Will it be a renoise 4.0?

I think the version 3.4 is enough to work with, but as you know many other daws seems to add new things all the time, a mix of useful and stupid things just to keep earning money with their software. I want to know what you would like to implement as a MAIN change for 4.0?

I use renoise since old days but never to use it as a sampler daw, i use it for ambient music with vst… but seems renoise is more dedicated to very fast music genere with samples. So I would like to see some cool addons to add people who are not from this music genere only. For example add a complete native pianoroll for chord cases o some other things like scales. Windowed, like simple piano roll but more easy to use, like copy, drag&drop, etc. Also faster vst automation, or a better way to re-arrange your songs. Also containers like bitwig has, and a larger fx vst window in the left bottom (I have to use glasses to see there!)

Just my ideas, what’s yours?


You probably missed a few thousand threads about that topic. Check this one and there are no more questions.

OMG :man_facepalming:


nice attitude to a newcomer on a barely alive forum


My bad, a “newcomer” who’s using Renoise “since old days” suggesting a piano roll in a first post in a tracker forum is a pretty weird situation, isn’t it?. So with peaceful intentions I pointed to the developer’s plans for Renoise for those who don’t know what to expect. Nobody needs to waste precious time by reading all those already existing threads about wish lists and piano rolls or by starting another thread about the very same topic, right? In that sense, merry christmas! :christmas_tree:

And btw…

But it’s the same font size like everywhere else, right? You’re still lucky, personally I need to use glasses for 2 years now just to be able to read anything in Renoise. That’s aging. :wink:

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There’s piano roll tool, but I find rotate in pattern and find in pattern more essential :slight_smile:
There’s a million things more interesting in renoise and trackers in general than a piano roll that are available right now, I admit it takes time but it’s a whole other mindset, it forces you to focus on core concepts: samples, pattern data and fx, embrace the t r e k k e r
It’s precisely these ̶l̶i̶m̶i̶t̶a̶t̶i̶o̶n̶s̶ different ways to do things that led to techniques like sampling extended chords in jungle, it gives the chord a whole other timbre than if the voices were separate.

I don’t get what you mean by “more suited for genres with samples” you can make any genre with samples, in fact I’d say R and trackers force you to learn how to sample, if you are only using vsts synths for your insts imo you are wasting potential

I’d admit I like more practical native mid side and parallel processing or linear eqs, voxengo msed and lkjb qrange are fine :stuck_out_tongue: , I print those effects with “render sample dsp chain” function anyway

Piano roll is less of an issue because we do have a couple of plugins for it, but… the ux of the software.

Just like I have mentioned from the KVR forum, I found there are so many “short by one features” preventing Renoise to be epic, which is really sad. And here is the list from the kvr post, with a couples of extras:

  • It has VST support, but the note fx doesn’t support MPE.
  • It has Delay Compensation, but for some reasons, it arbitrarily capped at 100 ms which is not useful for some of the sample libraries.
  • It has a cool sample editor, but you can’t have stack and round robin sample at the same instrument instance.
  • I love their vst sampling feature, but I am not sure why the loop point in the loop sampling mode has to be in the dead center, but most of the time, the transition between transient and sustain are not always at the middle: we can have a very short transient and long cycles of sustains and vice versa; as a result, I had to manually set the loop point instead.
  • It has a cool phrase editor for each instruments, but sadly, it doesn’t support midi cc output, missed an opportunity to change articulations by switching the phrase.
  • It has scripting, but we can’t create instrument plugin playing in real time other than sample it.
  • The infamous two line per scroll
  • I understand to makes some older users feel familiar with their tracker, but it would be much better if there are templates to let user choose the hot keys because it is really difficult to change the shortcuts on a tiny key mapper windows with fully packed hot keys that can easily conflicts one another.

I can certainly tell it is a problem of UX because I have multiple music making software, and I have no problem switching between SunVox, Furnace, FL Studio, and even musescore, regularly, but I still have a lot of struggles on using Renoise in particular due to the issues above.

