Mutant Breaks Compo



Montreal based Trotch Recordings held a music contest with the theme “Mutant Breaks : The reckless pursuit of utopia at all costs, even utopia.”

Nine tracks have been received from all over the world. We (one guy) are very pleased with the caliber of the work. Obviously we have a strong bias but this is by far the greatest Renoise competition in the history of mankind. Each track brings their own flavor of breakbeats and experimentation, and each are pretty effing good. Conner_bw, a person who’s opinion you don’t give a shit about, will be taking a couple of weeks to judge and pick a winner. In reality, Conner_bw will be asking his friends to judge and he will base his decision on that. That’s right, celebrity judges! Minus the whole you probably never heard of our (one guy) friends part.

If you want to listen to the tracks, all free, they’re available here:

The songs are XRNS Renoise modules. When you download the tracks and load them up in Renoise you can poke and prod them all you want. And in case you didn’t know…


  • is a music composition tool
  • has a unique approach when compared to mainstream sequencers
  • delivers professional results
  • works on all your computers (Windows, Macintosh, Linux)
  • has a vibrant international user community
  • rocks the mad hours, so hit the showers

Get the Renoise Demo to listen to the tunes. It’s a free demo, what are you waiting for?!

Questions? Opinions? Comments? Spelling mistakes? Post them here.

Conner for Prez.

BotB, what’s polder?

Right on! I will put this on the page (ogg compressed to fall under 5 MB) as soon as possible.


PS: For anyone else. I will accept submissions until tomorrow morning, when I wake up.


A polder is land, stolen from the ocean.
It’s basically something associated with Holland.

Nice 1. :)

Alright, deadline reached. I won’t be accepting submissions anymore. 11 tracks total received. Thanks everyone. I will announce the winner in a couple of weeks. Talk amongst yourselves, group hug, all that.

Looking forward to listening to the entries…tonight…LOUD :slight_smile:

Was the master panning intentional in your song? Sounds much better to me if centered back.

Ah ha! -smacks forehead!
lately the extension cable for my headphones has been cutting into mono, haven’t found the time to go to the elctronics surplus.
-i must have did that trying to compensate,
i was curious of why a certain low pitch kick sounded distorted,
haha and after adjusting the pan, i don’t hear it anymore!
You are right Beatslaughter, it sounds much better!

note to self:
-re-check & re-recheck.

I sped up JBL’s awezom entry and added some stuffs on the master… he told me to post the results here :P…(BYTE-Fux).xrns

I listened to all the entries…some really cool stuff happening there guys, good job!

Patto, i especially liked your piece, i’ve got it saved on my desktop for a day when i really have a chance to pick it apart. I think i’ll really be able to learn a thing or two from your technique.

mine is botb, followed by syflom.

oh BYTE, thanks for posting what you did, I think it sounds much better at that bpm.

good work all,some real killer stuff there!
i would choose syflom as the winner though

syflom’s track is great, as far as technique goes. theres a LOT going on in there. but it has no atmosphere. No offense syflom, your tune is GREAT, but it just doesnt do it for me :)

I dig the voice of god tune a lot… but i havent listened to them all yet!

Ya… my song is a complete fail… it has to be played BYTE’S way.

I wanted to make some slow breaks but when you hear them you feel like they are slowed down… sounds much better at 650 bpm.

no way, its not a complete fail, man! its good. Your song was the first one i listened to, and i dug it. I think it could have more in the middle to keep interest, but its a good song.