Modified version with two commands
"Jump to send"
"Jump from send"
It is actually now some kind of “multi-jump” with support for multiple sends
-> Select a track with one or more sends, call “Jump to send” (key or track context menu)
-> first send will be selected
-> again call/press “Jump to send”
-> next send target track targeted from source will be selected (if source track had more than one send devices). So you can step thru all sends easily, just by re-pressing the shortcut.
-> if no more targets, first send track will be selected
-> The same vice versa. Here of course use the shortcut “Jump from send” instead.
-> For version 1.3++: It supports jumping from track->send->send etc. To preserve the stepping thru one source->multi target routing, for these multi serial routings you have to click the source track first (e.g. a send track that may be targeted itself and targets another send), to make it a source. See note below.
Status messages:
-> always shows the current routing, including how many other routing are available.
-> flashes the source track. If no flashing, no target is there.~~Color flashing was disabled, since color changes are now written into undo history, so it would flood the history.
Recent V1.3b: Attachment 6919 not found.
Minor bugfix which should prevent error message that sometimes appeared after loading a song.
V1.3 beta 2: Attachment 5856 not found.
** ATTENTION (ONLY V1.3 beta 2 and below) **
Since Renoise 3.1b5 color changes will be written to undo history. So you need to disable color flashes for fluent working by changing one line in JFTS.lua:
JFTS.useFlash = false
Bugfixed renoise opening bug. You need to rebind hotkeys.
This version now supports jumping from a send targeting another send, so jumping track->send->send etc. It works like the version below, only if there is a routing using two or more sends in series, the behaviors changes.
If you want to jump from a send to another send (to the right), you have to click this track first (this is not the case while stepping thru source non-send tracks).
The is one problem here, you need to be aware of: If the send that you want to jump from is already selected by the script, if you then re-click it, Renoise will not trigger this click. So you have to click another track first and then the send you want, again.
V1.2: Attachment 5849 not found.
This version seems to be stable. It support one jump per direction, so jumping track->send or send->track. Not track->send->send->… etc.
Attachment 5840 not found. (V1.1)
Attachment 5832 not found. (V1.0)
Attachment 5827 not found. (bugfix 1)
V1.2: Displays source track nums now, fixed color problems on very fast changes, fixed on-new-song-error.
V1.1: Now with crazy color flashes! Wrapped into reusable class. U need to rebind key commands.
V1.0: Now with support for multi band send,Sorts multiples out
bugfix 1: Under some conditions, an error was thrown. Hopefully now fixed.
Alternative script: built a sophisticated tool with a lot of features. This script is a more simplified variant for quick usage.