Portamento effect

Now you don’t always have to use 0Gxx for glide/portamento, checkout this example:


Can you explain how? I don`t have renoise on this KOMPUTA

Doofer -> keytracker, formula device -> pitch modulation

thanks for sharing afta8! very cool to use with any old sample…stretching and bending stuff that really shouldn’t have portamento is great fun

Yep on track side it is as vV says, formula device is using the inertial slider to create the glide effect.
On the instrument side an inverse key track device is used on the pitch modulation to stop the sample responding to note events and then an operand is created which is linked to the formula device via a macro control.

On a side note if instruments allowed fx chains to control modulation params I could self contain this but for now it needs a specific track+instrument to work.

Indeed it is… cheers!

Really cool example. Made it into some synth brass.
portamento example - brass.xrns

Oddly, I can’t see a ‘formula’ device in my list. Any ideas?

It’s secret and hidden :) You can however find it in the doofer in this example… Copy and paste it to reuse elsewhere

Updated this to v2 which is better, two things are different…

  1. Looks like a new feature was added to beta 5 in the keyzones window: [Key->Pitch] turning this off allows a sample to be played at constant pitch regardless of input note. This means I no longer need to use the reverse keytracker in the pitch modulation to achieve the same effect. (This new version is actually more accurate in tuning as well, explanation why [is here](http://forum.renoise.com/index.php?/topic/40484-nobug-polyphonic-chord-phrases-and-key-tracker-on-pitch/page view findpost p 309028))

  2. The whole thing can actually be self contained in an instrument so you don’t need a track with a portamento doofer (thanks to Bit Arts for showing how in this thread)

Download the updated example here:


Have to try this. Thanks again! :)

Thanks for sharing this technique! However, I noticed that in this way the note glides to the next one by making it start at the new pitch but at the beginning of the sample, while the glide command just continues the previously played note in a different pitch it’s glidng to. Could this technique maybe be used in a way that it continues the sample being played as the glide command does?

Yes, it’s called note ghosting → remove the instrument references of the notes that follow the initial one.

I have a feeling I will be using this technique in all my productions from now on. I’ve been playing with it for a few hours now and it is just the layer I’ve been looking for. It works wonders on synthetic percussions. Thank you sooooo much for making this. It makes the floor’s go all swervy n shit! <3 <3 <3

Hmm… you mean removing the instrument references from the notes in the pattern editor except for the inital starting one? Didn’t work for me :( Also, I can’t glide two notes playing at the same time which can be done with pattern commands. Sorry for the seeming complaints, I just hope some of you know a workaround this with this nice technique!

Owh, sorry, i was sleeping, the note ghosting only takes care the instrument envelopes keep running. For the sample itself to keep on playing, you do need the Gff command.

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Hi there. I’ve just upgraded to Renoise 3, and am still grappling with the new Instrument Editor. It’s definitely great but obviously a bit more complicated from before.

I’m trying to figure out how best to migrate this Portamento effect to my own project file I’m working on. Is there an easy way to simply save this as a preset and drop it onto one of my own instruments somehow?
I fiddled around with it myself for a while, but I got stuck trying to setup the Pitch Operand correctly. It was playing my instrument at a much lower pitch than it should, and I couldn’t figure out how to fix that :confused:

Ohhh, thanks for heading up this topic. This is quite cool trick indeed. Thank you very much, afta8.

I try to explain how to replicate this trick for beginners, though I also cannot understand exactly why such cool portamento is possible by this setting. :blink:


  • Download the afta8’s “portamento v2 example.xrns”.

  • Save the afta8’s doofer device which is included the example xrns, as a doofer-preset like “Portamento” or something. Then, now you can see it in the device list of the sampler’s [Effects] window always.


Setting procedure

  • Open [Effects] window of Sampler and load the afta8’s doofer preset.

  • Open [Modulation] window and load Operand device to the Pitch.

  • Set to “+” at the left side of the Operand and set bipoler icon ON (at the upper right on the Operand device)

  • Set the Pitch Range of the Pitch emvelope to “60st”.

  • Open [Keyzones] window and turn OFF the “KEY-Pitch” button.

  • Open Macro window and map the right most knob to Operand slider. (actually it is linked to the key Tracker device in the afta8’s doofer)

  • And map the left most Macro knob to the Glide Time knob of the afta8’s doofer.

And don’t forget to tune the pitch of your sample beforehand. ^_^

Thank you satobox! One remark: you have to set the upper left macro to the operand slider and the upper right to glide time ;) at least that’s how I got it to work.
Still too bad this technique doesn’t glide in the continuation of the sample and can’t play two gliding notes simultaneously, but still a good effort!

Ah, probably you have downloaded the old (first) version of the afta8’s example file. Well, functionally it works the same, I think. :)/>

Only about gliding notes simultaneously, I know the Gxx command trick with phrase.
If you don’t know yet, try to load “Instr. >> Leads >> Fuzzy Slide.xrni” from the R3 factory library. If you OFF the [Mono] button, it somewhat work.

But the Gxx portamento trick seems fails sometimes when I try to play with MIDI keyboard, and it’s less adjustable than the afta8’s method.

Anyway we can use these case by case.