Any Flat Earth supporters or believers here?

All this talk about people needing to see a doctor. Why do people have so much faith in psychiatry?

Its not even a proper medical science.

You are much better off as a ‘crazy person’ with an active imagination than a chemically lobotomized prisoner slowly dying in a pych ward.

Psychiatrists will fuck up your life and your brain more than any drug.

They are not ‘persons of integrity’ as the media would have you believe, more like selfish fascist cunts.

Dont ever see a psychiatrist unless you think chemical poisoning and life sentence prison is interesting or fun.

They have never ‘cured’ anyone.

All this talk about people needing to see a doctor. Why do people have so much faith in psychiatry?

Its not even a proper medical science.

You are much better off as a ‘crazy person’ with an active imagination than a chemically lobotomized prisoner slowly dying in a pych ward.

Psychiatrists will fuck up your life and your brain more than any drug.

They are not ‘persons of integrity’ as the media would have you believe, more like selfish fascist cunts.

Dont ever see a psychiatrist unless you think chemical poisoning and life sentence prison is interesting or fun.

They have never ‘cured’ anyone.

It depends , I have a friend who is diagnosed with schizophrenia …he comes from a verry good family , parents are teachers ., living in a big house .

He had two uncle’s who also had schizophrenia , they killed themselves …

So , my friend …started to live alone when he was 18 years old , smoked a lot of marihuana , combined with his genetic background…:an explosive cocktail .
My friend always had these new age hippie view on things …but things started to get more serious , about 10 years ago .his first hardcore psychosis kicked in , paranoia ,delusional

Species from other galaxies trying to localize him ( he thought he was the leader of a new movement that would bring peace in this galaxy and other species wanted to prevent that …no kidding )

Everyone with a smartphone was under the influence of these bad mofo’s , to track his movements …aggressive towards people , he ran trough the city like a hunted deer …eventually got colocated ( doctors let him out after a few months ) .

It’s a repeating pattern , he doesn’t aknowledge he is ill / schizo …he’s still convinced that he’s a special light being … and everyone else is wrong .

He now has two to three psychotic attacks a year …when I don’t hear from him …I just know he’s been colocated again …

If you stay too long in that kinda state …it’s verry difficult to get out …;unless you take meds …and are willing to accept that your ill.

So if someone tells me he’s from niburu , or any other planet …galaxy , that the earth is flat …;that you can communicate with spirits … I’m like …

.yeah …whatever .dude …;good for you …but don’t pollute the air around me with your bull shit .

I think most flat earthers are just beyond stupid , but sometimes I can’t stop thinking it’s a kind of mass psychosis going on …

There’s only one thing we can do , sterilize the fuck out of these retards .


I dont understand, you want to sterilize people?


What were you saying before about punishing and re-educating weak people who use the google speaker thing?

from this thread :

_ gentleclockdivider _ - "it’s a kind of mass psychosis going on …There’s only one thing we can do , sterilize the fuck out of these retards"

_ renoised _ - “We must punish and educate such weak people in order to stop them breeding more weak people.”

It’s a figure of speech ,

BUt there a kinds of people that better don’t procreate.

I also believe that the world would be better of without religion , a universal education system and a governementrun by scientists ( who like lolcats )

Humans shouldn’t be their own worst enemies=(

Big Gerald Donald fan here .( altough he dislikes the cult of personality )

The latest lp ’ cellular automata’ is amazing

Agreed B) caning Arpanet ATM.

his zyklus output is also amazing .

