► Renoise 2.8 Beta Testing Starts ◀

well, it seems it has all been said before, but i’ll repeat some of it anyway: FUCK YEAH.
many, many thanks to the team for another massive awesome update. can’t wait to check this out, and i’ll probably have to wait till next weekend :D

You are heroes!!! i believe in christmas again - you all are stunning - there are so many great improvements, can`t still believe it - thanks for this great x-mas!

Massive thumbs up! My thumbs are so up I think they might tear away from their sockets.

I’m going to benefit a lot from pretty much all of these new features.

I’m already a tedious Renoise evangelist when talking to people about music production, but now I’m going to be insufferable :]

i wanted LV2 :<

and what’s that

p.s., there’s a mention of OSX Mono Devices working now. Does that mean that Linux Mono Devices work too?

never had that problem. thoight i have lexicon alpha with mono hi-imp input

Okay, but what is LV2

Thanks a lot. I love december :)

LV2 is a linux plugin architecture, Ladspa Version 2

I used to make great songs… until i took an arrow in the knee…

Yes a great vid there!

now i see what made all the renoise crew instead lv2

You could always start asking for 2.9 or 3.0 to have lv2

well, I had had a few (ok, lots of) beer when I saw the news, so maybe that was a bit exagerated. but still, it was a lot more than expected! the changes in the sample editor are really sweet and is a huge deal to my workflow. I hadnt expected three new DSP’s plus effectcommands!!

so far it’s been working really good for me!

please dont wait a few more years :)

Thank you Renoise Team!!

Happy xrns-mas :walkman:

this is awesome,thanks to the devs and alpha testers

As many others have expressed: this is more than I had expected and some wonderful improvements they are too.

really swell touch:


I would how many levels of groups within groups we can have?

love you guys :)