Dead Dog Collaboration Idea

things are getting out of hand üav X_D

I’m out those days, and still are lots of people to contribute so I think I leave it as it is, no matter how wrong that can be, maybe the next time I do more :`)

There is no wrong, you’ve done a part and let us know we can get onto the next person. Could even be done without doing anything if somebody realises as they are meant to start they actually will not have access or time for Renoise (giving next person two weeks, but that’s the way the cookie may crumble.) Not going to change published dates for people parts.

I have message Ripley with a link to your post with the file letting him know he can get started when ready and finish on normal date :)

not sure if it is your fault, but this title on the Soundcloud page is not right. it is simply the title of my file with ‘rhowaldt’ replaced with ‘BEATF’.

should be ‘DDRColla-R05-04072011-BEATF’

right I just uploaded the render provided by beat furher will fix that in a minute

hey all,

it’ my turn at the moment and i really like what you lot have done so far :) but i have a question. am i supposed to continue the song, so it gets longer and longer? or can i solely add/edit existing stuff? because i wouldn’t want to continue the song. after thinking what i could add i started something you may or may not like, but we’ll see when i’m finished :)

you are not ‘supposed’ to do anything. but this is not LongTrack, where everyone adds their own piece and that’s that. the invitation here is to edit as if it was your own song, so you are, in theory, completely free to delete all of it and start your own song. i just doubt you will make many friends that way :)

What Rhowaldt said. Do what you like but the main idea is to try and collaborate throughout the process, rather than stitch together multiple peoples’ work. But at the end of the day you are free to work on it however you wish.

So yes ripley, you can sing.

scratch that, ripley, you must sing! this song needs awesome vocals, and we all know that you have the beautiful angelic voice of a drunk truckdriver running over a cardboard box full of newborn kittens, so please feel obliged to do your part and just sing, sing, SING!

like ripley said, great stuff! good to hear where this is goin!

I’ve heard via td6d that unfortunately Ripley has had other life commitments and not managed to contribute to the piece over the last week. I will try and get to work from where Beat Fuhrer left off from tomorrow :)

OK only just got around to opening and having a look, takes a while to get your head around what is going on and I’ve made some subtle changes although mostly destructive or minor mixing matters. Not sure I’ll manage to add anything “creative” but here’s a rough rundown of what I’ve done so far.

Somebody had removed unused instrumets you reinstated them so we have the full range of samples to work from. (For some reason I am mising Rhowaldt’s entry but they are there in EHVAH-SDC’s and not in Beat Furher’s.) This is a Colab, not a competition entry, so please do not remove unused samples to save on file size.

Reduced track width to amount of note columns used to make easier to view (all were set to 4 no matter what.)

“Track 6” removed, half the notes out of range of the instruemnt, thus silent, and generally seemed a bit of a mess. I think it was an attempt at some snare/beat variation but something not qutie right happened to it…

Empty “Track7” removed.

58 onwards - weird ducking and removed automation on Master Volume as it didn’t work.

Removed a lot of the kick bass cut when bassline first comes in and adjusted bass level and ducking send level.

Adding some effects and automation to Pad track at intro.

Created second Ducking group (split higher frequencies/melody from bass and used vocal/fx to duck.)

Hopefully work will remain quiet this weekend and I’ll get another couple of hours at least to add bits. Assuming I’m not too hungover from my friend’s birthday celebration tonight…

Right I’m done and dusted.

A couple of days squeezing what I can in while at “work” just with the laptop and headphones so not a great effort I’m afraid.

Quite a lot of time spent trying to tidy up the sound a bit. Think I have quite improved some parts but the kick is currently clearly too loud and over-compressed (sorry not going to adjust further, listen, render and upload again etc) and some more tidying up needed.

Improved (restored) a couple of switches, small amount of variation work and added a tempo increase at the end. Couldn’t find a combination of existing snare sample and snare track that I liked for that style so yet another snare track created and all grouped together with a compressor.

Time for yourlocalloser to take the reigns!

And xrns:

ah quite nice kazakore! i hear loads of subtle changes, and i like the part you added at the end following the speed-up. i think we still gotta watch that this does not become too long, but i suppose you can’t escape that. it also feels a bit incoherent, with the switches and such, but i think we can’t escape that either, considering the amount of people working on this. maybe someone can do a great job at piecing it all together some more, but we’ll wait and see. either way, i am really enjoying this effort so far and already looking forward to the final result!

PM’ed yourlocalloser just now so hopefully he’ll pick it up soon. Posted that message minutes before leaving work last night to go to a comedy night and didn’t get home until 4am. Glad I did decide to post yesterday and not this morning after some final touches ;)

Just wondering – any news from yourlocalloser, is he/she working on it?

No response and:

“Last Read: Not yet read”

Although you can see messages from the email the board sends you and I have downloaded from my emails before. Still it’s not looking promising…

I’m absolutely in love with the first 1:54 of this track :wub:
When that acidlike melody comes in at about 0:45 I feel like drifting away on an 8-bit game cloud from 20 years ago…

Ok, I guess there are no changes made by yourlocalloser, I’m using kazakore’s version.

It’s very likely I won’t introduce any new musical ideas, there are already three or four songs in it. :lol:
I think today all I will do is listen to it again and again.