Dead Dog Collaboration Idea

enjoy ! (… my lazyness)

The first one is a Belgian beer, literally : sudden death

Wow, this is so sweet to listen to! (I’m working on DDRC15, dark, harsh and all…)

Nice one, liking the sound of it so far :)

Uploaded to my Mediafire DDRColla page I’ll try and get all links up on as they come.

thanks, I was really lazy and didn’t want to do so much, I used only samples provided but modified it a little (I copied them to let anybody use the orginials),I really don’t like how the kick sound, but now it’s up to you.

kazakore: Your link seems to be set to private and i can’t dl it, all i get is “The folder you have tried to view is set to private and is not viewable!”

Edit: ah, i dl it from üav’s link :)
Sounds good, will be fun to work with, but a bit hard though because it already sounds like a finished tune. :walkman:

I did wonder about that for the Folder but the link for the individual file below should of worked at least (in first post.)

Will look into the Private Folders. When I first went to find a link it said something about it but then there was Share link so thought it might circumnavigate this. Will find where to set to Public…

EDIT: OK found it now and it says the folder was already Public so that is strange. Set to Private and back to Public so hopefully will work for you all…

I just noticed i’m supposed to hand this over to E.H.V.A.H. SDC today :panic:
I’m working on it and i’ll try to pass it over later today.

waant to hear that !! and DDRC15 too !

Sorry guys i fell asleep yesterday, will upload any minute now, i just need to decide if i should delete part of my work or if i’m able to fix my wrong doings as it kinda sucks donkey balls. :lol:

I’ll just upload it as it is, now good luck fixing it E.H.V.A.H. SDC! :lol:

I won’t get mad if you delete most of my work, my stuff at the end there got a bit out of hand. :D Just do what’s best for the song.

this behavior cannot be tolerated. no sleep for you!

seriously though, this seems to be rolling along quite nicely. my only ‘fear’ is that someone might not be checking the forums as faithfully as we obsessive guys do, and miss their turn. but it won’t be a problem as the next one can just take over.

haven’t listened to the current state of the track yet, but i’m sure instead of sucking donkey balls it will kick ass.

eff you cee kaay LOL i like it

Hehe, i’m so mature. :rolleyes:

Not shure if üav has got hair, but i’m afraid he’s gonna pull it out when he finds out what i did to his nice track. :D

I’m punishing myself now with…eh…beer…and, yeah…hash…oh, i’m too hard on myself.

surely üav has hair.

Not for long :P

That’s where the “Tag, You-re It” sending a PM to the next guy is meant to help, then the board should send them a helpful little email reminding them to check and get on it.

Plus this of course ;)

classic line (((;

Haha, Leslie Nielsen is something for himself. :lol:

My hair are still here but not my beard :)
I realllly was hoping someone say F.U.C.K and put a badass bassline in order to get out of the naivety side of my pads :)
Great job!