What feature are you hoping for in upcoming Renoise releases?

One thing, which is clearly missing in Renoise sampler is granular synthesis. :wink:

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Check out the regranulizer instrument it uses the phrase and I must say the results are :ok_hand:t6:

There are a lot of cool workarounds in renoise bro

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  • reintroduce copying samples from note-on layer to note-off layer (API) ā† iā€™ve found some sort of workaround.
  • Sample Recorder input channel + monitor + sync/start/stop (none, pattern), record dry tickbox, create a new instrument on each take tickbox, compensate input + output latencies control on API (oh and "which effect channel)
  • create an empty slot in sample slot and select it (API + shortcut)
  • disk browser + instrument box width saving to Screenset
  • extended disk browser like renoise 2.8 used to have
  • disk browser screensets, so can start Renoise in Samples Tab
  • disk browser TAB control (API)
  • 8 screensets for disk browser
  • #Send and #Multisend full control via API (so can set any tickbox and button)
  • being able to save an Init to a Renoise Native effect.
  • absolute must: resizeable Preferences ā†’ Keys so can see way more
  • 2nd binds for each and every shortcut (just like @kazakore screenshot that one time, @taktik )

I only expect ā€˜composes without wiresā€™, i know itā€™s been possible now, although differentiation between male & female brains will be a Task, as well as young to old and beginner to guru levitating status, but luckily most of us are male or think male-like, which is nodal from what Ive seen as females encompass with many interconnections like a star pattern, where the primary neuronal firing is the connections. so beginning with nodal point referencing (assuming there are nodes already functioning) to renoise functions with a small personal llm trained by how you uniquely use renoise to like midi map but mostly in the OSC realm with littlle function loops that combine and restructure, think FPGA, could possibly work? then reverse connection, with renoise being the brain so we can train muscle memory and produce bionic wuxi/kungfu

just a new ā€œreleaseā€.


searching for a sampler with more depth than my mpc is actually what led me to renoise! i learned the tracker interface primarily to be able to use the sampler. iā€™m ready to fight about this as well! lol! lets go @casiino


A much improved time stretching/warping engine. Especially trying to keep the original pitch (or at least a few semitones up/down) with a faster project tempo, using the texture and percussion types leave a lot of nasty aliasing
Perhaps adapt at how FL Studio or Ableton Live warps audio.
Of course, this could be a CPU Processing thing (and Renoiseā€™s CPU usage, poorly optimized).


Thatā€™s Zplane tech. Bet that shit costs a pretty penny :frowning:

Although I think theyā€™ve made their own VSTs in recent years, so they might actually have their algos on the go

Itā€™s so smallā€¦ā€¦thatā€™s what she said(couldnā€™t help it)

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Although i passionately HATE Waylandā€¦itā€™s ā€œThe FUTURE!!111ā€ on Linux.

So iā€™d like to see proper support for Wayland, because, even if for instance on KDE you ā€œDisable security for legacy X11 appsā€ - itā€™s still impossible to properly work anything keyboard relatedā€¦no Ctrl+C / Ctrl+Vā€¦no long pressesā€¦nothing. :melting_face:

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I would like to see some of the tools made over the years adapted in to Renoise and made permanent.

I know 0% about coding but Iā€™m imaging this would be relatively quick and straightforward to do.


This. So much.

Renoise window snapping

Access to a tracks/instruments audio buffer in the API would make Renoise the best tool for synth prototyping, since the gui part is already ā€œsolvedā€ via viewbuilder. That would have been coolā€¦
Basically a new type of tool format that is a ā€œscripted instrumentā€.


Protoplug also proves that LUA JIT is fast enough for realtime audio processing, if you precompile it. But I guess its quite a hard job to combine that with the Renoise API and viewbuilder, since these are running in different processes and spaces, as I understand it. Same for the formula device, right? So I am not sure why you mentioned the viewbuilder in this context. There could be ā€œsimplyā€ a protoplug / audio formula device, but then why not use protoplug directly?

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All of the above, since december 2020.
One feature per week, grouped in monthly releases.
Iā€™m OK for taktik to have holidays.
So letā€™s say 45 new features per year in total.
Of course it will make the version numbers increase.
Which will give more cash to taktik in final.

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I would like to be able to save an instrument as the desired file type within Renoise. Afaik itā€™s only possible to save samples within Renoise as xrni files, but I need all the samples as wave files. When I mark a sample in the instrument selector, open the menu by right click, choose ā€œsave instrument asā€, the only option is to save as xrni. Why? This needs to be changed. Wav is the common file type.

Not a sampleā€¦ an instrument.

Because youā€™re telling Renoise to save a Renoise instrument with all of its samples, modulations, mappings, and all other instrument properties.

If you want to save a single sample, then you can go into the sample editor and use the functions there, where youā€™ll get the option to save a *.wav or *.flac of whateverā€™s currently visible in the sample editor.

An instrument is an instrument, and a sample is a sample. Two very different things with very different properties. :slight_smile:


I usually listen to the songs Iā€™m working on and that helps me keep track of what song Iā€™m working on.

Ok, I got it. BUT when you load a sample into Renoise, it always will be listed in the instrument selector. And of course itā€™s still a sample, it wonā€™t magically turn into a xrni just because itā€™s listed there. So it would make sense to be able to save as whatever you want, right? I mean, this list can contain samples, VSTis and xrnis, right? Anyway, thanks for the hint. I never open the Sampler, so I missed that option.