Renoise 1.5 Coming Soon!

now that’s some great news!

Going to set it to 3fps immediately :)

Are you sure it won’t decrease the comfort of using the interface too much?


aaaah, this is going to be just great!! :D
part-time student all autumn, a new computer + the e-mu package + a good studiomicrophone… and of course, most important, a new renoise…
life rocks :yeah:

Ableton Live 4…

Ahahaha…well, but Renoise seems to have freaky problems with its GUI speed compared to other trackers. It’s been like that on NT3 already. On a low machine you could see the delay betwen pressing a note and the moment it would be entered. So I’m honestly looking forward to the new option. Otherwise I simply can’t use Renoise on my 286!

I remember that in Renoise 1.01 (which was the first version I’ve ever used) I had to wait (on my Celeron 500) about a second for the channel to be changed after pressing “tab”. :D

Then I updated my computer to A1800, but the delays were still visible untill some version AFAIR. I don’t have any problems today.

I’m having big problems with GUI speed too. When I run in windowed mode I always have to make the window as small as possible. And when a song after a while has grewn with many channels, VST’s and effects I often have to switch to discop so the scopes won’t take up all the CPU. I’ve thought it was my old Geforce 2 that was the problem, but a friend said the same and he has a parhelia.

Just got back from playing Arvika festival in sweden and opened my inbox. I just kept rubbing my eyes in disbelief, could it be true ?
Is it finally here ?

well i guess good things really do come to those who wait :)

Rock on.

news and index page has been updated. there is also a brand new screenshot avaialable, should shorten your waiting till sunday :D

thaaaaank you!!! :lol:

OMG! :o You even got pattern naming in! You deserve the best!
If you ever come to sweden the beer is on me!

btw, will 1.5 be fully backwards compatible? or are did you have to make some sacrifices due to the new interface / functionality?
i still got some tunes written with 1.26 (using speed alternation throughout the patterns, in order to perceive shuffled beats) which cause syncing devices like VSTi’s / VST FX go crazy, because of continously adapting sync to speed changes.
if this’ll be fixed or if there is a button to enabled / disable that behaviour i’m already sure to be the happiest man in town this sunday! :D

there is such a button.


i never used that word - but it’s about time for it:
w00t !!! :D

last sunday was my birthday

thanks guys B)

I think I just drooled all over my keyboard…

What can I say??

The envelopes look AWESOME!!

“There is no… EMOTICON for how I’m feeling!!!”
~Comic Book Guy (Simpsons)


:yeah: :D :drummer: :guitar: :lol:

:eek: ← maybe like this or more like :panic: ?

ah, wait, got even more, this one is especially for you : :dribble:

:walkman: :w00t: are also new.

Errr… Don King on acid?


:w00t: yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah !