Plans for Renoise?

No, it feels like I stated that a dancing sprite in a DAW is out of place. In fact it’s useless and imho it’s crap, that’s my honest opinion and I’m deeply convinced of that, whether you like it or not. If you’d read correctly you’d clearly see that this wasn’t an insult against the one who did that suggestion. It’s simply a statement that a dancing sprite within a DAW is useless crap, no more and no less.

WTF! Are you mad? Grow up, kid! What you’ve quoted is my honest experience with Renoise and if you can’t stand the fact that I don’t experience bugs just like you do, it’s YOUR PERSONAL fucking problem! As everybody can read in this thread, I just wrote that I fully agree with taktik’s statement about Renoise and I will continue to recommend Renoise to everyone who’s asking. You responded and said Renoise has “constant bugs and performance issues” and it’s “unhealthy to ignore that”. So what do you expect me to say if I’m NOT having YOUR problems? Dude, seriously, what’s your FUCKING problem? From now on I will ignore you, there’s absolutely no point talking to you, KID.

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No, it feels like I stated that a dancing sprite in a DAW is out of place. In fact it’s useless and imho it’s crap, that’s my honest opinion and I’m deeply convinced of that, whether you like it or not. If you’d read correctly you’d clearly see that this wasn’t an insult against the one who did that suggestion. It’s simply a statement that a dancing sprite within a DAW is useless crap, no more and no less.”

I’m not the only one that perceived that as an insult, OP had the same reaction… and it isn’t an unreasonable conclusion to take when you see someone going out their place replying that something is “crap”, “trash”, “useless” and whatnot out of the blue, without even saying hello or adding anything of relevant to the discussion. What’s that going to help OP? And if you truly intended to be helpful somehow you really missed the mark there.

WTF! Are you mad? Grow up, kid! What you’ve quoted is my honest experience with Renoise and if you can’t stand the fact that I don’t experience bugs just like you do, it’s YOUR PERSONAL fucking problem! As everybody can read in this thread, I just wrote that I fully agree with taktik’s statement about Renoise and I will continue to recommend Renoise to everyone who’s asking. You responded and said Renoise has “constant bugs and performance issues” and it’s “unhealthy to ignore that”. So what do you expect me to say if I’m NOT having YOUR problems? Dude, seriously, what’s your FUCKING problem? From now on I will ignore you, there’s absolutely no point talking to you, KID.”

I don’t think I am and I don’t doubt that’s your genuine experience and I don’t even think you and others are doing this on purpose but that’s the impression these types of comments in these types of circumstances give. As I’ve said, I’m not the only one that gets annoyed by this, and knowing I’m not the only one really made me feel the need to voice this publicly. And I really don’t mind if you ignore me to eternity, if this discussion results in you at least thinking for a picosecond before writing something that serves no purpose but to insult other’s suggestions and opinions, I’ve fulfilled my goal with this convo.

You wrote that sentence :point_up:

And the post started off snotty no?

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Are you all really having an argument - or you are just arguing because bored?

Remember the Delay Lama:


“Arguing on the Internet is like mud wrestling a pig… It doesn’t take long to realize that the pig is having a wonderful time”

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damn what the hell have i been brought into here?

Oh you know, just chatting about plans for renoise


Sure do. I had this one too back in the day. MetroGnome lol

I just can’t stand malicious insinuations and want to clear up some single points before I stop forever. But of course I already know it’s pointless to continue communicating with that kind of person.

  1. Your friend didn’t say hello as well
  2. With his entrance your friend also indicated that Renoise is just a toy and not to be taken seriously
  3. A dancing sprite is in fact 100% useless and contributes absolutely nothing to a DAW
  4. It’s absolutely relevant to understand point 3 if you REALLY want to improve ANYTHING

That’s why you’re doing malicious insinuations all the time?

I’m surely not the only one who’s getting irritated by “suggestions” like that. And someone who’s posting online should be generally prepared for ANY kind of reaction, especially if suggesting “meaningful” stuff like that. And even more if also indicating at the same time that Renoise isn’t to be taken seriously. If you can’t handle any kind of reaction don’t post online. Seriously! Especially if you feel offended by literally everything like you do.

Bye and have a nice life! :slightly_smiling_face:



I wish there were more constructive and inspiring posts again in this forum. Yes, if someone requests a dancing animation, I consider the poster acting as a troll. Some people are happy with Renoise, some are not. Repeating features which most likely will never be added is not constructive at all, too. Then reading fighting egos isn’t fun in the end. Maybe just ignore the troll. You can actually blend out posts from users.

Please write a tool instead, post about your song making, mixing, plugins, whatever.

Can someone close this thread?


You must be joking!look at how long this thread is,it’s phenomenal.Keep her going!

I am very impressed by us people who fight for social status on a forum, and on the internet in general. It also shows that your fight-or-flight responses are properly adapted when “pianoroll” has become a trigger word.