Considering how old Renoise is, some of them might be difficult and might require to rewrite the feature, but increasing the delay compensation limit, able to define the loop point on sampling vsts, offering some basic templates for the hotkeys for suiting new or experienced users seems highly approachable, and these three improvements could already reduce a lot of pain on writing orchestral tracks on renoise.

I don’t get what you mean by “more suited for genres with samples” you can make any genre with samples

I think I kinda get what Carles means. It is surely can write any genre if you have put the effort into Renoise, but definitely, some of the genre are more difficult than others because of the limitations. Slicing a beat to make breakbeat? Easy! You can just load a beat and use a command to change the sample playhead. How about writing a Thomas Bergersen Style Epic music like Heart of Courage? Because of the issues above, writing one is already exponentially more difficult, and I had to use so many workarounds just to get the job done, or the worst, I have to export the samples as an xm instrument and working the track in SunVox.

in fact I’d say R and trackers force you to learn how to sample, if you are only using vsts synths for your insts imo you are wasting potential

I am afraid this might not be true because sampling is not a sliver bullet for every sounds which it has a trade off, your memory storage. Sampling a simple synth pluck sounds is a non issue because these sounds are simple, and you don’t need many sample to make it sound convincing; in fact, you can just load a saw way with the built-in filter. However, not all sounds are simple, especially working with orchestral libraries. Try to imagine to sample a string library where their staccato have 9 different round robin, where you have to sample 5 instrument groups, from their lowest to highest notes with all the variations. As a result, after I have sampled the full orchestra, and each sound contains 4 variants of staccato, and a sustain, all of these samples are already taken up more than 500 mb! Unlike kontakt libraries, we have to save all the sample independently for every project, so you can see how bad it scales if I have sampled my instruments more deeply, and working on more orchestral projects.

In addition, Renoise looks like a tracker targeting to the “professional” audience, judging by the mixer, vst support and scripting, so I don’t see how Renoise should be a tracker that forces you to learn sampling. If I need a tracker that focus on sample but not the vst plugin, I keep on using SunVox instead and wouldn’t bought Renoise (which I expect to use plugins) in the first place.

Edit 1: Oh, it turns out TakTik is working on the midi out for redux and I have missed it, that’s an awesome news! Thus, my point for redux missing midi out is no longer valid.


Christmas does not help you to be a nice person! :sweat_smile:

I want to clarify my opinion. When I said what do you like to see in the 4.0 is because I think Renoise is very good software but no enough commercial to grow up. Developers need money to spend time here. I don’t know how many users we are but I think trackers could be good enough to deal with all music genre with some changes… and if renoise wants to continue, has to compete with other software in possibilities. So TNT type of users who are like trackers talibans I think it doesn’t help to open mind and to make this software as big as it deserves.

My main use is with VST, no samples, and this part could be improved in the next versions to attract new users. Better and easier sidechain, modulators, faster automatization, maybe faster re-arranging patterns. I know there is the simple piano roll, but has to be a native one in case we need it for large chords or complex leads and pianos, also for newcomers

Merry christmas to all!!!

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That’s right, but actions do. :wink:

You didn’t click the link above, right? If you click the link you’ll face the developer’s statement. Renoise was never meant to be as commercial and “big” as you might think. Use it for what it is, not for what it might be.

“TNT type of users” are open minded as long as nobody suggests a piano roll in a tracker or crap that’s not improving the production process like dancing sprites in a DAW in general.

I’m also using mainly VSTs, and I’m happy with it. But I agree, the Renoise sidechain device could be improved, for example I would like it to be able to apply the same “pumping” effect to the sound like the signal follower combined with the gainer if it’s desired, therefore it seemingly has to become a little more powerful. And the graphical automation could be improved, too, especially when it comes to automation over multiple patterns. But those are details, and everything was already discussed a million times. There’s a search bar in this forum, you know?

True, that’s one reason why I prefer to use VSTs.

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Sorry you caught me after 18 hours no sleep :badteeth: you’re right sampling is not practical for every use case, it’s just perfectionism that I’m still breaking on my end, I loathe big sample libraries too, and I just said that about vst instruments because I use them in another daw (Ableton Lite), to design my samples and thus instruments because I always felt the performance of them is honestly not the best in renoise, (fx vsts are fine, but still some people report bugs and slowdowns sometimes) and a big selling point of R are pattern commands. So all these concepts mean different things to everyone, we all have different workflows and at the end of the day we are always evolving and hopefully making things easier for ourselves.

