Pitch Tracking Device - Frequency Demodulation

Now that we’ve got an amplitude demodulator device in the form of the signal follower, why not also get a frequency demodulator in the form of a pitch tracking device? :slight_smile:

Besides the possibility to act as sort of a ‘tuner’ (being able to detect frequency in Hertz and its position in the Western chromatic scale for example, think gtune vst), I imagine it would analyze the frequency content in a track channel and could output ‘values’ to control other devices/events. Think; notes in the pattern editor or trigger samples whenever similar pitches in the analyzed signal occur.

This is not the same as the ‘key-tracking device’ , taking just pattern editor note events for input, it would extract periodicity information out of a signal in real-time.

Why would this be cool?

Native auto-tune?

Hopefully not :wink:

…also Renoise, unfortunately, doesn’t have oscillator devices to output control information too…

I dream of analyzing a sample and have Renoise automatically fill in the pattern editor with note-pitch data!
Being able to set-up mappings of what frequency in the analyzed signal would trigger what sample in the instrument list.

For very rough analysis this could be a real-time job, but maybe off-line processing would be better for quality conversion.

This isn’t impossible. Melodyne is doing it for a while and the core technology is based on fft calculations. Algorithms, some already on the streets ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pitch_detection_algorithm , http://www.cse.ohio-state.edu/~dwang/papers/WWB.icassp02.pdf ).

The request isn’t super high on my wish-list, but maybe around version 4.0, Kraken has some free time to look into this? :)



Renoise can create a parameterised oscillator. Just put a DC Offset followed by a RingMod, et voila you have an oscillator at the frequency of the RingMod.

I have suggested this during the alpha stage of 2.5, but the idea was not accepted because the precision of the result would not be satisfactory

Meh… it could come with the warning of “this thing isn’t precise at all” :P