Why has the instrument box have to be changed in 2.7?
It was a big plus for renoise, to see all the chopped samples direct under the instrument.
Same for instrument envelopes. I would rather see a extra tap next to the mixer than how it is implemented now.
It feels cluttered and unhandy.
Sorry that I feel that way.
Bring it back the way it was !
It was good !
I feel that the new layout with the instruments moved to lower tab and the envelopes also there needs getting used to, if only the lower tab could be expanded. Than we have more room to draw in the envelopes for automation, custom lfo’s & instrument envelopes.
I do miss it a the moment but that’s cause i’m on this little netbook and I can’t drag muliple samples due to only being able to see on part of the screen at a time . Other than that I love the new set up .
I like the new layout, but when working on a netbook (which I do regularly) adding new samples is very annoying. Please fix this before the final release if possible!
I do like the new layout, the things that you can control around with though can be improved vastly better, but i have high hopes in the next revisions there will be room for these improvements so i’m currently not worrying about the new layout.
And i think that the input of a lot of users shall take care that the changes won’t go too much astray from what people want. The software is made for you guys so your input sincerely counts, we just cant make everybody happy though so everybody has to agreee with some compromises or even sacrifices here and there on their own personal area.
You allways need to spend quite some time to get used to a new workflow/design.
However, I think that if you could expand the size of the lower part up, this would be better than
moving them back up?
But for me this is a no big deal at all. I like it the new way.
And i think that the input of a lot of users shall take care that the changes won’t go too much astray from what people want. The software is made for you guys so your input sincerely counts, we just cant make everybody happy though so everybody has to agreee with some compromises or even sacrifices here and there on their own personal area.
Ofcourse, that is why the poll so it will be visible what the thoughts on this subject are.
I feel renoise is very democratic so…
I hope for a future option to expand the instrument box in the middle panel; since the XRNI structure is going to change iand become more complex, it is highly probable that an advanced set of features will be made avaiable in an expanded view in the middle panel; with the current set of features, I feel like the new layout is an improvement because it let’s you have a glance at both the instrument editor and pattern editor concurrently
I feel the new layout is a mixed bag: I lose the ability to edit my DSP chain and edit my instrument envelopes at once. (In my workflow, I tend to isolate instruments to tracks, and the dsp effects are intended for that one instrument used in that track. So in my mind, the instrument envelopes and the dsp chain are tightly coupled and should be editable at once.) But as you said, I gain a new pattern-ed + instrument-ed view I never had before so I’ll see what that brings to the table…
Catch 22 for me really,leaning slightly more towards the way it was.The huge downside to it is the way the instrument editor has changed imo.I liked being able to see all the samples directly pinned underneath an instrument in the sample bay and also the envelopes are now squashed into the bottom making it feel very cluttered.I do like the new additions though!!I would prefer just and extra tab beside the instrument editor instead of the editor being squashed down the bottom.Anybody else feel like this???
Add current selection to instrument (drums)
Add current selection to instrument (overlapmode (all samples on top of eachother, all across the whole keyrange)
Add current selection to instrument (sample per octave or whatever)
I just can’t understand one thing, why while scrolling instrument box it affetc scrollbar, but not move for one sample forward or backward, as it was?
It is think that i have used all the time, and i think it’s much more cool, than scrollbar and then press on needed sample…
Don’t know, but please back the scroll function in this box as it was!
yeah, also would rather have the scrollwheel go through the samples as it would speed up workflow, luckily you can still scroll through the samples in the sample editor window. Check next to the ‘auto-select played’ toggle.