Renoise Knock-Out 3 Hour Tournament - Round 1 - Results

Deadline is currently set at 19th July 00:00 UTC, that’s about 2½ days from now.

voting deadline is displayed after login on the voting site.

Ok, thanks.

You guys rock!

/me hangs my head in shame and commences to listening, rocking mah chair and, finally, voting

mp3 link to my entry.
rhowaldt, thanks for feedback.
it’s been 3 hours seriously, yes.
i didn’t count one previous tryout on a tune i dismissed after an hour again tho.

btw: for better convenience, could we please have a unified naming scheme, like “artist_-_songtitle.xrns/mp3” for the next rounds?
after downloading the entries into one folder it’s just a bunch of anonymous filenames (mostly).

as for the entries: placing suva vs chotoro really gave me a hard time, as both entries are my favs out of these round… too bad there’s only one to survive!

yes i forgot but i wanted to mention this as well. for my own administration i would prefer using something like ‘artist - 3hrknockoutcompo R01 - songtitle.xrns/mp3’, but if everyone at least puts their username first it will be much easier to reference everything.

i wasn’t questioning your honesty or anything, just amazed at the amount of work you can get done in 3 hours!

My favourites are definitely keith303 and cralias from this round. I don’t think I have to explain why I like the Keith303 track, he is just that good and never finishes to amaze me. And how he managed to pull off a solid, complete track in just 3 hours is just amazing.

Cralias track is the darkest one in this round and I just love that kind of sounds.

You guys are right… i made a new folder to unzip everything, and then one for every match even, can’t stress enough how nice it is to have the screen name / artist name in the filename. And ID3 tags on the MP3 versions help as well of course.
OIO: I registered with ‘ehvahsdc’… can I vote? is it fair? :)

Whenever I am downloading compo songs, I always add in the artist name so I can differentiate them. The same thing happens at SDcompo.

As far as voting, that should be fine. Chotoro would have to make the final call on voting but I don’t think there should be any problems.

I left out artist name intentionally. Because most compos are anonymous, I kinda assumed this was too until I realized it’s definitely not. :D

Will ad my artist-name in the future, provided I win my match in round 1. Sorry about that. Didn’t even occur to me when I handed in my song.

Very high quality of all songs in round 1. Did a quick listen so far. Will vote later. Voted.

No problem, I noticed it when you logged in and changed your competitor-name to match. It’s just to have the app automatically disable voting for yourself or your “partner”, to avoid any boring manual checking later. I can change it around after voting ends if you like.

nice one. Come on chunter and TheBellows!! I want to know the results :D

Now let’s just hope chunter forgets to vote and gets disqualified so i don’t lose :badteethslayer:

There’s also td6d’s vote missing.

I haven’t completed my voting yet, as I’ve only voted on some of the matches

Same. Making a decision on some of these is really hard! Amazing entries from everyone I’ve listened to so far! Espcially cralias…

:blush: Sorry about that! I should have bounced it and sorted out Mediafire or something I know, but I was trying to stick to 3hrs and the original deadline!

(edit: grammar!)

Those rapidshares and mediafires are actually pretty bad places to host stuff like this. They often have download limits, like you can only download one file in 20 minutes. When several people use the same service in a round then listening through those songs is going to take quite a while :D

Mediafire doesn’t have a waiting time, download per hour/day limit and also allows you to download multiple files from their server at the same time even if your not registered. Hence why it’s the one I usually use out of the free hosting sites. Rapidshare, Megaupload and many others work the way you mention though and all will delete your file at some point (usually about a month after last download.)