It depends , I have a friend who is diagnosed with schizophrenia …he comes from a verry good family , parents are teachers ., living in a big house .
He had two uncle’s who also had schizophrenia , they killed themselves …
So , my friend …started to live alone when he was 18 years old , smoked a lot of marihuana , combined with his genetic background…:an explosive cocktail .
My friend always had these new age hippie view on things …but things started to get more serious , about 10 years ago .his first hardcore psychosis kicked in , paranoia ,delusional
Species from other galaxies trying to localize him ( he thought he was the leader of a new movement that would bring peace in this galaxy and other species wanted to prevent that …no kidding )
Everyone with a smartphone was under the influence of these bad mofo’s , to track his movements …aggressive towards people , he ran trough the city like a hunted deer …eventually got colocated ( doctors let him out after a few months ) .
It’s a repeating pattern , he doesn’t aknowledge he is ill / schizo …he’s still convinced that he’s a special light being … and everyone else is wrong .
He now has two to three psychotic attacks a year …when I don’t hear from him …I just know he’s been colocated again …
If you stay too long in that kinda state …it’s verry difficult to get out …;unless you take meds …and are willing to accept that your ill.
So if someone tells me he’s from niburu , or any other planet …galaxy , that the earth is flat …;that you can communicate with spirits … I’m like …
.yeah …whatever .dude …;good for you …but don’t pollute the air around me with your bull shit .

I think most flat earthers are just beyond stupid , but sometimes I can’t stop thinking it’s a kind of mass psychosis going on …
There’s only one thing we can do , sterilize the fuck out of these retards .

Interesting, surprisingly schizophrenia is called the lower class disease and not an affluent condition like bipolar disorder. It is widely recorded originally in the demographics who do mostly menial labour day in and day out, the brain gets hungry for lack of use and it cannibalizes itself. In fact this disease is more of a neurological one with so called ‘chemical imbalances’ (yea right, like those quacks who think they got the brain chemistry all figured out…genuine retards…same ol shite, ‘scientists’ always meddling with natural stuff trying to make it their own…). In affluent circles the historical basis for a lot of maladies were often simple mood disorders or vitamin deficiencies. Lord Byron was ecstatic at times and uncontrollably depressive the next day and he was the most famous mental hospital inmate who was writing his works even there during his elated phases. On the other hand Virginia Woolf had debilitating depression which allegedly drove her to suicide in order to relieve her immediate family from any more burden being burderned herself. Depression however has a far better social stigma rating than the rest. Bipolar however also has made up for lost time and has become a celebrity or genius disease widely talked about in both music and science circles.

Dr. Eleanor Longden gave an outstanding Ted Talk and published her research a couple of years back on the phenomeneon of Hearing Voices. There are a lot of people around the world with this condition and she is the first one to make this public at this platform with a very interesting analysis and solid scientific regiour herself being a trained pychologist/psychiatrist and she mentions this as a human trait that we must embrace. Its like a 7th sense. There is also a Hearing Voices movement going on and various clubs and communities for mutual support and information exchange. Now even 15 years back they would be called schizos right? Times change fast, even if peoples attitutdes take time to catch up. One could argue that in the current times of multi featured DAWs why the hell would any sane person use a Tracker software? “Those folks are so schizo! Crazy people still living in the 90’s…”. Just like asm programming nuts who live in their own time bubble. But for many its actually a perfectly valid platform and tool with a strong underground legacy so far. So you have to look at both sides of the story to make a valid argument.

BTW I also have this thing of hearing voices. My neurologist told me some years back that according to her research at that time, she has observed this trait in mostly (99%) of people who are engaged in advanced sciences and intellectually engaging art. She complemented me for my uniqueness and told me that its like a bonus feature to a selected few and just having brains is not the only criteria, many dont have it and you cant just get it somehow on a whim. Its actually a mystery as to its evolution purpose as she was telling me. Apparently its nothing demonic related and she also provided me lots of research papers on the gut brain link and told me to spend some time to understand all this as it was cutting edge neurological science some years back.

Later on I also contacted some psychic folks, exorcists and some rather odd characters for their take on this, obviously making it a blind test for each one, and surprisingly they all told me that there is no spiritual factor in play! So you know what, science rocks! And thanks to such brilliant researchers, folks like me get to continue our usual days without a second bother about what the other person thinks :slight_smile: While most people like to be experts, its a very different experience communicating with them on a regular basis, trained researchers and scientists and all such folks…medical science is still kinda cool, even if psychology is a very dangerous and largely incomplete territory and handled very incompetently by some very unscruplous and downright stupid people.

