English is not my native language, so have patience please.
It is not easy topic… and I am not sure where to begin.
But i will try to argue the best i can because i think that Renoise team made little mistake here.
Why i think that Team should think how to make more macros in instrument possible.
Some facts:
1. Renoise didnt have knobs untill Renoise 3. It had just sliders.
1.1. Knobs can be fine (they have bigger “resolution” than sliders…)
BUT Renoise´s knobs dont represent values they are linked to. So they are not precise, so they dont have to be detailed and can be replaced by sliders.
1.2 Knobs that are not needed takes too much space, one knob can be replaced by two horizontal sliders.
Text would be under every slider. If you need to see values also i think that something like “when you touch slider, text is replaced by value” would be ideal.
2. If every knob can be replaced by two sliders, we can have 16 macros at least.
2.1. We need 16 macros at least because macro is the only way how to modulate instrument envelope.
2.2. When you insert any VSTi plugin and then insert INSTR. AUT. device you can expand it and see any number of vsti parameter.
So there is no problem to modulate any number of its parameters.
So VSTi instruments have infinity amount of macros but Renoise native instruments have just eight.
Scenario and solution for better understanding:
1. I have Renoise instrument with 4 waveforms assigned to 4 modulation sets. And i wanna modulate attack of them by velocity tracker. So i have to assign 4 macros to the 4 attacks and then modulate it (lets say it is simulation of brass instrument).
Problem 1 :This thing will take 4 macros, it is not good!
Elegant solution: Velocity (or key-tracking) device for the instruments should have selectable target available (so it shouldnt infuence just envelope level). I would assign it to the attack and everything would be solved…
Not so elegant but possible solution: Make 16 slider macros possible so i wont be so sad that 4 of them are taken by these attacks that are assigned to velocity trackerdevice inside the mixer…
Another reasons:
1. 16 knobs or sliders is very common on today´s midi controllers
2. Renoise possibilities would be bigger.
2.1 : I´ve heard that Renoise doesnt wanna to be complicated. To be fair, Renoise is very complicated by its principle but no by its possibilities!
Look at menu in Reaper, ProTools or MuLab. Renoise is still very minimalistic in this manor.
I dont understand why to think about Renoise like about an Ipad app. Renoise has the most hardcore users i know (besides puredata etc :-)), we
dont need fancy knobs if it just look good and doesnt have any function… And we dont need Renoise to be less functional, just saying.
Thing that i hate about macros and doofers
Space for text is too small and sometimes i cant type anything that would describe knobs function well enough. Size of the text should be influenced by the lenght.
So think about replacing knobs with sliders and making 16 macros possible PLEASE.
dont wanna to use paper and think how to get instrument realtime and modulation functions into 8 knobs.
I´ve realized it yeasterday with Uhe plugins on Linux. I´ve just opened instr. aut. device and modulated a lot of (more than 8) crazy things
Sometimes, I would like it do it with Renoise also…