Merry Christmas y’all :blush:!

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"We wish you a Merry Christmas
We wish you a Merry Christmas
We wish you a Merry Christmas
And a Renoise 4.2. … " I mean… “…for You.…” or something…

“Tracker Taliban”
Kinda catchy


Taktik is the only one who can answer the question.
Also those here who have advanced medium powers.

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Merry Christmas for all!!!

I can definitely feel that because I am just currently migrating my sample libraries into my ssd, and well, it is a pain in the backend, and it took nearly a day to download cineperc from the native access, and it have already taken tenth of my external ssd.

I wish to see more sample modeling stuff like Infinite brass/woodwinds or physical modeling synth, rather than an half a TB sample library just for a string or brass section.

And this also applies to other trackers too beacuse these fxs are basically our superpower, and these commands basically simplify many effects down to a single fx ID without the aid of additional plugins. This is the reason why I have been eyeing for a music tracker that supports MPE. (but I am yet to find one) Try to imagine if we can use polyphonic pitch bend on diva, using slide, vibrato or arpeggio command, and have a delicate command for polyphonic after touch. Thus:

All I want for Renoise, is MPE

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Merry Christmas !

To everyone who wants to have a piano roll, buy yourself ableton fl studio bitwig. I use trackers because this interface is convenient for me, because my head works exactly like that. I think that after so many years, you need to understand this. Renoise is a niche specific tool. I will say in a specific Russian phrase - why the hell does a goat need a button accordion? (нахуя козе баян?)

Renoise team please close this shitpost! thank you!


Me too, but that would require a fundamental refactoring of Renoise, so most likely will not come, maybe never.

Yes, this is annoying, on the other hand, I think there is a reason for this: The GUI drawing also is dependent on the latency (uncommon approach, not in other daws). So I would assume fixing this would require a complete decoupling of the GUI rendering process and the audio processing. So lots a work and rewrite. I guess Taktik chose 100ms as limit to keep Renoise still usable with a very low gui refresh rate, but not too low.

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Whatever is implemented in Renoise, I’m just glad that old version still exist so I can go back. There is a reason why I never converted to a normal DAW. I’m pleasantly sursprised by not having to go back already as Renoise is still true to it’s original identity.

For me it’s more important that v4 can deliver whatever v3 can without bugs. For example, some vst instruments can fail to render correctly, making some hits weaker than the rest. It helps to trig all the instruments before rendering, but not always. That is stuff that makes life a living hell, listening through every song for those synth-failures makes me nervous, especially if I don’t have a lot of time. It happens with my main synth, Nexus by ReFX, and even more with Juno emulation on DC0-106 by Cherry Audio.

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This might surprise you, but people who ask for a piano roll are generally not suggesting to replace the tracker view with it. They wish to have a piano roll in addition to the tracker view. Because for some things the tracker view excels, while for others piano roll does. If the things you are doing fall only within the first category, that is great, but having both a tracker view and a piano roll could give others the best view possible, for whatever they want to achieve.


You’re talking about “Render to Disk”, so if you’re rendering your song? Is it still buggy? I assume you’re rendering “Offline”, right? Have you tried to render in “Realtime”, too? When I started using Renoise in 2011 I’ve noticed a lot of rendering issues, especially in case there are a lot of delay devices, which leads to echoes that are out of sync. Therefore I always render in “Realtime” only, despite the limited rendering options. Of course I would prefer to render offline, which is way faster and has more rendering options, but just like you I don’t want to check every single second of the song if there are bugs or not…

let’s do it this way. do i understand correctly that you simply didn’t read the manual and didn’t try to understand how the work with notes is implemented? and didn’t try to understand the underlying idea of musical construction within the tracker grid. just try to change the angle of view and consider the tracker grid as an obstacle and as a very logical system. and for greater convenience, install an excellent set of additional functions “Paketti” there you will find a very useful macro (chord plus) that can instantly create chords for you from any note you put, using only keyboard shortcuts.

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