Text resizing button

As you may [quote=“James_Britt, post:5, topic:61355”]
nteresting. I am using Renoise 3.2.1 on Win 10 Pro and have many custom hotkeys. I’ve had no trouble saving/loading them.

there are posts reporting same problem. Some state that problem occurs when os has language other than english

I run as admin, set en lang as default, different input to each app.
Now, I loaded previously saved keybindings, ctrl-z surprisingly works ok as undo, regardless of chosen layout, but ctrl-x doesn’t, although it’s there

Sometimes for hours. It seems that when folder “my tools” is not empty, hanging appears sooner.

32Gb. Well, maybe there is something wrong with my ram. I usually have 3 open internet browsers. One of them has 100+ open tabs. Sometimes they hang too.
By the way here is logLog.txt (2.6 MB)