Plans for Renoise?

Following the spirit of this thread (plans for renoise), my only two big requests are more granular parameters in the sampler and performance fixes, especially related to VST3.

On the top of my head I remember the thread where the guy suggested a dancing sprite, I also remember people doing this on at least two of my support requests. I don’t think you’re unaware of what I’m speaking about.

In fairness the dancing sprite was retarded. :joy:


I don’t think it’s fair to call people’s suggestions “retarded” or discredit them simply based on one’s subjective feelings about it, without providing any further contribution to the topic at hand (if there’s no contribution to be given, why comment on the first place?), especially given the fact that OP was extremely thorough and polite with their request. Literally no reason to do that, it only discourages people of engaging here (which was the case).

Life is not fair dude, is there any suggestions other than a dancing sprite and piano roll, that were poo-poo’d?


I know I’m in the minority here, but I now legitimately want a breakdancing 16-bit green piano troll :troll:

Plus @moloko you actually came out swinging in that thread iirc. It wasn’t all reasoned discussion and sensible suggestions on anyone’s part in that thread, but the second comment was a practical suggestion to DIY it, which is surely in keeping with the spirit of the DAW. Yes, there are strong opinions expressed here, and not always gently, but would you have it another way? Surely you want to be able to speak your own mind with as much directness as you wish, no?

Thread in question if anyone wants a refresher


Can you imagine if everybody’s suggestions were implemented into Renoise, what a mess!

I legitimately want a calculator inside renoise, also a retarded suggestion, it will never happen.

Probably for the best. :sunglasses: :fist:

Classic thread. That TNT guy was not having any of it. I love the juxtaposition of his smiling face and the rage expressed in his comments, gives me a chuckle.


Lol yes, he’s not one to mince words…

Like, tell us how you really feel, man

Life isn’t fair but why can’t we be fair from time to time? That’s no excuse.

I followed the whole thread, OP was polite until people started being rude to them. That thread is a shit show, some people actually gave insightful suggestions on the topic (cheers to them), other people were just there to shit on the suggestion. Speaking one’s one mind is important, not being rude to people is also important.

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I actually thought the original post was kind of snotty.

And actually reading his reply suggests that the original post was in fact snotty. So i mean, tough, he got back what he put out!

So starting a ridiculous thread about some dancing piece of shit with a snotty tone, i mean you’re basically asking to be insulted.

That’s a ridiculous thread to back up your statement with btw.

I tend to agree. And generally, people tend to get back what they put out. I’ve mostly found this forum to be very helpful and generous when I’ve had questions or needed help, but ymmv

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Calculator - you already have, kind of. Activate the Tools Developer console. Try for example:

>>> x=math.sin(20)
>>> print(x)
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One can run Redux VSTi inside FL, or FL VSTi inside Renoise. Or use ReWire( or Jack in Linux).

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Literally the only reason I used to use FL in Renoise was for the playlist. I used DDMF audio send to track it out. I still had my Tracker training wheels back then :sweat_smile:

You were the one who couldn’t distinguish being rude to somebody from expressing an opinion about a thing, right? And btw, this opinion was based on facts. Not to mention the fact that you were the one who started being rude to a person by calling this person a “boomer”. Anyway, thanks for the reminder. I always have to keep in mind that there are people in the Renoise forum who are still almost kids, and usually sissified kids of today tend to be whining all the time because they always feel insulted and obviously cannot deal with other opinions. Not to mention that reactions to a suggestion like a dancing sprite in a DAW that was created for music production only are self-explanatory, predictable and right. Anyway, just keep suggesting. It’s totally fine as long as those suggestions make sense and would improve Renoise in terms of MUSIC PRODUCTION. :wink:

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Right, fully agreed with this. This is the reason too, why i reduce my postings in this Forum to a minimum since longer time. A fraction of some people that screams other opinions down for ideology, and the reaction to bugreports with the instruction “Do not do this!”. Factually existing errors like the “Drag&Drop WindowMode starting bug” will be answered with “…here is a workaround” and “…for me it’s all fine, i dont have any problems”. (with the intention to suggest the thread opener are talking shit).

happy tracking :slight_smile:

That’s no joke. FU old Cubase!


My PTSD just kicked in at the mere mention of Steinberg. I guess Vst technology came at the price of terrible interfaces lol. I’m showing my age now :older_man:t5:

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