‘It’s intentional, it MUST be!’ (lol)

The problem with psychology is that it can be abused as the ultimate form of human quackery becos NO ONE understands what is happening inside, basically it can be diagnosed/treated/damaged just by someone in charge signing some papers and making some bureaucratic phone calls. In the 1940’s to 1960’s very regular women in America were being institutionalized for petty arguments and their sanity brought to question as a threat, especially if the opposing party is a male and well connected, it was a very real danger and many women in that period were wrongly charged and locked up and stigmatized for life just because their husband or boyfriend thought its best to get rid of them this way. So don’t be so cock sure about the system and so called trained folks who are just sub par sub human wretches who are glaring examples of how empty and unsed their brains are to begin with. And this is still going on even if things have legally taken some amount of control.

A very basic strawman technique used very well in media to politics is to attack the character or integrity of the peron and not the argument, happens a lot actually. So ideally a simple pre argument psychological screening can be done before any major argument to both parties and then the debate can start with some amount of a ‘sanity score’. However in real life it’s something like this, say I have a pit with someone, I can pay the doctor some kind of gift, say money or some stocks or maybe get him a good seat somewhere, solve some issue he is having, and in lieu of that favour he gives my opposing party a sign and stamp of ill mental health and cook up some really intimidating report on the severity of his brain damage. I win without even opening my mouth (my wallet rather).

This kind of power play has made kings and empires and goverments lose their leverage over their opposition. It’s a very simple formula, and its called Abuse Of Power.
Europe is no stranger to such social debacles, many countries like France are high consumers of psycotropic drugs and America is the leader in bullshitting their own people and propose and even have programs to put their school chidren on Ritalin so that they can be made more docile. Till date I have kicked the arse of any teacher or professor who have ever tried to school me, pretty sure I am gonna stay this way for a lOOOOOONg time.

Schizophrenia has it roots in a brain disorder which is combination of birth defects, genetic predisposition, brain chemistry and hormonal sensitivity, allergies and toxic reactions to chemicals in ones daily life and so on. There is a reason why the upper class very-very rarely have schizophrenia. A healty diet and environment is a major factor in ones heatlh. So is sleep and rest and intellectual engagement like those who are in the arts and sciences or even politics and social work where you remain very social and interact with people. Some are most definitely autistic to a large degree and are wrongly diagnosed with an incorrect condition. Many with simple bipolar are diagnozed schizo and the funny thing is that the definition of schizophrenia it self is as convoluted as a legal contract paperwork. It actually makes no sense at all and tries to borderline every single human behaviour by trying to ‘maladize’ everything and interestingly in various combination sets. Just like the criminal justice system, the rules are very skewed and designed to make the victim fully submitting. To my eyes after reading all these freely avaiable papers, a regular exorcism diagnosis criteria list is way more logical and precise to talk about. I suppose religion got one thing right and does this kind of ‘quackery’ without hurting other people or having the prayers designed to hurt the possessed. If pychology and exorcism are pan-handled as quackery then I suppose the one with less amount of convolution or quakery wins! Like for real…

Now just like astrology, if someone comes to a conclusion based or heresy and funny facts, it is very clear that its mostly a game of politics and power play and so on…its called manipulation, something the craziest of folks have done with aplomb. If Hitler was not crazy enough, and no doubt he was an intellectual and had bipolar too and possibly had some demons to talk about, he would not be ruling over Germany and have the persuasion power to make entire Germany look bad. Saints and scientists themselves get the hardest hit from their own communities, because of this kind of power play. Many outstanding scientists over time have had to deal with ostracization from their own communities because of their radical or ‘unscientific’ methods, and by comparison what would todays scientists think about ALL the scientific methods employed by those ‘self validating’ old days scientists. They would have to recalibrate everything from the metric system and teach the old day folks how to use a computer and get it right and redo their tests by today standards. In future our methods will be seen as primitive. No one stands alone here. Business and Politics (personal incentives) have been key arbiters in time masquerading into these so called neutral domains and have been nicely abused to the point of an unethical stain in their history.

