Is Jabbanoise dying? (no, it is not) [NSFW]

I find it funny how somebody can complain about the most recent interview being of Cristian Vogel and complain about the emphasis being too much industrial glitch hardcore music at the same time!! (yes I know the main complaint was time since the interview but the tone of the post makes me think he hasn’t a clue what music this is)

All this topic you are trying to say that everything is OK. You turn attention not to the main things! (“3 posts”, “we are renoisers” and so on). After that you say - these advices are silly and others, inspired by your emotional arguments suggested to close topics like this. But I dont think that this is good. Let me explain.

  1. I never heard about the contests like dead dog etc and read about it on this page. Why are they NOT at news section or at blog?!
  2. I really think that because of renoise creators are composing music at the same time - this community is really too much glitchcore or something like that.

OK, forget my tone, forget everything but please - lets try to improve something in that ways! Why are you missed my proposal with kickstarter? Or with different music styles vocabulary or some tutorials like “DNB at 5 minutes”? I really think that renoise is SIMPLIER than some modern and expensive DAWS. Lets move this idea not just here, in the deep waters of already renoise users.

If I can help somehow - no problem. But I am newbie and as you see my English is awful)


Forgive me, but for me - Vogel is one more experiment with different kinds of noises. HUNZ is totally different and when I heard his compositions - for me it is really another edge of Renoise. Like old times when fasttracker was everything - from pop to symphony.

All I want is that there are new releases with some new features. All I want is Renoise to be alive. “Life” means “change”. Some musicians will be happy to learn about the new tricks their unicorn learned while they were tracking new music. Other musicians will continue using their old unicorn, as it still tracks their music pretty well. What unifies the musicians is the fact that they don’t want their unicorn to be turned into a pony that every teenager girl (or boy) takes interest in for it being cute and making funny noises.

If change means putting a pony costume onto a unicorn, I don’t want it - I would rather have a stuffed unicorn.

Once again. You are already “in the club”! Renoise have some advantages for total newbies so it is not a good tactic - release new 2.8 version and then totally ignore your only official way of communication FOR ONE YEAR

I think everyone agrees with the point about updating on the main page. Maybe a few people would be less agitated if the staff talked about proposed changes more but to be honest, I’d keep using Renoise if the whole project died simply because it does what I want very well, and that’s been true since version 1.9.

For tutorials, I typed “Renoise Tutorial” into YouTube’s search

There are also some under “Blog” at, including some workflow and beat-making tutorials. They could stand to be a little closer to the front page, but they are there.

If advocacy is what you want, please start with yourself and advocate. Tell your friends about Renoise, why you like it, why you use it, and help them learn it. If you are not willing to do this, don’t bother the staff; it isn’t their goal. This software is almost free, clearly it is not intended to be a commercial endevour.

For competitions, try Competitions & Collaborations.

For a DJ tool or external .xrns player that can be turned into one, please offer to help the staff code it. More than a few people would like one.

For an encrypted .xrns/.xrni format, I suggest forgetting about it, it is against the spirit of tracking.

I hope that I haven’t said anything inappropriate here or put words in people’s mouths where I shouldn’t have. Sorry about bumping the thread.

On one side, I can agree with author of the thread that marketing of the Renoise could improve, a bit.

On the other one - as long as Renoise is profitable for authors enough to keep it growing - personally I don’t give a fak - I discovered Renoise and as user don’t really need anyone pushing me into using it more ;)

And yes, not everyone goes above 1200RPM/BPM ;)

Cheers for everyone and happy new 1996 year!

Renoise can’t be dying, it’s already dead, living dead. Trackers died at some point and then suddenly it came back to life in the form of Renoise, when it leaked out to the churchyard of nerds. Always looking for fresh brain. :P/>

If you were attacked by zombies and had to fight with old gear like old vinyl records, what would you use as a weapon ?

Just info.

TRIAGRUTRIKA of TGK. Russian rap band from Chelyabinsk (Ural) with “self-made rap” but many fans.
Renoise here - (is this Renoise?)
And home-video about beats in Renoise(!) from Triagrutrika beat-maker here (with 50k views):

At 2011 they sign a contract for concerts with Gazgolder label (owner - one of the most popular russian rappers - Basta)

Other videos:…h?v=I-lAIuYPFb8 (2 million views)…h?v=MWY5PmBzwlc

Very cool!! Yes, “I believe the beats and many of the instruments were sequenced, and sampled with Renoise.” I think the vocals, may have been tracked in something else. Cubase? Perhaps, during rewire… Who knows.

It doesn’t matter if the vocals, where done in something else.

I think the music is really cool. I watched all the vids, I skimmed a little… I’m definitely ready for a beer in Russia.

Thanks for sharing, good stuff.

the main melody is a sample i had halready listened a song with this melody in a tracks by rocca a french singer many years ago

but it seems like there are some producers in the song forum, who may be further along in their Renoise Journeys. I’m happy these guys are having success, but it does seem like they could use a bit more practice, to really get their beats nice. The sampling is done well. The beats, “they could be evolved a little bit more.”

I’ve heard a lot of music from the group, ( Renoise Song Forum Group ), that is impressive for its structure, arrangement, as well as advanced production technique…

Edit again… I don’t want to be too critical of it, but really the minute you start to looking for, “endorsements,” you have to begin to ask yourself, “is this in the spirit of the community, and also on the level, of achievement with music, that the community is on.”

I’d really question any beat that lacked: velocity, swing, and a tight snappy kick.

you are giving away pro-level super crunk production secrets, just like that? tsk tsk…

I hate it when that happens, i’ve lost a few vinyls that way and it’s a pain in the ass. :P

Wow… threads with pictures like that should come with a warning! Especially if you’re reading the forum at work. embarrased enought to light up the whole office

My co-workers are laughing their butts off right now…

Some perspective?

Renoise Vs. Sunvox

Renoise Vs. Ableton

“Lard Is Dead” -Niche.

That’s actually really interesting. I think the trend in Sun Vox has a lot to do with it’s increasing popularity on Mobile Devices.