► Renoise 2.8 Beta Testing Starts ◀

Big thanks to the devs, dreams come true one after another. :)


What a team. Thanks for the fast and generous update. Enjoy your xmas

great job! (again : )


Just had my first go with 2.8. Track groups and the new spectrum views are absolutely killer features for me, thanks so much :)

Great release!

Awesome release. <B

Great job guys, this is awesome. One thing’s confusing me though. 09xx got replaced by Sxx yes? I no longer see hex values in the sample editor, how do I jump to specific points or how do I find the points in the first place? Could someone explain the new method to me? Thanks

Yeah I just found out about the 0Sxx effect (previous 09xx)
In the sample editor, just rightclick on the top or bottom bar to select which value you want to see :)


Ah thank you! Helloooo comfort zone

yes the fx commands have a new terminology:)But we should get the hang of it in no time and I already love the multitap delay and repeater!

thanx! great release!

Thank you renoise team, this is really wonderful! Goodies galore! Groups hurray!

I love the Instrument Envelope External Editor DETACHED!
This is what I’d like to have for other stuff, too.


no need to say more… :drummer:

Wow! This is why I keep coming back to Renoise. Great work everyone :)


Thanxs !! :guitar:
Great work as usual ! :drummer:



Hooray, finally! :) Now I can get back into making music again. Cubase just didn’t inspire me, and I didn’t want to use 32-bit Renoise on a 64-bit system with 64-bit plugins.

I could kiss you all for this, but I don’t think you’d appreciate the gesture. ;)

Honestly I am a bit disappointed that renoise still only allow one envelope per instrument.
Having a separate envelope (just a vol env) for the individual samples in an instrument was the one thing I was hoping for.

Sorry for being so ungrateful. T^T
I know I am pretty much the only renoiser who doesn’t use VSTis and make most of the samples I use by myself in the sample editor. But it would really enable renoise to make very powerful instruments. It’d be able to outdo the DX7 even.