I however feel bad for such largey suffering and misunderstood people. Quincy Jones’s mother was locked up in a mental hospital when he was just 8 years old and she was suffering from a vitamin deficiency but she could not have access to proper treatment because she was Black. Now tell me how unscientific, unprofessional, incompetent, criminal is such an incident where out of all reasons ‘RACISM’ stands the decision maker between someone getting their pills and having a free and healthy life and someone having to leave their son orphaned because of the politics and ‘ethical standards’ of that time.? Anyone can tell who is the crazy one here :slight_smile:

Personally long before I was interested in spiritual warfare stuff, I was bigtime a fan of medical science and still am. I used to watch ER very young from school and dreamt of becoming a trauma doctor one day, I also used to read any book on medical science in my house and dad’s library. Fast forward today I work in computers but my interest in medical science and biology is lifelong. It all begins with taking good care of oneself with all that interest and study so far done. I have had personal experience visiting a local bedlam to visit an old friend when he was still there, and it’s a very sobering experience. Most of the inmates over here have actual physical disorders like acute spastics, folks with Down’s syndrome, cerebral palsy, brain damage victims, old people, people with strong behaviorual disorders like peeing in one’s pants and folks with Tourette’s syndrome who shout nonsense every other minute, extremely violent people who are chained up or drugged in their beds. I even spoke with a few of them. Many of them dont even belong there, especially some women who clearly are victims of household abuse and bad marriages. Now that makes one thing, who are those crazy people who decided that they call other people crazy? In a game of social manipulation, given everything else its actually the craziest or most daring or manipulative folks who win the trophy of the day. Just look at any history book, all the folks who lost their kingdom or leverage or lives to someone else who has the smarts to be faster, more conniving, brutal and self serving maniacs to win the day. The question is what kind of crazy you want to be - the one which makes scientists and artists come up with art or the variant that gets power hungry people become barbaric and victorious in their pursuits or the regular pleb kind who lost his mind cos he aint busy enough using his brain (LOLOLOLOL)

Regarding schizophrenia some very interesting research is being done independently becos of its controversial nature and its kinda of a hidden gem of sorts for people interested in such human phenomena, I was up for even contacting and purchasing some of his unicorn like books but their prices scared me away then some years back. He theorizes that every schizophrenic person is essentially letting his mind repair itself unguided and that struggle can be made convenient for the person. He reasons that we collect damage throughout ourlives right from birth even when we are born out of a caesarean or via the birth canal in case of any birth complications, childhood diseases, verbal assaults from parents early on to teenage years and so on, we may intellectially forget to address them but the damage piles on. He then goes on further to propose a resolution for it, by saying that drugs are not the solution and in the course of his research he found that addressing those particular events in the victims latent memory and revisiting them and confronting them has helped him cure his patients with nearly 100% success rate. So its a lot like a stammering cure kind of stuff, where in the original event is readdressed in the mind of the patient and all personal and spiritual issues are handled and the childhood traumas are healed at the source and then person recovers from his stutter. I will post links to his work and his reasearch institute in a while, I need to catch up on this too (after a few years…blew me away the first time I read about his work).

Just like drug abuse addicts, they are mostly suffering from bad defense mechanisms and use drugs as a distraction to ‘forget’ their daily pain and its associated energy sucking struggle. Many of them are actually receptive and open minded and creatively sensitive people who can develop to be artists in their own right and go on to become professionally adept at that. However its this kind of unguided and misconstrued social constructs that enforce rules upon them, like “why you dreaming so much, you lazy or going all crazy?” or “why you asking so many questions I cant be bothered with answering them all!” and then they look for anwers elsewhere when their most immediate support system fails them badly. Being sensitive and creative is just like being psychic and open to demonic possession if one is not careful. There are many round the world who can see ghosts, have a high sense of human compassion or a high degree of social intellect that in the end can very well destroy them if they are not aware of how society functions first. Most people are kind of disabled average blokes to begin with or mostly that is how they become being surrounded by more mediocrity around them. So here is my summary, those of us who resign to the common thought process and take solace in being just like everyone else, they are scared pussies who have decided to give survival a higher priority than personal mastery, never ending personal perfection, discipline and everlasting curiosity and all that good stuff. In the end you end up with a equally average chick and settle down as a very regular family with a rather mediocre set of social routines and thus adding to the majority on the surface and it makes one somewhat comfortable :“I am not the only sucker around here…phew”. Au contriare the intelligent among us already know what the definition of time wasting regular joe/jane is and hence they are always in pursuit of likeminded or like challenging folks around and they like to explore even further widening their networks in the process or they become recluses if they find it too unprofitable to find their circle, they would rather have solitude than deal with the outstandingly proven Bedlam just outside their houses :). Personally I would prefer to hang out with Sherlock Holmes types rather than Mr. Beer Guzzling Regular Joe types, but I would miss out on pretty young things if I became too ostentatious or pretentious about my mental faculties so a beer is always welcome :slight_smile:

