Renoise 3.1 Beta testing starts

For an overview of the new features, have a look at theRenoise 3.1 Release Notes please.

In summary, Renoise 3.1, being a 0.1 update, continues where 3.0 left off and now brings the features that got introduced with Renoise Redux into Renoise as well. That is, various enhancements to the sound-engine and DSP devices, a whole big new set of filter DSPs everywhere, over-sampled & band-limited sample playback options and more.

Thus Renoise now also finally is compatible with instruments that got/get created with Redux and also shares Redux’ XRNL sound library format and content. This means that any kind of user presets (instruments, phrases, samples, multi-samples, modulation-sets, DSP chains and DSP FX presets) which you’ve created in Redux will show up in Renoise too and vice versa, when both are installed on the same machine.

Installed sound libraries will now also show up in both, Renoise and Redux. During the beta there will be no factory instrument content in Renoise apart from a few tutorial instruments, but you can download Redux’ Sound Library packs and install them for Renoise. See “Extras” page at the Renoise Backstage.

Apart from the Redux compatibility and feature-set, we tried to get a few other bigger and smaller “Renoise only” features too: Biggest other feature is the ability to route MIDI outputs from VST & AU plugins into other instruments, but also a better handling of DSP FX chains in Renoise’s sampler with the ability to route chains to specific tracks.

3.1 is available to all registered users and free for everyone who registered Renoise at version 2.1 or later.

The beta can be downloaded at the Renoise backstage at:

Public demo version of 3.1 will be available shortly before it goes gold.

There are now also two new sub-forums in this forum which deal with the beta testing. Please post anything related to 3.1 there, so we can hear you.

Thanks for helping us to test-drive the next version of Renoise!

Enjoy Renoise :wink:

Woohooo!!! :w00t: :w00t: :w00t: :w00t:


(why didn’t I get an email notification, I thought I would via the forum when a New release tag is used)

Welp, there goes the weekend.

Was it the cat or the hedgehog? or a combination?


midi import!
midi routing!

you guys are the best!

New “Apply Post Track Volume” option for the Send and MultiSend devices - this makes it possible to use the post-gain level to control any send device, anywhere in the DSP chain.


Also worth noting, now stuff like reverb sends will increase/ decrease in line with your track volume adjustments!

Great little feature!


Also worth noting, now stuff like reverb sends will increase/ decrease in line with your track volume adjustments!

Great little feature!


I am incredibly fucking happy about this. Probably my favorite change.

I’m so excited I can’t even read the full changelog! Great job team! :drummer:

oh my… I have visitors over the weekend. I will be a terrible host…

anyways… \o/\o/\o/\o/\o/\o/

Related to the change to sends, I have a question: Is there a way to make “render to sample” obey the fader as well? Sometimes when I try to render something to a sample it will clip unless I insert a gainer to reduce the volume.

Thnx guys! You’re awesome!

Chorus + the new filters is amazing!

Delay and Multi-tap device will cross fade delay time changes now, which means they no longer create “zipper noises” when automating/changing delay times

Is this optional? This is going to break a lot of my tracks right now.

What about metering? has it been updated? I cant see any info. But it looks like it has!

Is this optional? This is going to break a lot of my tracks right now.

Old song have old devices (tested with filter and chorus) imo


Beautiful, guys! Thanks!

Is this optional? This is going to break a lot of my tracks right now.

See please and let’s discuss this there…

Hi, is there a list of updated / added LUA API functions? :slight_smile: wishes

Uhm… okay, i cancel my nightclubbing basshopping plans for the weekend like RIGHT NOW.