Is Jabbanoise dying? (no, it is not) [NSFW]

Edit = meh… its not the same. Its become plain difficult to, “rick roll,” with all the new advertisements… “your video will be available in 15 seconds, and all that jazz.”

Never mind then…

I think there’s a good point mentioned, it would be nice to have some news every month or so, just to know what’s going on with renoise
I personally feel that as renoise is now it feels to be in transition (especially instruments) so I am checking every now and then to see
what’s the progress with the new version and how the advance that renoise had in recent versions will be incorporated into a less clumsy

not having any update is kinda frustrating

  • and yes I do appreciate what Taktik and the team did and is doing and I still prefer renoise to any other audio software, but i think the
    most important point made is, that it wouldn’t hurt to give some update every now and then just to know something is cooking

another orly thread…

sometimes I wonder - did everybody forgot renoise is just a piece of software? a piece of code? code can’t die. I guess OP has too much spare time.

Do you really think we’ve had a 5 page thread of discussion about whether or not pieces of code can die?

Don’t intentionally misunderstand the OP to try to sound witty. This thread brought about some good discussion, regardless of how much you may disagree with the OP.


You are the one who misunderstood, pal. I’m not trying to be witty. What’s the point of being witty on the internet? I just found it too difficult to ignore. Consider it my failure if you wish.

About the 5 page argument - I think some diskspace and net traffic was seriously wasted. Again, nothing unusual. I think I should stop here and move along. Cheers.

I think this is just useless. I personally don’t find anything missing at Renoise and when I do, I just download some workaround VSTi or do this one thing in Ableton. Because I’m using this program to help me lay down my musical ideas, I’m understanding the program as it is, rather than crying for new “cool” features like it is some MMO ;)
What I care about is: stability (great), performance (great as well) and features (enough for me, I can alter my way of composing to fit the program, I don’t expect the program to understand what I’m doing). So the new updates and versions are just a piece of cake for me.
I’m not waiting for new features because really, it’s not a MMO. Just imagine buying a new piano and then crying at the developer for “new updates about this?” Music first.

Most people here read ONLY the name of the topic but not my message…

What updates??? Tell me where I wrote about updates???

I speak about fresh faces, new compositions and different music styles, about newbies in Renoise and famous musicians who discover this program for the first time, I speak about new MONEY that will make Renoise bigger and greater…

“I AM good with Renoise” have no concern with last year marketing that was awful. I repost google trends comparison with Sunvox cause this is the best proof.


I’m sure if Renoise team felt they needed more PR, they’d do something about it. Perhaps they are comfortable with the size of their user base and trajectory of its growth as it is.

It’s a little ironic that you should be saying this thread is a waste, when you made this thread in the past. Your post in here seemed to completely ignore what the OP actually said, which was more similar to your own topic than anything, and had nothing to do with the software itself “dying”.

I secede that witty was the wrong choice of words, but your post came off like some kind of one-sentence trump to the entire argument of the thread, when it was totally misplaced, since nobody made the argument you were countering.

And it’s really silly (and selfish) to consider this thread a waste of anything. If all the devs happen to agree that this thread was a complete waste of time, then I’ll eat my words.

I think the thought laid out in the post below is not visionary, outside of the box thinking.

Because the music industry, and creative careers no longer work like that. That is yesterday. “Paul Okenfold, Dj Sammy, Tiesto, Sasha.”

Anybody with content creation skills, better start thinking like tomorrow, and the money for creative will be from the path laid out in the article below.

Renoise is a computer software. All things considered, it makes little difference if the biggest customer is a record producer, or a content creation agency that has a multi-million dollar contract with, “Walmart.” ( just an example. )

Furthermore, “Renoise, as it is today, attracts forward, smart, outside of the box thinkers.” Changing the program to appeal to the masses does not guarantee the success of Renoise, or anybody else in the community. All it does is risk the loyal following.

Renoise has a cult following. A cult following is priceless.

Absolutely not. I have read every post of yours in this thread. I understand exactly what you are saying. I politely disagree with you 100%


you forget: Renoise is not a completely free or open source project. People paid for it, even if it’s cheap it’s no volunteer project where you can participate in essential coding etc… So the complaining here has nothing to do with destructive motivation. It’s simply the information politics and some missing features I - as a customer - am not happy about.

I see your point. I posted a similar thread a good while back because I missed reading forum threads and articles like I used to. But I must say, DrumanDabass, that you are going a bit far with this thread.

