More GUI Textures (Please)


This rusted texture will make you feel as if you were composing your track outdoor on a very old Renoise that would have taken rains over years.




No need the help of Captain Obvious to see that this Renoise GUI Texture is based on the same random pixelart pattern that the one I used in my track for the MBC#12. As always, unzip the file below in your “\Resources\Skin\Textures” folder if you want to use it in real life.




Yes, again a random pattern, but this time, it has not been done in Basic 512 on DCMOTO Emulator with TO9+ ROM. No this time it has been done in HTML5 & JavaScript on a simple Canvas. The result gives something not too much agressive. If you like vertical lines with random colors, you will like this texture.




To use this texture, you need to love the USA. I mean… REALLY!! I used stripes pattern for background, stars pattern for panels, and add a bluish Body Back color to increase the flag reference.




To use this texture, you need to love France. I mean… REALLY!! Hehe, OK, I won’t do all countries, even if, technically, it is easy to make textures for all flags that have horizontal or vertical strips. But no! This time the ZIP contains 2 versions of the texture. One with the classic french flag and true colors. The other with gradients on primary RGB colors. Both textures also use the lily flower pattern witch makes reference to the royal symbols that kings were using in the past in France.



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First of all, note that this texture is inspired by the one @qwerno did in 2015 for Renoise 2.8 and that you can find here:

Now, here is my own version, for Renoise 3.1. I used quite the same pattern, and did a reduction of 50%, not on the price of the french luxury handbags, no, but on the pattern dimensions used for the small panels. I also changed a bit the colors for Body Back settings to match even better with the handbag colors. Like this, you will use Renoise as a VIP, yes, because…

…those handbags have the price of 20 to 40 licences for Renoise. :scream_cat:


Apologies for bumping an old thread here, but can you explain how you’re creating your own textures here? Very good stuff. Would like to make some of my own.

I wanna change the renoise logo to a greyscale silhouette of my profile picture hehe


This is awesome

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OK, I try to make it short:

  1. Find the texture folder (for example: “C:\Program Files\Renoise 3.2.0\Resources\Skin\Textures”)
  2. Duplicate one of the subfolders (for example: “Default”) and give a super-hyper-mega-cool name
  3. Change only 3 pictures (BodyTexture.bmp, InnerBodyTexture.bmp, PanelBlending.bmp)

Now there are a bunch of issues to consider at…

  1. If you have problems with Windows rights on the new subfolder you just created, there are tutorials the web and videos on YouTube but it is a bit painful to do
  2. BodyTexture and InnerBodyTexture can be identical, it is for the background of the small panels, they are always repeated on both X and Y axis
  3. PanelBlending is the Renoise main window background, and is repeated on X axis but stretched on Y axis, it also makes strange things on menus, on mixer, on all other Renoise windows

Now have fun! I feel a bit alone here. :joy_cat:


renoise just crashes when trying to load the one I tested with,


Do you have an error message? Are you on Windows / Linux / Apple? Which version of Renoise do you use? My textures only work with Renoise 3.x and you must have maximum rights on the Texture folder…

If you want to create your own textures, several things to check…

1°) Create your folders by copying existing ones


2°) Replace only the 3 bitmaps (BodyTexture.bmp, InnerBodyTexture.bmp, PanelBlending.bmp) and with exactly the same names and extensions


I hope Renoise 3.3 will drastically improve the texture management.
But I’m afraid I’m dreaming. :yum: :innocent:

Nah it just closes down instantly, it was sort of exactly what I did, I went into gimp and just copy pasted an painted owl to use as a texture. Maybe gimp adjusted the file in some way when it got exported!

Possible that GIMP doesn’t use the same BMP formatting like MSPaint do.
Because yes, I use MSPaint to copy/paste my textures. :rofl:

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ahh forgot to mention also that I am on windows 10!

good to know that paint works fine for this job! :smiley: gonna try to make a new one, I have already messed up the song I was working on so best to sit and be bit visual for now momentary!

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bump :facepunch:

anyone know where to find the textures file path on mac?

been searching to no avail…

would be great to make some custom skinzz


After a small break of 3 years, here is a new texture for Renoise. Enjoy!



For those who like yellow.


Cool! How about sculls and bones?)))

All is possible. The most difficult is to find the graphical resources. But you gave me an idea. Thanks!