New tool (3.0, 3.1): Noodletrap

Haha, ‘sumprunk’ what a name. :smiley:

Weird, I quickly tried to look into this but now I can’t seem to recreate the behavior.

Perhaps I did try some other combination of settings than the default.

By the way:

Funny thing is this does create phrases, but they seem to be empty but when I try to select them the whole program crashes!

By crash, do you mean that Renoise itself crashes? No tool should be able to take down Renoise, this is a serious issue

If this is the case, perhaps you can post the last bit of the log file? You can find it under the menu “Help > Show log file”

Funny thing is this does create phrases, but they seem to be empty but when I try to select them the whole program crashes!

this has been reported and fixed for 3.1 if I remember correctly, I think double clicking a phrase crashes renoise, single click selection works.

Just got around to trying out Noodletrap as I need to get some ‘lick my lovepump’ style stuff done on piano … but the tool doesnt seem to be working in 3.1.0 b4

It’s greyed-out in the tool list.



Here is a version that should work with 3.1

It’s the previous version, though (v0.93 as opposed to 0.94). I think you’ll have problems if you want to record monophonically.


Here is a version that should work with 3.1

It’s the previous version, though (v0.93 as opposed to 0.94). I think you’ll have problems if you want to record monophonically.

Seems to throw this error every time I try to record a noodle :

C:\Users\dlambourne\AppData\Roaming\Renoise\V3.1.0\Scripts\Tools\com.renoise.Noodletrap.xrnx\main.lua’ failed in one of its notifiers.

Please contact the author (danoise ( for assistance…

.\classes/NTrap.lua:351: variable ‘RNS_BETA’ is not declared

stack traceback:

[C]: in function ‘_error’

[string “local mt = getmetatable(_G)…”]:29: in function <[string “local mt = getmetatable(_G)…”]:24>

.\classes/NTrap.lua:351: in function ‘_reset_recording’

.\classes/NTrap.lua:328: in function ‘cancel_recording’

.\classes/NTrap.lua:292: in function ‘toggle_recording’

.\classes/NTrapUI.lua:968: in function <.\classes/NTrapUI.lua:967>

.\classes/NTrap.lua:351: variable ‘RNS_BETA’ is not declared

Hm, that shouldn’t be there. Let me just check and put out an “official” new version

Yup, I posted the wrong version. Sorry about that!!

But I just uploaded v0.95 - with official support for Renoise 3.1.

Have fun noodling :slight_smile:

‘C:\Users\XXX\AppData\Roaming\Renoise\V3.1.0\Scripts\Tools\com.renoise.Noodletrap.xrnx\main.lua’ failed in one of its notifiers.
The notifier will be disabled to prevent further errors.

Please contact the author (danoise ( for assistance…

std::runtime_error: ‘internal error. failed to resolve a phrase mapping for a phrase.’
stack traceback:
[C]: ?
[C]: in function ‘__index’
[string “do…”]:37: in function <[string “do…”]:35>
.\classes/NTrap.lua:867: in function ‘_attach_to_phrase’
.\classes/NTrap.lua:928: in function ‘_obtain_selected_phrase’
.\classes/NTrap.lua:843: in function ‘_attach_to_instrument’
.\classes/NTrap.lua:780: in function ‘attach_to_song’
.\classes/NTrapUI.lua:111: in function ‘show’
.\classes/NTrap.lua:369: in function ‘show_dialog’
main.lua:81: in function main.lua:74

‘C:\Users\XXX\AppData\Roaming\Renoise\V3.1.0\Scripts\Tools\com.renoise.Noodletrap.xrnx\main.lua’ failed in one of its notifiers.
The notifier will be disabled to prevent further errors.

Please contact the author (danoise ( for assistance…

std::runtime_error: ‘internal error. failed to resolve a phrase mapping for a phrase.’
stack traceback:
[C]: ?
[C]: in function ‘__index’
[string “do…”]:37: in function <[string “do…”]:35>
.\classes/NTrap.lua:867: in function ‘_attach_to_phrase’
.\classes/NTrap.lua:928: in function ‘_obtain_selected_phrase’
.\classes/NTrap.lua:843: in function ‘_attach_to_instrument’
.\classes/NTrap.lua:780: in function ‘attach_to_song’
.\classes/NTrapUI.lua:111: in function ‘show’
.\classes/NTrap.lua:369: in function ‘show_dialog’
main.lua:81: in function main.lua:74

How did you make it happen?

Edit: Ah, think I know…

Put out a quick fix (v0.96)

Sorry for the inconvenience :slight_smile:

Great stuff, will try this out ASAP. No need to say sorry, you’re doing this stuff for free :slight_smile: I thank you for your efforts!

No need to say sorry

Since I’m pushing updates to people who might have the tool updater running I think it’s fair.

I’m using you all as guinea pigs :badteeth:

The current version has some issues in 3.1 that I still need to address. It’s due to the way the new phrase mapping system works - you can now have unmappedphrases, which means that deleting a phrase via Noodletrap can cause an error somewhere down the line.

So basically,if you are using Renoise 3.1be cautious whendeleting phrases while using the tool

How did you make it happen?

Edit: Ah, think I know…

thx a lot, danoise, bug is fixed! :slight_smile:

It would be excellent if the duplex step sequencer could print to phrases like this- that way each sequence and instrument was its own self contained instrument. It would also allow sequences of various lengths to run concurrently. Obviously the phrases would probably have to have a size limit

Any chance this tool could not pop-up without being asked to?

Seems to auto-envoke when Renoise launches. I get that might be by design but it would be nice not to have to close the tool GUI every time you fire Renoise up.

Any chance this tool could not pop-up without being asked to?
Seems to auto-envoke when Renoise launches. I get that might be by design but it would be nice not to have to close the tool GUI every time you fire Renoise up.

Isn’t there a setting for it in the tool?

Yes there totally is!

It’s in ‘settings’ :slight_smile:

Thanks - I feel stoopid now.

Noodletrap doesnt see my midi input (Taktile-25). Why? :slight_smile: