New Tool (3.0): Vsti From Menu

I’ve just moved all of the CachedAUs_x64.db files from the Renoise preferences and I’m rebuilding them at the mo. Hopefully that’ll help find them all again! If not, it’s not the end of the world - nothing that I can’t do again. It’s just a few EQs and stuff. :)

All sorted with the missing plugins now :). It took me a few rescans and things, but everything’s now working again!

Good stuff!

if you want to risk it again could you try?:[1].plugin_properties:load_plugin("Audio/Generators/AU/aumu:0xF1D41450:NVTa")  

Just ran it and it’s looking good - Iris (Automap) was loaded successfully into slot 00 in a blank project, then I reloaded the current project I’m working on and all plugins have loaded properly. :D

[quote=“Ledger, post:78, topic:31023”]
Attachment 3409 not found.

Progress! Hows this working now?

It’s all looking good here - no errors on installation, all instruments listed with their proper names, and all of them load without any errors too. Nice work, sir! Is it effects next?

One thing I’m not bothered about at all, but I’m not sure if it’s supposed to work like this so I’ll mention it anyway, is that the AUs and VSTs are all together in one menu rather than separated into plugin type.

Great! Will maybe split the VSTs and AUs later but yes just got to apply the new procedures to the fx code now.

Can’t wait! Glad this is working out!

Wow… This is really good. Thanks Ledger


Glad this is still useful for people, in all honesty not a tool I use a lot myself - old habits die hard navigating to instrument tab…

Ok now Automap fx should show up too:

Attachment 3411 not found.

Hey Ledger - thanks for all the work you’re putting into this! It’s very much appreciated!

I’ve really just started using Renoise as a full DAW in the last couple of weeks. I’ve only ever used it Rewired into other DAWs as a drum machine up until this burst of activity with it; I’m preparing for a live set, and I thought I’d see what I could do using Renoise and nothing else, and from the results I’ve been getting so far I’m very much regretting not getting deeper with it a long time ago… Tools like yours are great - because I’m not necessarily used to doing something a certain way yet, it’s great to have a way of doing something simple (like going through a list of instruments) which feels a little more natural to me than the way the Renoise manual tells you to do something. Once again, your work (and everyone else who’s written the tools I’ve only just started discovering) is very much appreciated here! :)

Anyway, after all that gushing I hate to do this, but I get another error after installing the new version with FX…

After it installs there are only 3 FX listed, but at least there’s something there! :)

Hopefully we can get this sorted for you though this error is a little confusing. There is a test in the code at this point to stop double menu entries attempting to be added .

[s]Could I ask you to:

  1. Uninstall my script (via toolbrowser)
  2. Do a rescan of all your plugins
  3. Re-install my script

If that fails please could you run this in testpad and post results back here


thanks [/s]

His error seem to indicate Fx plugins, not instrument plugins…

I see the problem, find the three differences in both code blocks:

 if not renoise.tool():has_menu_entry(menu_entry) then  
 -- add mixer entries  
 renoise.tool():add_menu_entry {  
 name = "Mixer:"..menu_entry,  
 invoke = function() load_vst(i) end  
 --add DSP Lane entries   
 renoise.tool():add_menu_entry {  
 name = "Track DSPs Chain:"..menu_entry,  
 invoke = function() load_vst(i) end  
 --add DSP Device entries   
 renoise.tool():add_menu_entry {  
 name = "DSP Device:"..menu_entry,  
 invoke = function() load_vst(i) end  
 if not renoise.tool():has_menu_entry("Mixer:"..menu_entry) then  
 -- add mixer entries  
 renoise.tool():add_menu_entry {  
 name = "Mixer:"..menu_entry,  
 invoke = function() load_vst(i) end  
 if not renoise.tool():has_menu_entry("Track DSPs Chain:"..menu_entry) then  
 --add DSP Lane entries   
 renoise.tool():add_menu_entry {  
 name = "Track DSPs Chain:"..menu_entry,  
 invoke = function() load_vst(i) end  
 if not renoise.tool():has_menu_entry("DSP Device:"..menu_entry) then  
 --add DSP Device entries   
 renoise.tool():add_menu_entry {  
 name = "DSP Device:"..menu_entry,  
 invoke = function() load_vst(i) end  

Yes must be getting near my bedtime!

Yes thanks, I see the root of the menus is missed in my single bool test.

Please wait for 0.79 Morpion

Shall do. I went to bed last night before I noticed your request to run a script, but I’m guessing it’s OK now since it’s all crossed out and stuff.

Hi Morpion, yes, please try:

3417 ledger.scripts.VstiFromMenu_Rns280_V0.81.xrnx

Works like a charm here (Win7).

Ledger, my man, you’ve done it. This is brilliant - I love the fact that the FX are split into their own folders (VST, Native, AU), and all plugins are listed with their proper names, Automap ones included. Excellent work! The instruments all still appear in the same folder, but if it’s any trouble at all to split them up into VST and AU, then just leave it how it is; it’s great the way it is.

And that, ladies and gentlemen, is how you debug a Renoise plugin! I’ve learned quite a lot from this myself, even though I’ve got no intention of writing any scripts at any point in the future… :)

Thanks once again for this - I can see this really helping my workflow for a long time to come!

Thanks for testing Drop Shadow!


Great Stuff!

Lets not forget vV`s contributions which helped speed the whole process, so thanks to him! Will probably split the AUs from the VSTs in the instrument list now so keep an eye on this thread, I will release for testing here before putting on the tools page. As a result of all this tinkering the tool should be a little more robust and thanks to new API values easier to maintain.

Never say never on the scripting , I hadn`t touched any code before scripting in renoise - not that it was an easy thing to learn, however theres a few of us newbs hacking away! More are always welcomed! :)

Edit: Oh if you ever do fancy dipping your toes into Lua there are a couple of beginners guides linked in my sig:

Now should add VST/DSSI/AU instruments to different menu: