New Tool (2.7 & 2.8): Slices To Pattern

it might be too much to ask but would it be feasible to have it quantize as close as it can in terms of lpb without delay numbers? that might be kinda hard??? idk, i’m not nearly as tech savvy as half of you dudes

Yo , since vV created a script that renders slices to a new instrument ( New Tool (2.7): Render Slices To New Instrument ). Is it possible you have your slices to pattern script also work with these type of rendered slices? Would be great! :)

This’d be amazing

this seems really cool but i cant really understand how to use it… first off I cant open the file? (i use 2.7.1 ofcourse…)

First, save the file org.illformed.SlicesToPattern.xrnx to your computer somewhere (your desktop for example).

To install the tool, drag the .xrnx file from wherever you saved it directly into Renoise’s main window.

To use the tool, read the info in my first post.

Thanks! This was exactly what I needed, once I figure out how to set the pattern lines thing properly (my loop plays much too slow).

But why is it “Slices to Pattern” not “Slices to Track”? I looked for it in first the Column submenu, then the Track menu, last in the Pattern menu. :)

Best renoise tool yet. Doing it manually WAS a pain in the ass.

Slices To Pattern v1.01:
1788 org.illformed.SlicesToPattern.xrnx

Thank you

renoise.tool():add_midi_mapping {  
 name = "Pattern Editor:Pattern:Slices To Pattern",  
 invoke = function()  
 local song_pos =  
 if (song_pos.line > 1) then = false  
 song_pos.line = 1 = song_pos  

Nice. Now I just press a pad on the MPKMini and the slices get mapped to first row of pattern automatically.

Aside from its intended use, this is actually a really really great compositional tool, especially for poly bpm since you can see the beat markers move as you move the bpm.

It may be possible to use this for live purposes as well, if:

  1. adding a marker went directly to pattern or making a series of markers then hitting go.
  2. option to view one sample but make markers on a ghost sample, presumably an empty one.

hey dblue, i miss your tool BADLY in 2,8! hope you’ll be able to update sometime soon.


me too 8)

Added the 2.8 tool to the first post. No new features for now, but I do have a few in progress that I will hopefully release in an update soon. I will probably also be renaming the tool to “Slices to Track”, which is more accurate.

wohoo, thanx !!!

wohoo, thanx !!!

edit: got a error as i used this tool the second time (first time all worked flawless), second time i used 100 percent slice and have used finetuned +80 for basesample

it HAVE mapped about 85% of the sample to the track. rest is empty. btw, could you rename the “slice to pattern” to “slice to track” ? because pattern is a little bit confusing, because the pattern ~= track .
however, great tool!

yeeeeeah. thx for updt :]


Curious what features you’re adding, any progress on this one?

This is terribly useful… thank you dblue!

I guess it can’t work once slices are destructively rendered? Not a huge deal—would be nice. Either way, thank you very much; this tool helps keep ReNoise as powerful as any of the (more expensive) beat slicer tools out there. :)

this is what i was looking for… thanks for the tool