Dead Dog Collaboration Idea

I’m sorry about your beard then :lol:

Latest entry added to Mediafire folder.

Please check the syntax I’ve started using for the filename of each round and attempt to stick to it if you can.

“DDRColla1-RX(YYYYMMDD-Username.xrns” Where RX is the Round number of you turn. I should probably add preluding zeros as there is more than ten rounds…

i’m not sure if this is already happening in the song comments, but it would be nice if people wrote up a little of what they done to the song. could be good to see it in the forums too, as i would be interested and it would nicely display the progress made.

so, what did you do, why did you do it? you decided to add some samples? were you missing something or you just wanted to use that one cool sample you had laying around, or that one kickdrum you always use?

I can’t say i have written anything informational in the comments. Maybe we could upload to soundcloud so it’s easier to hear how the song is evolving?
I can say what i did here though:
First i added some to the existing melody and tried to find a way to transition into something else and in that attempt i literally f**k’ed it up, for good or worse. :D

big +1 great idea

OK, maybe eventually (possibly not until I have a new hard drive.) Changed from a Fedora 15 LXDE to XFCE Live CD and for some reason Flash wont work on it so currently can’t do anything with Soundcloud (or listen to any music from Youtube or the like, which I’ve been quite heavily relying on the last few days.)

knowing your computer problems I just created a special soundcloud for that, will send you id and pass.

Nice! :walkman:
Edit: hmmm, yours is much better mixed and i clearly have done something weird with the hihat. I compare with what i hear in Renoise and it sounds like a different mix, that’s strange.
Hmmm, i just rendered it myself now and it sounds very different from the one you uploaded üav, is it soundcloud that does this or have i uploaded the wrong file?

Would almost suggest using the Pattern Names section for short notes on things that could do with revision. Such as:

Transition needs work
Melody to be fixed
Variation to beat

Think you get the idea…

Yes, fix the hihat, or unfix my fixing i should say.

Hihat rythm is based on a delay wich is 16-6 lines with 0 offsets for mine and 16-5 line with -91% offset on the R line in your one. It’s a matter of taste.
Btw I just download-open-render-upload so you probably sent the wrong file :)

I don’t understand why it goes louder at 0:14, that doesn’t happen with the xrns i uploaded here when i play it off in Renoise. Something happens in the soundcloud conversion i suppose.

it’s because of your ducking technic, since there is no kick at the start of the song the xrns load the ducking track at -7dB (you probably pause the song when the fader was moving, stoped to 7db and saved), after the first kick it goes back to 3dB. I putted it back to 3dB and saved, know every time I re-open it, it stays at 3dB :)

Ah, of course, your clever üav, that needs to be fixed yes!

yes, good idea. this will definitely help with collaboration.

just saw that i need to pass this on today!!! wraaargh! i have yet to get anywhere with this shiznet :D
first thing in the morning rhowaldt

o wait. i have tomorrow to finish it as well.

yeah man, get to work! :)

nah it’s no big deal really… collaboration does not always mean adding a part to the song. you could also do some clean-up and touch-up and such.
anyway, i’ll look forward to it.

Yeah get it up at some point today so our friend rhowaldt can continue with it from tommorow :)


Except it isn’t in the thread yet! What happened to our deal?