Dead Dog Collaboration Idea

good luck effdeeka! do your best/worst :)

Yeah unfortunately not heard from Yourlocalloser so think you will have to do so.

True but as I’ve said it’s best approached as a “seamless EP” rather than a single, collaborative song. Found most the parts seem to flow into each other OK but my faster part at the end could probably do with being eased into easier, or having something else leading into it for a while.

Isn’t listening to the same short piece again and again and AGAIN part of the joy of producing? Especially for your neighbours listening through the walls!

A small progress report so you know I’m working on it. ;)

:lol: Right!

First of all, I tried to NOT introduce yet another idea. ;)
I added to the end, because I like the sped up tempo, and I think it should be more than just a short part before the end. So I slightly lengthened kazakore’s part, then recycled üavs part with the pad and lead theme, which I think is really sweet. The transition seems smooth enough to me, added some chords. Üav, I think your’s is E-Major, right? (Anyway, that’s what I went for.) I transposed down and simplyfied things, while trying to keep the character of kazakore’s part. I like to dance! :) Ok, and I added an ending.

I also tried to re-order complete parts of the song, to get it more concise, but a) I don’t think it worked, and b ) I had to cut away some cool stuff in this process. As this didn’t work right, I better kept it the way it is. Maybe someone more pro than me can try. ;)

Three days left for some more tweeking, but probably not much more.

Edit: Wooh, excessive use of emoticons. ;)

Oh shit I completely forgot about this!! don’t worry I’ll do my homework ;) not sure how much I’ll be able to do given how busy I am at work ath the moment. But I’ll try. should be able to do more on my second round

Part of why I thought it would be good to do two passes through the interested parties. Meaning it matters less if you can’t put full effort into one of them and everybody will have a chance to work within the existing song structure (which I can see getting pretty large by the end of the thing!)

Damage done, here it is:

Really enjoyed working on it - for what I did in detail see post above.
Now on to some kicking and fighting, have fun!

Downloading and will update the main Mediafire page and Soundcloud shortly (should get it done today at least.)

You PMed kickofighto to let him know he’s good to go or should I do so?

Yes, I did.

PS. The individual files are accessable at mediafire, but the DDRColla main page/folder isn’t. Just wanted to point it out, I have all versions on my HD anyway.


Really? The symbol says it is set to Unlocked and I have tried toggling it before. Ahh think I might of taken wrong link. Try this one:
EDIT: Was the same link. Just made a custom link so try this and if it works will edit first post:

EDIT2: Ahhh had to change sharing mode from Basic to Extended to allow sharing of Folders at all. Now either link works when logged out for me just fine :)

Updated both Mediafire and Soundcloud and edited first post too.

Yeah, confirmed, works fine now, thanks!

Here I go! Weeeeee! :D

Ok …
I haven’t managed to do anything! Unreasonably busy in work at the moment. Was going to try anddo something tonight but far, far too tired…
Sorry everyone, see you in september hopefully.
Please pass the torch Kazacore.
Song’s already sounding great BTW :drummer: I’ll be checking in

I’m on it! :walkman:

Good work and good luck. Enjoy :)

Just realised we didn’t get a post from you before Tuesday. The Bellows is meant to have started by now. Did you do any work on it and if so where is the link to file?

Yeah, also wanted to ask – can’t wait to see how the track evolves!

Shame but that’s the way it goes. Still getting a fair sized track done and think it’s better having these slots (even if they get missed fairly often) than having open rounds and hands up for being passed onto, as the last attempt at LongTrack seemed to show as not working too well.

Ah sorry guys, time flies by and i haven’t done nothing yet. I guess it’s your turn rhowaldt.

Damn! Had kinda slipped my mind it was pass-the-baton day as well…

what? back to me again!?? damn that was fast… and at a moment when i’ve been going around the forums telling people i have absolutely no time to work on these kinds of things for the next 2 weeks! might as well pass it forward right this moment as i am sure i will not be able to do anything… oh my i sure hope this isn’t going to go down like the Titanic…