The Group Buy + Offer Thread



Among JRRshops current deals IL Groove Machine. $18.48 with code GROUP

Wouldn’t normally post something like this due to issues below, but I’ve just discovered the sampler section is super handy for designing/ layering single-shot drums on the fly. Basically you reset the ‘Groove’ preset in the menu on the top right to initialise the instance. You can then load included samples in the top left sampler section or drag your own in there from win explorer (renoise browser unfortunately doesn’t support this).

You get 4 layers to play with, plus basic fx for each layer which are then routed through the rest of the plug for further envelopes filters and fx. To use the main fx you have to lock them in with the ‘glue’ button as they are made with live use in mind, but ofc you can add your own in renoise after.


  • only 32bit and unsupported
  • When re-arranging multiple instances in instrument list with the this script things seem to break/ reset in the plug. So at least one bug there.
  • Slightly weird way of setting sample start, but at least is possible.

Far from perfect but may be useful to someone else aswell at that price:

Deal: (ENDED)
