Renoise 3 speculation thread

Fact is, that I almost daily check if either Renoise or Bitwig have announced public betas, yet.
Right now, I use Renoise because I love the automation features for e.g. sound design. And Bitwig seems to be pretty good in here, too.
Everything WAV-related I do in Reaper, since it’s so much better for cutting/slicing audio clips.

Any DAW which combines these two worlds is very attractive, and Bitwig seems to be such a DAW.
If Renoise will be such a DAW, is totally open right now. So yes, Bitwig also provides no release date, yet,
but at least they give information about the contained features in 1.0.

Since I know Renoise already, I’d prefer Renoise, but I’m kind of fed up working with RAM-only based samples
which we had since over 20 years now (starting with Ultimate Soundtracker et al).

I am definitely more-than-anxious and simply giddy at the concept of a 2-years-in-development game-changing Renoise 3.0 release looming some time ahead. In the meantime, I know that I already do quite well with 2.8’s already abundant feature set even when using it as a live tool, so I can’t wait to see what sorts of goodies I receive when 3.0 drops.

I am, of course, packed with all sorts of empty hopes about all sorts of speculative features and release dates. Gotta say: I highly respect the alpha dudes. I tend to get super excited about anything I’m working on and gush to whoever’s nearby…

Just wanted to say there are some users who don’t care about the release date, and who wait patiently. I’m part of them, and in fact I found the time between the two last releases too short ! I felt like a spoilt child.

I guess this time we’re going back to reality. Lousy users tend to speak louder than the others. Personally I’m just happy to know something is coming.

No, it’s not Christmas in this case. It’s the long wait and the uncertainty.

Devs posted on facebook in May (!) 2013:

I think this not very helpfull, because if I hope for feature A/B/C being implemented, wait 2 years and then it will not be implemented, I’m much more disappointed
than knowing from the beginning that it will not be there.

Understandable, but what about the features that already have been implemented. Why are they so secret ?

I’ve stayed tuned the whole year, hope you devs will soon be finally happy with it.

renoise 3.0 will be released on june 30 ,2014 …when summer vacation begins .
The developers decided it was the best date to release renoise 3.0 , so we have a whole summer to explore all it’s new features .
So , all happy now that we know the final release date , close thread .

I hope this is not another cruel joke !

“Dans ses écrits, un sage Italien
Dit que le mieux est l’ennemi du bien.”
- Voltaire

I’m sure they try to implement something like this -->

Guess what - it’s another cruel joke. Starting to think that WaitingInLine3d (the game) was a good observation by Connor

That quote about Renoise and Christmas has been so misunderstood.

It means that releases should be like Christmas, not by Christmas. Like being used in the way a present on Christmas (or your birthday, etc) is a total surprise, not that the release will be at Christmas. Seven months later and this still is being confused.

Just in case, a translation:

News: Renoise 3.0 released on your birthday. All of your birthdays. Every user. Check the backstage at 00:01 on the day you were born.

Hey, Seriously, I didn’t catch that…
Appropriate name you have, sir

I think that if the 35 pages of conjecture and speculation about the NEXT renoise were spent using the current renoise…the (renoise) world would be a better place.

Consumerism always leaves you wanting more.

No, I’ve undertstood that quite well,
it’s just the irony of the metaphor: Renoise 3.0 should be like Christmas, but Christmas is probably this time without Renoise 3.0

… i tried waiting years for a vsti tracker, pinning my hopes on madtracker for more years, so everday has been like christmas since renoise came along.

Who knows, in the meanwhile I think it’s possible that he could be right.

Then why posting here instead of tracking ? Gogogo :wink:

Behold. I give you reViSiT.

I speculate that renoise will have most of the features everyone has asked for…
What I struggle to speculate is if LUA will continue to be part of it?
If existing Tools will work?
When the blog will see an update?

It would be nice if even one of the alphas were allowed to share something on the Blog. I understand it may be to early, but even Kickstarter projects share small bits of information or how things are unfolding. I know this could be opening a can of worms and I respect the Dev Teams decision.

Renoise is GREAT for the product that it is, and we are very lucky it is here at 2.8
I anticipate great things as we all do, but apart from your every day users, those of us involved in developing tools are really and truly in in the dark right now. Please shed a little light?

I really don’t think that LUA support will be dropped. I expect new interfaces which cover the new features. Of course existing interfaces could be changed, too - that would be not so good for 3rd party tools and their maintainers. But if the changes are minor like in 2.8.x it shouldn’t be a problem. On the other hand it seems that they have changed a lot of code under the hood, already. Hope that doesn’t affect existing scripting interfaces, too much.

I just want some more bits of information to feed my speculation hunger.

Like for example: will Renoise 3.0 be mostly about few but bigger new features or will it be more about many but smaller new features?

I think that kind of information could be made available without any risk of causing stress and other unpleasant things, neither for the users nor the devs. I think the vast majority of Renoise users are able to properly handle such information.