For those intellectually inclined: ‘Carpe Diem’! or ‘Seize the Day’!’ just like the Romantic poets Byron, Shelly, Keats - make the best of your time when you are a young flower and do everything you can or must or want before you wither away because time flies and passes like the wind…(paraphrasing it). Poets are the craziest of all in my humble opinion.

@Renoised:I am not sure if you just kidding, but such occurences can very well be the starting of a infestation inflitration by a supernatural entity. If you did go through with the seance rituals or are fooling around with demonic voices and incantations or online Ouija boards. It can also be just regular garden variety forgetfulness :slight_smile:

Nota Bene: For any spiritial skeptics (of the round earth kind), a seance and a demonic visitation will be a self solving proof that the pistol indeed has a bullet, you just have to point it at your head. If it works its there if it does not you live (he he he). Russian Roulette for ignoramus skeptics.

Demons will be laughing their arses off, they will say among themselves (as they do btw, they seem to have an internet chat room sort of internal network between then entire demonic realm) : “Science is so backward that it can’t prove either God or the Devil, the only thing they (mankind or mad-kind) have proven without a doubt is that they are human; yet they keep badgering about their theories and technology, you know they build something similar to what we do in our sleep, ya like mental talking or something, they call it a phone and got some really shitty brands like Apple and Sam-sung…we aint got a phone number but a seance would work just right, init? Ohhh and they also got all this seance app shit going on, good thing we get to talk to them on their own phones now, how more mental can that get? and also they are yet to devise teleportation, light speed movement and all this other stuff we do like going to potty daily…funny they also cannot see us (we gota bettah vision suckerz), so to them we aint even there…perfect…makes our work as easy as EVER…we can however see them very well indeed…ho ho…for all I know they are playing with Gods technology and on his playground building sandcastels in the air…at our beach…we really gotta kick their arses…”…

I was kinda intrigued when I saw this some years back, it has grown a little more since then and it tries to combine both medical science and psychology and religion to a rather interesting concoction as an antidote to various medical or spiritual conditions including schizophrenia. I need to see this for myself to believe it but it’s one more lead to chase to see it’s worth.

The lead Terrance Palmer happens to be a fellow of the Royal Society of Medicine btw…seems legit in terms of certification. It also seems that no one is attacking him for his methods and theories to incorporate the spiritual realm into health and medicine, being a scientist himself it’s rather fascinating how he manages it.

Rather interesting interview session when both members have a PhD and are published authors, note that poise both parties have.

There is is a difference between hearing you inner voice ( I call this contemplation ), and voices heard when you’re diagnosed with schizophrenia .

I know a few people who suffer from this , and what they all have in common is that these voices are all of a spiritual , religious nature …and that they have a distorted view on reality .

In some cultures these people are just burned alive ( still happening ) because they are possesed , in other cultures they are treated as mentally ill …

There’s was an exhibition in my hometown called ’ was jezus a mushroom ’ ?

Not kidding here , it’ plausible that most of these ‘prophets’ were just trippin balls …and the gullible flock had the great idea of starting a religion .