PS. More seriously… “losing” a battle actually has effects on your health/hormones, so maybe it’s a better idea to select social contexts where such dynamics actually serve a purpose.


From my side I would like to see Csound fully integrated inside Renoise. The source code is free to use, its in C/C++ and I am sure Taktik and his esteemed team can whip out a module in a day or two or a week. This would definitely amp up the community profile and collab esteem of Renoise itself. I am not sure if the licensing works for a commercial music software such as Renoise, but Cabbage has a premium mode for paying developers who develop VSTs using Csound (with the encrypt csd file feature). I have to delve in detail but I dont think there are any restrictions to use Csound as along as the code is available and acknowledged.

The benefits are immense, I could use real time midi or computer keyboard right inside Renoise while working on a Csound instrument and customize its score according to a separate panel or view that can be invoked inside it. Sounds like a good tool idea regardless but having it fully embedded inside Renoise is certainly a step up and only Taktik and his team can do it. So the FX menu will also be ramped up immediately with full access to Csound signal processors, phase vocoders, granular synthesizers etc all available for customization and further study and production. Each can be toggled on and off as a regular FX and then for edit window it can either host widgets or just a custom file editor that enables realtime edits inside of Renoise. So ideally speaking the workflow would be something like this : write from scratch or open a Csound *.csd file(s) orchestra (collection of instruments or ‘unit generators’ ) and place that as a Renoise instrument in the right top pane. From instrument properties or Instrument window whenever a Csound ‘object’ or instrument is selected it will provide options to work with the code any time. The internal midi routing and audio bussing simplifies a lot of the internal plumbing that needs to be taken care of inside Csound, which is fun to do btw, but ideally speaking its just utility or boilerplate code, you would want to spend more time inside the instrument designing and scoreing (algorithmic also, maybe using Athena CL and likewise). Right now, if you are not using any GUI for Csound, it can do a complete setup except audio editing (Audacity) all in text and with a midi controller and microphone you can customize your performance parameters to the ‘T’ while also playing realtime and switching midi channels as and when needed to trigger certain instrument groups. You only need a text editor and commandline :slight_smile: But doing this inside Renoise is going to be so much more fun really. Especially with those Dilla style beats which need an unquantized treatment, Renoise is just perfect for such kind of compositions, or you could just record to a midi file and plug that inside Csound as well. It works both ways. I would still prefer a fully integrated solution for this workflow as a Renoise user myself.

I wonder what the dev team thinks about this, barring legalese are there any real roadblocks for an open source Csound code base to be fully integrated inside Renoise. No need for tool dev in Lua then. Of course the communication can be done using OSC and the Csound API so Lua will work just fine, but you get my point.

Renoise is the kind of software you give to your kids to learn music on, a, kind of legacy item.

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Oh dear, started off well.

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I really don’t understand why this thread got so much attention.

Why do people need to get so defensive when someone asks a simple question to the devs? It’s pure irrationality.

Big walls of text that don’t even lead to anything. Nothing constructive to read here at all. 95% of the replies are just people getting mad for silly reasons, and being offended because someone criticized their pet software. A bunch of fellas in their late 40s arguing with gen z folks who have completely different mentality and views on how a software development cycle works.

Are you guys being paid for this or something? Where do I sign? Cuz I’d like to join and get my share.

Please chill, friends. Go touch grass (or something else :see_no_evil:).

We are here to make and discuss SOUND. We must stick together. There are so many good threads in this forum… So many creative things, smart tools, actually interesting discussions. Then a user asks a simple question to the dev… gets a very polite answer… and then the discussion forks into different parallel fight rings and suddenly we’re having a tracker civil war? C’mon. You guys are not squires for Renoise dev knights or something.

Stop the bullying, it’s explicit. I won’t point fingers, but it’s there. I think we’re all too old for this, ain’t we?

Picture 1: A Renoise developer and his loyal forum squire.


Now, since the thread got so long and everyone forgot what it is about, lemme refresh your memories before someone closes the discussion:

1. Op made a simple question

2. People (including me) suggested the possibility of open sourcing Renoise.

3. The developer made a very good and polite reply, and even cared to explain his relationship with Renoise and how development fits in his life. Thank you, taktik!

4. You can completely ignore most of the other replies.

There, just saved you a couple hours, several neurons and possibly your stomach.

Happy 2024!

Touch grass, be respectul, make music, and stop fighting a war nobody asked you to.


Oh, wait, I thought you would just ignore me from now on! I was starting to miss you.

Thanks, that definitely brought the good vibes back (lost my shit with the image and caption)

I’m sure these discussions will be less frequent in the future now that people who were for open sourcing of Renoise and piano rolls know these don’t seem to be options the dev is interested in, so at least this gets to be the last thread about it, right?

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I think I can speak for everyone here on the forums when I say there will definitely not be another thread about piano rolls ever again.100 %

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