I would like to hear your music made with Renoise or other Daws

I think with all the great vsts for mastering if we put some effort we can accomplish similar or better results but soundcloud did good to include such a service.My opinion on the streaming game is that i think music needs to be dressed with a good video so youtube is the ultimate service and free and when i have time i will be migrating all my songs there.

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This was about six months ago when i had just started making music and was still using abelton. I didnā€™t know much about mixing or composition, still donā€™t. i remember having those delusions of granduer with my songs, only to cringe when looking back on them.

But i had fun and was excited when i was making them, so i guess this is more of just a reflection of when i first had started out (i mean six months aint nothing when it comes to a skill or hobby, so i still am) and iā€™m looking forward to learning more and continue trying to just make some good music.

Sorry for the ramble style post, but i just wanted to share a bit of my experience with this great hobby we all shared.

If i could ask a question, what year did yā€™all start making music and what did you guys use and why did you want to get into the hobby at the time, or now? Iā€™m Core Gen Z, meaning i was born in 2005 and i just want to get some different perspectives and look at some different experiences from different times.


Where can I find the exporting config? And with ā€œnull testā€ you mean this, right? Very scientific. Guess I have to learn some more audio engineeringā€¦

All right, I just cutted the frequencies over 10KHz on 3 instruments, Hihat, Hat and one percussion. Somebody told me that in all my songs the highs are too ā€œharshā€. Never heard that before (I just heard ā€œgreatā€ from everybody, including professionals), so I tried something out. The only thing I know is that the highs are getting a little bit more intense or louder after rendering the song (not much, but that much that you can hear the difference), especially when it comes to Hihats. Thatā€™s all. And now Iā€™ve heard from somebody else that without cutting the highs it would sound better. I guess I have to do what Iā€™m already doing all the time because I want to do it the way Iā€™m doing it. :wink:

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Hello Manuel.To me personal music isnt just a hobby is a need from within that i always had inside me.I remember singing from a very early age but i didnt know that i could also make songs until a few years ago(i am now 41) when i finally gave Renoise a chance.I messed with a lot of Daws but those didnt feel right for me but Renoise did.My advise to you is do what i didnt, you are very young so you learn faster.Learn piano, does not matter if you will become a super player you will need to know how notes/scales/chords work to make a song and going hands on with an instrument is the best way.Hell if you want even better results learn guitar too.Learn the Daw of your choice as better as possible so you dont waste time thinking what does what all the time,this will kill your creativity.Listen to all genres of music even some you dont like,there is always something in there for us composers and when i say listen i mean really pay attention on what the instruments are doing and ask your self questions why they are doing it at any given time in a the song.I always start Renoise with a complete blank project and that makes me make songs out of the ordinary. Use the internet to your advantage you kids these days have all the info in front of you dont let the web use you.Youtube is full with tutorials and there is always this forum if you need any help


Thanks, one of the things Iā€™ve been trying to learn online is some basic music theory, but i know eventually i should probably learn how to use a instrument. My mom bought me a midi keyboard when i was 13, it would be best to put in the time to at least get a little familiar with it.

Thanks for the advice and i good luck with your musical journey.


Not my usual style, but i did this as a ā€˜practiceā€™ and the vocals are just too damn good.
-aaaand there are prizes :smiley:

you can download it for free without tag - if that is annoying

i did the whole song today (from arrangement perspective)
mixing-wise, there is no dedicated production except some general masking, which you can hear obviously


i thought that deadline was now, but itā€™s tomorrow, and if you look close enough, those muted tracks - arenā€™t intended to be muted, itā€™s just that i rushed too much that i forgot to revise all instruments parts :smiley:

What do you think guys?

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A glitch track I made a few months ago with mostly sample processing on Ableton Live + Bitwig. Most samples were taken of Death Gripsā€™ ā€œNiggas on the moonā€ and processed with grain delay (with tons of modulations) and Glitchmachinesā€™ Quadrant VST.

I was kinda obsessed with The Colour Out of Space tale by Lovecraft and near-death experiences, so I tried to tell a story with the track. Is it an alien abduction? Or just a near-death experience? Heck, I donā€™t know. Take your own guesses hahahah.

Btw, I havenā€™t mastered it, so the EQing is kinda crap. Might try the new mastering function provided by SC (the track by @TheBellows made me wanna try it).

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Man this is fire and agree the vocals are superb

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I liked how you slowly built this track but kept it interesting.Keep them coming

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This is Renoised


Thatā€™s some damn good music friend.Good mixing too,sounds great in my phone but I will hear it later at my good speakers at home and I think it will sound even better there


If i could ask a question, what year did yā€™all start making music and what did you guys use and why did you want to get into the hobby at the time, or now? Iā€™m Core Gen Z, meaning i was born in 2005 and i just want to get some different perspectives and look at some different experiences from different times.

Thatā€™s a good point. Could be interesting to read about the stories of the guys here in this forum. So Iā€™ve created a thread, you can find it here. Itā€™s similar to this one, but itā€™s more detailed and not only based on Renoise. :wink:

Thanks hehe.

@Garf the mix is on your track is VERY good. Congrats. EQ on point.

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nice one! thanks for sharing <3 that track made me think and do nothing for 4 minutes :stuck_out_tongue:

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Also if you do a ā€œlive renderā€? You always can use mrecorder to catch EXACTLY how itā€™s playedā€¦ But I am unsure if this actually is required, since dblue multiple times explained what could change on a (offline-)render. Are you rendering to a different sample rate than played? A lot of VSTi/VSTs still have bugs regarding samplerate inside, I lately was surprised about that again, so the tonality can totally change, if you switch the samplerate. I also think some deprecated Renoise filters are samplerate dependent, too. Are you using Renoise 3.2?

Here is my latest noise:

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Never thought about the samplerate in this context, but in some cases it might be the point. Mostly I keep everything in 16bit, but Iā€™ve got some samples in 24bit, too. And I only use samples when it comes to the drums, so it could be that some Hihats in 24bit were used here and there. I will check this. Rendering is always taking place in 16bit. But it canā€™t be caused by an offline render, because I always render in realtime. Rendering offline is causing too many faults, for example most delays are out of tune after rendering offline. I could also record everything with No23 Recorder, but Iā€™ve never done this before. And yes, currently Iā€™m using Renoise 3.2.1.

Yes, nice one. Reminds me of the good old times when cracktunes and demoscene tunes were big on Amiga. It also has some SID feeling. But not only that, it adds some nice electronic vibes in a top quality, too. Itā€™s also very well composed, everything fits together perfectly. Great tune!

8 years ago I did something in a similar style, but without the nostalgic part:

I would consider it to be ā€œElectronicaā€.


some futuristic experimental stuff
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Sorry for all of the demos, but this is the song iā€™ll be releasing in a couple of weeks. I kinda got caught up in VSTs and using a bunch of different plugins, so instead, iā€™m starting over and going back to using stock effects. As always feedback appreciated and if thereā€™s anything work on in terms of composition or mixing, feel free to say. Right now iā€™m just trying to get the bass and 909 distorted kick to be present in the mix.

Thank you for taking the time to listen and i hope you can find some enjoyment out of whatā€™s here.

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Need some work on the panning but the track sounds promising.I will be waiting to hear the final version