We’re in the middle of the Redux and Renoise 3.1 release, so we haven’t had much time to test the pending fixes for Renoise 3.0 which are now floating around for a while. Thus we’d thought it’s probably a good idea to make a small beta test for the upcoming 3.0.1 release before making it public.
Registered users only:
To download a preview version of 3.0.1, log intohttps://backstage.renoise.com, then click on this link here:https://backstage.renoise.com/app/userArea/releases/BetaReleases
What’s new :
3.0.1 contains bug fixes only, no feature changes. 3.1 will be the next release with feature changes.
fixed startup problems with the plugin bridge on some systems (could happen when for example the arial.ttf font is missing)
relatime recording of notes (with the computer keyboard or MIDI) often was a bit off in 3.0. This should be fixed now, at least should be better now.
many NI VST plugins tend to crash on OSX when opening and closing its external editor very very quickly. This is not a Renoise bug, happens in every host, but happened quite easily in Renoise when quickly scrolling though the instrument list. Should happen less often now.
fixed a few quirks and crashes in the Lua API
fixed various small issues with phrases and auto-seek (phrases should never be auto-seeked)
Seehttps://forum.renoise.com/c/help-support-bugs/pending-bug-fixesfor the complete list of fixes please.
If everything looks good, we’ll publish the 3.0.1 builds officially end of next week.
Found an issue? Then please reply to this topic here to report.
Thanks for the help!