vV mentioned that at least two coders work full time on the project, probably that would be taktik and dblue - dunno.
There have been others onboard in the past, such as martinal. I also think this guy is (or at least was) involved as developer for the 2.5-2.8 versions, don’t really know anything about what he coded or if he’s still involved in 3.0. Then we have kRAkEn/gORe , who coded stuff like for example the plugin-grabber, the orignal stutter device, the signal follower device, the X/Y-pad…don’t know if he’s still onboard either.
EDIT: No, sorry, vV didn’t mention it - can’t seem to find that info
Built in tutorials …give me a break .
Reminds me of this guy at the NI reaktor forum , who suggested a feature that allowed the user to view you tube tutorials from within reaktor …f…n hilarious .
Kraken /gore also did the cabinet drive and multitap delay ( hopefully delay times are interpolated in 3.0 …for real tape style echos.
I’ve hoped something like this would happen one of these days. These portable OS’ have been around long enough and the only trackers are Milkytracker and SunVox, both of which are still cluttered ported versions of the desk top programs. It’d be nice to see a tracker made just for tablet and small phone touch screens, even if it were basic in design.
No idea why people are talking about piano rolls, Renoise is a tracker and from its previous record of releases that is all the devs ever want it to be, it is about time people get used to that, there are plenty of DAWs that Renoise has no chance of ever catching up with in those other areas, just go use one of them.
I agree Bungle and ideally that is perfect for most of us, but I think a piano roll editor could expand the user base dramatically and help fund future growth.
i have been thinking about this… would be great. i use sunvox on my phone more than i use renoise atm. a lightweight version which would only handle samples and export to xrns would be quite cool. a tool for rough composing in the early stages of writing a track.
I always think it’s kinda strange how people have such very strong feelings pro or con piano roll. Renoise currently doesn’t have one, that’s perfectly ok, but for me personally Renoise would be even better if it had one. That’s all. I’m really glad it’s the devs decision and ONLY the devs decision. Whatever feature they implement, some users will hate it and leave, some others will love it and buy. I hope the devs won’t be bothered by this, but rather just take the software the direction they consider the best. At least I think this is how Renoise became as awesome as it already is now.
It’s true that I moved to Berlin in order to work more closely with Renoise, but my role here has always been more of a supporting role. There’s a few things I’ve contributed to Renoise, such as the Repeater device, the Meta Mixer, working a bit on the plugin favorites, and some other small stuff. But mostly, I’m here handling the day-to-day email support, doing some occasional tweaking of web crap, brain-storming new ideas, testing alphas and betas, contributing a bit of content when I feel some inspiration, etc. These days, my main focus is Glitch 2 and other future “Illformed” projects.
As for other guys, there have obviously been lots of other people helping and contributing to Renoise over the years – you only have to look at the credits in the about box to see this. Most recently (in the last few years), sharevari (Erik) and kRAkEn/gORe (Lucio) have contributed tons of kickass stuff (and still continue to do so). Now danoise (Bjørn) is on-board to work with us more closely, to help with design and conceptual stuff, and especially contributing a ton of great ideas, concepts, and content for Renoise 3.0.
But overall, taktik is unquestionably the lead developer, and definitely the main guy driving this thing forward. As far as I’m concerned, without him there is no Renoise.
Funny you should mention this, but Glitch 2 is actually built on some core framework tech that comes directly from Renoise. In a very real sense, you also have taktik to thank for the existence of Glitch 2, 'cause I probably never would have managed to tackle all the cross-platform crap by myself.
I know the devs will kill me for publishing this, anyway this is all I can offer; the fact that I am releasing this song does not mean beta release is close in any way.
Don’t feel offended it-Alien…but uuh what does this actually prove …that renoise 3.0 is capable of creatin trance like tunes , we can’t really know what 's real time synthesis and/or rendered effetcs .