Dead Dog Collaboration Idea

yeah he PM’ed the link to me. wait, i’ll do some magic here:

*** POOF! ***

haha i sent it to rhowaldt in a pm, sorry
i hoped it would be enough since i’m ashamed :P
neh here it is.

Cheers. I’ll get it to the dedicated Mediafire page soon. We’ll have to rely on Uav getting it onto the Soundcloud page just for now…

goddamn we had 3 people working on it and already over 2 minutes of song! we gotta watch out this is not turning into Longtrack 2.5 :slight_smile:

so i’ll probably add just a little in length (there is no intro, i love intros), but maybe remove something as well - what? :`(
nah we’ll see. will not have much of a chance to work on this until this weekend so will be thinking it over for the rest of the week :slight_smile:

i must say though, it already sounds pretty nice, quite a good vibe going there and nice sounds in it. i’ll also try and start on the more detailed song-comments so everyone knows what each of us has done to the song.

Sounds pretty nice :)
I think maybe the kick needs some adjustments as it sounds a bit hard and dominant some times.

i haven’t listened to it on my headphones yet, just through my laptop-speakers, so haven’t been able to hear the sounds in detail. will check this out though, as i said i’ll probably do a bit more tweaking than lengthen the song much further.

my time with this is nearly up, and will post the file here somewhere tonight.

i already added an intro and some variation to the drum (kick and snare mainly) patterns (you lazy copy-paste bastards! :))
also added some snare-samples (from the Beatslaughter pack) because there were too little.

i think we gotta watch out for the theme here. it is only logical for people to want to do their own thing, but it will not end up a coherent song. even though this is all in good fun, i still like to approach this as if it was a professional job, albeit a job working on a song with a bit experimental song-structure. still, whoever comes next and feels compelled to do this, should bring back some of the ‘theme’ that was done in the first couple of patterns back, or we’ll stray from the path completely.

just advice though, you can ignore it if you want :)

I updated
I’m really busy with my internship right now (I have to do something like controlling 40 indepedent speakers + lights under abletonlive-max/msp for an art installation, those guys are crazy!! XD)
Last submission sounds really great! great job E.H.V.A.H. SDC !

ok, i’m done with this. it is now up to Beat Fuhrer to work his magic.
here it is:

I’m on it Rho.

“Strange things happening is ace”, good job dudes!


Didn’t had the time to listen it completly 'cause I’m at work but Great intro ! is updated.
I hope Mr Beat Fürer will break some beats!

Great vibe! Can’t wait to start fiddling with it myself :lol:

Although I do agree with rhowaldt’s sentiments I think with the number of people we have working on the project something more like a “seemless EP” would be a way to think about it throughout, with tempo changes and repeated motifs etc helping hold it all together. Average addition per round is currently standing at a little under one minute and we already have some nice changes. Remember also that your part (assuming you do add new rather than modify) doesn’t have to go at the end but can always be inserted mid-point somewhere if it suits the style better.

Overall I think it is sounding really good though so want to say well done to everybody who has contributed so far! :D

Poor connection = double post.

i agree and think the idea of a ‘seamless EP’ is better than what is said.

Nice work guys, sounds good! :)

My link

Here it is, I think I’ve finished my “part”. A few tweaks here and there trying to make the whole thing punchier, I guess. And a little re-arrange of some parts, hope you don’t mind. Also a little uav-break-homage.

I miss some lead vocals ))

i hear ripley is an excellent singer.

ich libe dish mein Beat Führer

You still have a few more days if you wanted it.

28th June - 4th July = Beat Fuhrer

Otherwise no reason Ripley can’t crack on from now.