and work around it and find a way.

so it’s dead ?

That was meant to be your second round so a bit late for this one really, but sure we’ll be setting up again for another go not too long after it’s all over.

Always been a dead dog ;)

But no, not dead. Will still run to completion and even if we get little more in the way of contributions I feel what we have already isn’t too bad for a collaboration attempt.

Hopefully next time people will manage to be a little more focused…

Hmmm well nothing from Ripley and think I forget to even try and remind KickoFighto (DOH!) it was his go last week so nothing from there either.

Uav: It comes down to you to try and revive this project! ;)

the hardest thing is that you can’t exactly predict when inspiration for music and energy for working with it will come - or not -, this collaboration project seems truely hard to follow on a long term ; the difficulty seems to define all the steps of a project (begin and conditions of the end), and to define for each steps the right / necessary amount of time required.

@kurtz: i don’t worry about inspiration etc too much. in my experience, when i have a week of time to work on something, i just sit at it most nights and there is bound to be a night where i am inspired enough to go on.

i think this collab has just suffered from some bad timing with respect to people’s vacations and other stuff going on in their lives. i must say, i have more time now, so i will be able to work on this.

Next round I am going to keep short. Same format but limit to 6 participants, so 12 weeks. If that struggles maybe down to 4 people. Hopefully that will stop people forgetting after some time that their go is up soon.

Preference will always be given to people who haven’t participated previously.

Sure we will still get something good out of this though :)