Don’t put Renoise into a box it doesn’t fit into. Renoise isn’t Ableton, and neither the devs nor the majority of the users want it to be in public image or marketing approach. We’re not interested in making every 14-year-old who wants to make brostep see Renoise and think, “Wow, with this I can be just like [famous artist]!” We’re a small, tight-knit community, and despite lulls in content or discussion, we like it that way.

Renoise is amazing, and it will bring people to it because of its quality, integrity, and community. The devs are always pushing to make improvements that are solid and lasting, not just useable, and that turns the heads of those keen on the music software realm. Heck, Peter Kirn never misses a beat when anything significant and Renoise-related comes about.

We don’t need to hold newbies’ hands with endless tutorials or generic demo songs. There is enough material out there to get someone started who wants to do it on their own. If they need help, we supply it right here on the forum.

Who is “we” ? I’m a long year user and have a different opinion/perspective. Please don’t put all users in your box.
Why not think outside the box ? I don’t regard Renoise as a toy for nerds only.

I’m just saying that Renoise caters to its community, and the team shouldn’t need to go out of their way to attract people who would normally have nothing to do with it.

As for beginner’s content, I for one almost always have a lousy experience with the tutorials and demo songs that are included with most DAWs. They’re often generic and unoriginal, which often leaves me feeling like that DAW is generic and unoriginal. Renoise has songs in it made by unique users for the sake of making music, not just for demonstration. That’s what I like to see. I like to see what artists actually do in their productions, not some watered-down, contrived, trance song. Maybe that’s just me, though.

What’s one thing got to do with other? An open source project does not mean that a company can not profit from it. Look at google, microsoft, facebook, drupal, and wordpress. Some good examples of open source projects, or companies with open source projects where the open source code drives profit.

Likewise, “just because the software is proprietary,” does not mean that it exists to drive profit.

This should set you straight then…

Read the article for more insight please, thanks.

This is the most eloquent way to put the main counter-argument to the thread, well said.

But it does assume that everyone who would want to use Renoise are already using it or know about it, and that’s simply not true. A larger presence would catch the attention of those people. It’s not all about getting people who aren’t interested in Renoise to get interested. There’s no change involved, only more outreach.


AdBlock Plus FTW!!!

Although some more regular updates of the front page would be nice. Maybe a section at the bottom with the last 5 updated Tools on the tool portal, a snippet of the 5 threads with the most posts in the last 24 hours and a bit more regular posting in the Blog/In-Depth area would be plenty for it to seem a lot more active.

It is true some very worthwhile content gets posted on these forums and never makes it to the front page, or even to In-Depth. A bit of effort concentrating on extracting the most useful and interesting bits could go a long way! Some editing to make more manageable, readable and fit to a format/image might be required in places but it could still be a first move.

Many of BitArts earlier threads. Before he became so disillusioned with the community.
Cas’s Tutorials.

MMD’s tips are about the only threads I can think of which went on to become In-Depth articles afterwards…
There is no reason why Mutant Breaks should be the only competition that ever seems to get official mention! (Although I’ve stopped DDRC now, the last round with the prize of a licence I would have said was as worthy of a mention as a MB…) Maybe keep it only to ones which do offer a prize though??

Obviously anything would have to be cleared with the original posters in the forum, maybe asking if they’d be willing to rewrite and tidy-up/conglomerate some postings into a single, concise piece, or for a mod to offer to do so and ask them to proof-read before posting. Taking content without any permission I would find a little weird…

In-Depth article ideas:
Introducing the Formula Device (we have some good code examples now. I understand that an Alpha device you might still not want as close to an official announcement of its existence though.)
Tuned Devices tutorial (ala dBlue’s tips and thread. I don’t think it’s been in In-Depth anyway, at least I couldn’t find it. Cas’s tutorials cover some similar stuff I think…)
Scripting Basics->Intermediate->Advanced series.

One a month I think would be enough for it to appear a lot more active!

It did get to Twitter and Facebook though.

If you do one in the future, with a prize, ping someone (suva, me, someone with a badge) with text and it will get to the blog.

In retrospect, thanks for running that compo. I personally appreciated it but never said anything, assuming it was implied. (for whatever that’s worth)

Sorry, it wasn’t meant as a dig for it not being put there. I did almost consider asking a mod if they thought it was worth it but saw it had been posted on Facebook and think G+ (I don’t tweet) so assumed whoever had the power didn’t consider that type of thing front page. Many thanks to you or whoever did do the social pages advertising of it.

I am considering running a special round each Gold release. But I’m not saying I definitely will do, or that I even currently can swear to have the time, energy and ideas for the release we all hope is coming shortly…