What do 3.3 really needs…

Nope the FL Pianoroll is the best on market!

depends who you are to me fl studio was a proper headache and i gave up on it
renoise is a headache not as much as flstudio but im perservering , the easiest for me are cubase , logic but i guess thats if u have used any software before , there all hard at first , renoise is harder for me now because ive become used to cubase or reason that type of liner flow , fl studio may be easy in the sense that u can step sequence some beats at the beginning but how it all goes together i really detest and wasnt easy for me coming from cubase etc.

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disagree cubase midi editing is pretty strong

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  1. VST3
  2. GUI integrated sends (maybe even per channel mixer integrated eq as an option)
  3. VU metering with LUFS and value readouts
  4. import of instruments, tracks, patterns from other projects
  5. Softube Console 1 native integration maybe?

renoise is awesome! those wishes are kind of “creme de la creme”. thanks, devs!


Yeah renoise is almost perfect. Vst3 is the Main thing it needs to be save for future


Im no expert but, from the perspective of someone who enjoys live pad drumming I think it would be great to get the ‘keyzones key mirroring’ or ‘sample aliasing’ feature for keyzones in renoise 3.3. To allow for easier setup of symetrical drumkits (even for keyboards). Just to avoid having to keep on opening the pad drum editor. If the sample aliasing or mirroring feature was available in keyzones you could just pretty much always use the chromatic layout that most drumpads are set to out of the box. Different midi channel per pad and stuff maybe could be handled within renoise itself as well…if it was, you could set different midi channel per key on a midi keyboard too (which dont come with those kinds of editors).

I wouldnt mind more ‘live play’ features in general like maybe adding larger detachable versions of the XY pads and implementing multitouch (for windows touchscreens)…would allow for live muting/unmuting of tracks…live mixer fader usage etc.

Also to add ticks and lines as measures for LFOs and envelopes…percentage of a beat isnt as good in my opinion.

AND, to make the scale of the pitch thing in sampler modulation to go to 1200 instead of 1000 - that would allow for sliding melodies. Makes more sense than going to 1000, you cant really get semitones accurately.

Thought about random things too, like a zoomable pattern editor which can zoom to 1 tick per line, or a timeline with ‘samples directly into timeline’ - in other words ‘audiotracks’

However Im sure there is a ‘to do list’ in the renoise office with future features coming in a logical and coherent way, like ‘iron out all bugs’, ‘update audio engine’, ‘update for vst standard’, ‘update for audio units standard’…then…new renoise feature 1 etc.

The last update was epic…cant wait to see what the future holds. Im sure there is good shit coming.

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PLZ, PLZ … PLZ Do Remove the linked Control Colors from Renoise and give every Controlclass and Fontclass its own Colorsetup-Value!!! The linking between Colors avoid that a can create the ultimat readability theme, because if i get more contrast on 1 side its looses contrast on the other side!!! In someone linked Controls you limited the avaiable contrast for best viewing on 1/2 till up to 1/4!!! That is very bad! (specialy on buttons in samplewindow vs. mouseover highlights & buttons on mainwindow)

happy tracking

Yes that would be great in case I buy a second screen :blush:


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3.3 needs to ‘happen’ :slight_smile: I’m pretty excited to see what it can do.

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Everybody needs a 3.3


Give me your 3.3 baby.


From Surge 1.7.0
VST2 is not free and open source software, and Steinberg, the copyright owner of the VST2 code, is no longer making licenses available to developers. With the Surge 1.7 family we are moving to having binary distributions of only Free and Open Source software, so are no longer distributing a VST2. If you need a VST2 here are your choices

I’ll just chime in to say the main points have been repeated numerous times in here, so I think there is pretty general agreement:

  1. Parallel Doofer (like Live’s Rack, so we can create parallel chains)
  2. Sidechaining
  3. VST3 it’s not just Reason Rack, now…

It’s actually hard to think of anything else it needs! I think the Browser is damn near perfect, personally.


My view, no matter what version of any music software I use (past, present or future), I’m still a crap musician/composer. I have nothing to look forward to.

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You think little of yourself my friend that is why you think you suck at music composition.I ve been there so i know how it feels you need to change the way you think its a phycological problem.I thought i was not good at anything then decided that i must seek professional help and from then on i gained self confidence and things became easier in music and in my life in general.I still have my problems but trust me when i say if you feel down all the time get some therapy.

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I think, he means it more like a joke.
I produce music that no one want to listen

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I dont know it sounded to me that he is in a bad phycological state.If its a joke no problem someone else in need may read my comment and decide to take action and claim his life back.


Some usefull shortcuts you might want to try out
ctrl+shift + page up or down = move cursor to next note
ctrl+shift +up/down arrow =move cursor with respect to edit step
ctrl+number ( top row ) = set edit step
ctrl+shift +number =set guantise step for recording
ctrl+shift+right arrow = add note collum
ctrl+shift+left arrow =hide note collumn


Can we please please please get a status update on a new version? Like even just a “75% percent done” or something. Cause of the pandemic I’ve very little to keep me occupied besides work and music creation and I’ve been finding myself thinking more and more about when, or even if, a new version is coming out!!


Yeah man, me too!