What feature are you hoping for in upcoming Renoise releases?

When you load a sample into Renoise through the disk browser “samples” tab, Renoise will by default create a new instrument and then set up a new note mapping within the instrument for that sample. At that point it does then become an XRNI instrument internally.

So when you go to save it from the instrument list, it will be treated as an XNRI with all of the additional properties and instrument data, not as the original basic *.wav or *.flac sample that you loaded in.

To get that original sample back out again, you can save it as a sample from the sample editor itself, as I previously mentioned, or better yet from the samples tab in the disk browser – where you can manually enter a *.wav or *.flac filename based on what you prefer.

(Note: All of Renoise’s files are essentially just ZIP archives with some extra XML data… so you could technically load the XRNI into 7-zip or whatever, and then rip all of the sample files from the SampleData folder.)


Reflections on fantasy levels. I recently found a very interesting plugin that quickly
resynthesizes any short sound to create drums. It also has the ability to morph between two sounds. And of course I fantasized about something similar in renoise.

Ok, so after all there’s some “magic” happening. Good to know, thanks! Is it the same behavior in terms of VSTis? How does that work? So in theory I could save any VST preset as a xrni file?

That’s also good to know in case I would like to rip some samples one day. Which is very unlikely, but knowledge is power, right? :wink:

Timestamps in Logfile.
Debug level logging option.

Native Arpeggiator


Indeed you can!

The XRNI obviously won’t contain the VSTi plugin file itself, but you can save plugin presets this way no problem.


full API control over Sample Recorder.

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Have you experimented with phrases? They offer very powerful and customizable arpeggiation. In conjunction with scale locking they are very playable, too. Easy to duplicate and make variations as well… Check it out if you haven’t already. If you have and aren’t satisfied, what features do you want in an arpeggiator that phrases don’t already offer?

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It is my big hope that someday phrases will have the ability to record effect parameter controls. and the problem with restarting the LFO will be solved, because often the parameters do not work correctly or are even delayed. It would also be nice to add a glide to the keytrack.

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Yes if fx commands were added that would be huge and you could reset the lfo however/whenever

What I like a lot are params (Volume, Panning, Delay, FX) with SLIDERS!!! in Phrases Editor. Does it mean Phrases are for kids while PE for professionals and hardcore keyboard oriented rads weaned on trackers?

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Tried to use Phrases for grooves and switching them by program change mapped to pads on midi controller but failed. I think it was waiting for next pattern to change program (phrase) so it had to be the same length… not sure now to describe it exactly… Someone else here might know better (native - no tool involved).

However there I saw a chance to do more for a live set - it seems renoise is missing just a bit to do that!
Long story short - I hope renoise will have full potential to be used (I don’t mean degraded) like a novation iOS Lunchpad app etc. I’m aware renoise is great but would be even more when such “simple” tasks would be meaningful. With all midi mapping awesomeness and sample magic tricks of renoise itself.

Unlimited Beat Sync length.

Might sound ridiculous but hear me out, this is the ONE limitation that prevents the sampler from being a FAST all around sampler. Renoise is an absolute BEAST for drum slicing. Quick AND surgical. However for melodies a bit more is needed IMO.

Unless your sample is a perfect loop and/or the same tempo as your project, a lot of surgery is needed before hand, and it can be troublesome. Still wouldn’t use anything else because the precision and control is unmatched.

There are a few tools that sync slices automatically but if the “stop slice playback at next marker” is disabled, you can kiss that perfect timing goodbye. The 512 limit will cause any slice to be too fast, in sync but too fast. Even if recalculated, for long samples 512 just isn’t enough to have most of your slices/chops synced at a practical rate for use.

The goal in mind is to:

•Throw in any type of melodic material(full songs, personal stuff, etc)

•Auto slice or Manual slice

•Auto sync slices(multiple tools can do this)



More features for the disk browser, such as:

  • A search bar that can search recursively within subfolders

  • Typing the first few letters of a filename should jump to that file

  • The ability to expand folders within the main part of the disk browser, like you can in some Linux file managers such as KDE Dolphin:

Having to double click through so many folders to find a suitable sample or .sfz kills my creativity, and having to constantly flip back and forth between Renoise and a file manager is also inconvenient.

Also, CLAP and/or LV2 support.


Cool would be some minor improvements in the audio and midi setup:

6 midi input slots instead 4 (helpful when you use a mobile computer, connecting to various setups), remembering the last connected device per slot or something.

Support for “system audio device”, also helpful while using a notebook, no more lost audio device if you disconnect from stationary (os will switch the used audio device internally and automatically). See Ableton 12 as an example.

Fix for bluetooth devices / limited sample rate selection devices: If you use 48kHz and switch to a bluetooth device (commonly only supporting 44,1kHz), Renoise runs into an error, but instead should auto-switch to 44,1kHz, if this is the only available sample rate of the selected output device.

•Option to keep current phrases when changing instruments(honestly I would prefer the phrases separate from the instrument by default)

•Remove 12 samples per note limit

•Individual pattern editor length per track
example: track 1/256 lines track 2/512 lines

•More flexibility within the instrument modulation
IMO the instrument FX is far more flexible

•Option to NOT save files with project. Personally I love that it defaults to this, never lose a project but I also render plugs to xnri a lot so a majority of my projects are 200mb+ so having the option would be great

•I would like to see Tools that are actually fx and mod devices as well as synths, with sampler enhancements like granular as well. I hope the next API update allows access to this. I like everything being within Renoise and not using plugins, just my personal preference though

  • Support for loading .iti (Impulse Tracker/OpenMPT) instruments
  • Subpixel UI text anti-aliasing (This would make the text much easier to read at 100% scaling)
  • Relative tempo change effect command
  • PulseAudio audio device on Linux

Someone mentioned a larger window for Key bindings.
I have hard to remember shortcuts, so for my own purpose I created a “converter” that reads the KeyBindings.xml and showing it converted to a single html page, with search boxes for each column:
My latest converted online KeyMapping here

Unfortunately I have no time to learn Lua or Python or any other non-OS dependant language, so this is a Windows app made with AHK v2.


Also a similar for MIDI-mappings, for a specificly saved MIDI mapping file named MIDImapping.xrnm
(More searchboxes to be implemented, this version search for match in any column)

(I might add a settings file to the converter app where I can set a names for channel and CC value button ID somehow.)


Can we please have the ability to “Process DSP FX” and choose to only bake in the processing in the instrument effects chain or both the instrument effects chain AND the effects on the channel? Currently it only bakes in the effects from the channel it seems

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