Dead Dog'S Renoise Competition Round 13

i’ve almost finished Beatles Rock Band in Career Mode today, Hard. then, at 22.00, i went for a walk with the dogs. came home, took a leak, rolled one up (for the uninitiated, that means “smook s’m f’cknnnnn wiiieed”); - then went a-trackin’. mugs are whistling around my head, but no worries, the headphones are on so they cannot hurt my ears.
now then.
i’ve got some - goddamn MUG ON MY NOSE!!!1!11!!#!1!!#1!!!

i’ve got some cool stuff going here, but i need to use the arpeggio-command. the BPM is fighting with the arpeggio-command, and i desperately want both. but the arpeggio-command is a little bitch who won’t go any damn faster, so i tried doing, i don’t know, a ‘sweep’ (so 128 lines of random arpeggio-code). sounded ok, i decided i wanted to try it more gradual, so i tried interpolating.

did not work.

posted this bug-report:

but, as you can clearly read there, this is intended behaviour, and it sucks, whether vV will see any value in my methods, or try to steal as you should with awesome ideas like that, or whether not.
however, this being the famed Dead Dog Renoise Competition (in its 13th round no less!), i decided i should learn from all the crap i need to deal with in life, and do what kazakore (the equally famed inventor of this magnificent competition) would do. improvise.

anyway, the rest is history, and i’ve been almost typing more than i have been tracking now, so i really should get moving. great samplepack, great rules, i still have to listen to your winning entry, but i believe you have deserved it effdeekaa.