So would you think that someone being in psychotic state or post psychotic residuum is generally unable to reflect his/her condition rationally? And I would also like to add that there are quite many people hearing voices (I qualify the sensation of “hearing voices” as the voices being decoupled from bearer’s conscious will in what they are saying to him) that wouldn’t qualify for being obviously psychotic. Some might be straigh, well for some maybe the delusion is just of nature in content that is inoffensive for other people, and not preventing them to live a normal life of some kind.

Also I would suggest you to reconsider certain viewpoints into the direction of preventing psychotic persons from procreation. I know you were rather pointing the stinky finger towards people being naive and opinionated enough to consider claiming earth be flat, or similar idiocies. But even if someone does this in psychotic state, he might still shake his head in agony remembering it, if his psychotic trip ceases and he recovers ratio. This is very well possible for many affected. More importantly as for the procreation question, the genomes associated with higher risk of psychosis, are also associated with high creativity and ability to think out of the box and take untrodden paths while doing so. Yes, that ability seems to go havoc for some, and then they might go insane, or go insane during periods of their life. Them procreating will not mean that their children will also go to psychosis, but only them having higher risk. I think the other way round - very creative-beyond-your-imagination persons like Einstein for example procreating - can put the same risk onto their children. Evolution works like that, first mutations into new states being unsteady at work and associated with struggle until the thousands of generations of selection make it reliable and ready for further mutations. Dig: not only the physical features of lifeforms are exposed to mutation, but also the brain and with it the way the psyche works. I belive our minds can with many generations expand until imagination is like a 2nd world to experience things in, and to play through possibilities of issues from the real world or of rational, theoretical nature - like a shizo would experience visions of a world of spirits, just under conscious control. The things we are talking about were once a mental crook bridging gaps of knowledge, but from everything I have seen I believe it might transform into something much more interesting and controlled. So you would want to prevent another Einstein by sterilising psychotics, that is your wish? Or have you just not thought into that path thuroughly enough, and with too little background information on the topic? Maybe you just…fear people, wo have something in their consciousnes, that is many times larger than the way you percieve your own? If his trip is controlled enough, I’d rather be with a shizo tripping balls in the spirit world on noah’s ark, than with some narrowminded achiever without any heart, who will solve problems with much ease, but who might also quickly consider myself being his problem, and this without having thought through the topic thuroughly - if he ever has a bad day.

Yes, and if someone has his bed dislocated in some funny way, it might seem he had fallen into a little unconscious state he cannot remember any more, for long enough to laugh ferosciously and quickly pull the bed a little, then going back to the computer, mumbling “i should mind my own business, bwah” and forgetting about the bed. Maybe it would be wise for him to tell that to people he can trust, so they will watch him for more signs of eventual dissociative attacks, and try to find another solution that might delay and hopefully make unnessecary the event of going to a psychiatrist and being described antipsychotics that are not healthy and won’t always help, if any. Also I guess if you bring an ouija board to the ward, you might get problems with the personell if they discover the thing.

no, dissociative amnesia is not nessecarily a sign of psychosis. maybe a shizo could have, but I think only when in real deep psychosis.

hehe. maybe you just did too much coke and got a gap in memory because of it. or are trolling. Or you are shizo, but in treatment or you mastered the condition, and are perfectly rational and just making some fun with us.

I leave believing to the churches…or the real shizos. If you were acute shizo for real, you’d post sick ass theories with great zeal or not post at all because of paranoia.

What the fuck

yep thats more like the spirit a shizo would rock with while rolling. still point of delusion comes too short for it to be distinct enough. might still as well be from someone else, who does not know or care about the facts what the player argued against is set up like, or if, then maybe professional propaganda.

thought about the coca cola because of the pic you had posted with some interesting lecture having nice streaks laid out on the cover. That stuff might encourage for ordeals as well. that’s why I dropped the line on it, jokingly.

We own slaves and i personally shed my skin every once in a month. This thread is monitored by forces invisible. We hear all we see all. We are using this forum cause we thought no one would suspect anything. We were wrong. Only you can read this post. Seize your investigation. We own windows and linux too, if it interests you.

Roger Roger