Not exactly. The problem is that Duplex does not readily support this kind of display.
I do, however, know how to write to the display. I have working code (including text justification for 8 and 4 cells)
in my native Push extension. The code can be used by anyone wishing to do something related in Duplex.
If you are interested take a look at the thread Pusher: Renoise with the Push,
where I am more likely to be really active than in Duplex.
However, I have complete information about communicating with the Push and am willing to give advice and other infos.
Great!! Any such info would be really interesting to study.
And yes, LED text in Duplex is sort of half-finished - it is possible to control dynamic labels via the OSC protocol, but not MIDI.
Hopefully, Push would allow us to come up with a common interface between those two protocols
I’ll follow your thread in order to check the implementation details.
I haven’t looked into the specs for the controller, but doing a quick bit of research, I found this quote from the ableton website:
Doesn’t seem promising - they haven’t even published the MIDI specs
And, if that means that bi-directional communication is a no-go, then there really isn’t much that Duplex can do to support this controller.
Hm, perhaps some of you are also based around the Berlin area, so we could do a meetup?
Promovicz is, and (I think) involved with the Raumfahrtagentur hackerspace…could be a possibility.
In any case, I will study the documentation already listed in this topic and try to come up with something.
I also have a Push, and am willing to test, and am also a developer by trade who is familiar with Lua. Unfortunately, I do not live in Berlin, but can be available through Hangouts, Skype, or whatever is convenient for you.
This really need to happen. Please contact me and let me know how I can help.