If you get stressed in your work, school homework, etc., what do you do to relief your stress?
If you get stressed in your work, school homework, etc., what do you do to relief your stress?
I usually play chess or drums
I started a lickle topic
Favourite Youtube Videos
It hasnt really cottoned on, but theres so much stuff on youtube to let your brain ooze.
Yus, and drums too. The best stress relief.
Also, being naked…
after you have get really drunk
If weather allow it, go out for a walk.
Avoid drugs, alcohol, and cigarettes
Listen to Steve Reich!
and yes offcourse mastrubate
Playing drum used to be my stress reliever but I have no room to set it up.
I do make music or take pictures (mostly in the streets) sometimes I play dota… and I’m looking forward for that new game called demigod, I might play it a bit this summer.
Also, having conversations on irc #renoise is pretty good…
What’s wrong with walking in the rain.
With or without a joint, it can be a blast. I miss living near a forest.
big up Moss, he knows the score!
I forgot to mention that A and B also both involve sweet beats with lots of bass (obviously)
The reason for this one, btw, is that I find that these all tend to increase stress more than reduce it. If I want to truly reduce my stress, I spend my time dealing with my problems instead.
… Sex on the other hand, presuming you use protection and such, is a relatively stress free stress reducer
personally I really enjoy
Go places where no one else is. like 24 hour grocery stores.
Take midnight strolls.
Riding around on empty streets on my moped, fastly.
taking in a movie at a theater on an off night like monday and making sure you go to the latest show, also sometimes works with the earliest show
just about everything i am to truly relax and enjoy involves me being completely alone.
I greatly agree with that!
Ya me too… but I’ve lost it forever in my laptop!!! (sob, sob)
I Renoise.
It helps me forget the rest of the world
By meditation I mean certain mental excersises that serve to make me BE MYSELF and 100% in the moment of now (not lead by whatever thoughts criss-cross the mind).
As for the joint… I smoke very rarely, and ONLY if there is a stress AND\OR a nagging question\problem lurking in the back of my mind, and I can’t quite get it out because I’m too stressed.
A joint helps see the system ‘process list’, much like Ctl-Alt-Del, to track down un\wanted thought ‘threads’.
So, for me, a joint is not a stress reliever, but totally a medicinal herb.
Sfar as I know, sex is for making babies. No?
Making out with Renoise or sitting somewhere peaceful with a beer.
seems like theres different solutions for various people.
By meditation I mean certain mental excersises that serve to make me BE MYSELF and 100% in the moment of now (not lead by whatever thoughts criss-cross the mind).
interesting. my mind gets overflowen by conflicting thoughts daily.
sort of dealt with it, but not a great way to go to sleep (like this night)