What feature are you hoping for in upcoming Renoise releases?

Add to that the ability to record in more than one track at a time please!

Yeah! Maybe that is more important!

This combined with not having an audio type track makes working with long samples difficult. Maybe that’s not in the tracker spirit, but would be good tp have some improvements here. It should be a bit easier to integrate external instruments & vocals.

Ability to move start point of sample… please please!

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@steve11 -Sxx command?

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This instrument allows you to automate sample start position via Macro, but you have to input note events on every line - or at least every line you want them on - in the pattern editor

But yeah, would be great to be able to automate it more directly and simply without needing to use Sxx


I hope some day Renoise can make me a cup of coffee.

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Thats already possible with the api

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I would love for the Lua API to have functions to control a rice cooker.

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Regarding my request for start point movableness. I have asked before and felt bad for asking again but I was worried that my request might be lost within a sea of other… in my opinion… much more complicated requests. I love Renoise so no disrespect but man… back in the S950 days, adjust the start point till it sounds right, minute adjustments done live, nothing that SXX can do I am afraid. Right now I have to use a VSTi sampler and then when I find a point that is ‘sweet’ I have to export so I can then use Renoises reverse commands and SXX. Just wanted to clarify that I have tried SXX, sliced things up etc but please let me relive the old skool start point tweaking days in Renoise!

That’s a big one for me as well, but maybe a better solution:

I thought if you just had a checkbox on the instrument tab, that would make it “a child” and listen to the next non-child instrument above it and play the same thing in the same track.
Could have a little arrow in the instrument list “->” then you could easily form groups and still be able to address every instrument solo like normal. You could even leave the parent instrument empty, so you would not have an instrument that would not be able to be soloed (If you get what I mean).
I thought this would require a minimal amount of UI changes (One checkbox and the “->” before the names), as well as integrate well into the existing design of the software. (From what I can tell)

Delete selection, either by default when you use delete, or as a separate hotkey. It’s kinda nonsense that this does not exist. Or did I miss something?

Cheers and happy creating :slight_smile:

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I hope one day there wil be an option to mix my own tracks. An extra window would open “dj mode” and there i can mix my own tracks… like here:

You can always just use two instances of renoise and bounce back and forth between them with spacebar sync to DJ. That’s usually how I perform live w renoise. Ultimate mix control :slight_smile:

What do you mean “native inter peak samples limiting”?

Don’t know if this is the right thread for this comment, but I really wish this wouldn’t delete vst’s used for controlling other vst’s. In example it deletes Reason players which are indeed used on the song.

I also hope one day I can control Renoise with a microphone and my voice.
If i say “play” the song will start and when I say “stop” the song will stop… that kinda things would be awesome.

I see. I wasnt expecting a perfect compressor built in. Fab filters plugins are good…

I swear you know everything about Renoise, I’m starting to think you’re a secret developer spying in the forums 🕵🏾‍♂️


Didn’t you know? He’s the vice president of the Association for Tracker Research and Native Sound Design. He only composes in between times while having a break.

Yes, and you can copy and paste stuff from one instance to the other.
Which leads me to a wish I have for Renoise:

I would like being able to save samples/instruments as .wav, .mp3 and more (the original file format). Right now it’s only possible to save as .xrni, which is kinda strange.