Plans for Renoise?

How often i post in this forum and how much i share from my private experience in making music here is only my decission, not yours! So go away with this straw man argument.

[quote=“ToybOx]:., post:207, topic:71327, username:ToybOx”]
Hes like the Terminator.

Lol! Yes, like the plasticine figures one out of Celebrity Deathmatch!


This is sheer carnage.

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This is an Information. I have screenshoted this for my insurance. And btw. If someone here belongs to Kindergarten then are this you and your “We want no pianoroll” screamers and crybabies! :joy:

Ahhh… and now pure ad hominem! I’m very impressed dude.

Im not sure you understand gaslighting, or what lynching or boomers are for that matter. Gaslighting refers to the victim of abuse being convinced by their abuser that the abuse isnt happening, deliberately undermining their sanity and perception of reality - a term derived from the story from a stage play

The current and popular usage of this term isn’t restricted to actual abuse cases only, it’s what happens, for example, when someone starts projecting their own subjective opinion as a fact in order to justify the discrediting of other’s suggestions and even slandering towards an interlocutor, making it seem as the interlocutor is actually the one saying something absurd or even slandering them. It’s what happened in the aforementioned thread:

Calling out their suggestion as useless crap out of the blue to make OP feels like they’re actually out of place, doing something they shouldn’t be doing, that is: suggesting something absurd (which isn’t the case, it’s only a suggestion, you can find similar requests in the Reaper and Live forums, for example). Remsky actually provided useful commentary in that thread. I’ll say it again: if you don’t like a suggestion and don’t have anything insightful to add to the topic, just keep quiet.

This other type of commentary is a really passive and discrete way of discrediting others that are actually experiencing issues with Renoise, especially when made in reply to someone expressing such and seeking for help or a fix, if they’re experiencing issues with Renoise… well, maybe they’re the ones doing something wrong, innit? Not the fact that Renoise objectively has it’s own quirks (that many times aren’t even specified in the manual) that can actively hinder the user experience (like the one Noby has pointed out here: Does Renoise fully utilize the latest cpu’s? - Help, Support & Bugs - Renoise Forums)

This type of behavior really helps no one, it’s like you said… a mix of many things, including entitlement.

Before you call me a boomer, i was born in 1984 and am therefore a true millenial.”

I’m not going to call you a boomer, relax. I admit that I lost my temper when I made that commentary and I apologize for that, I’m not trying to hurt anyone here, I’m just trying to raise an issue I’ve seen happening here from time to time and that had an impact on how me and other friends interact in this place. If people feel the need to finish a suggestion or commentary asking for others not to lynch them… something is off.

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guys calm down, drink some juice and make some beats

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:shushing_face: please.


No, it feels like I stated that a dancing sprite in a DAW is out of place. In fact it’s useless and imho it’s crap, that’s my honest opinion and I’m deeply convinced of that, whether you like it or not. If you’d read correctly you’d clearly see that this wasn’t an insult against the one who did that suggestion. It’s simply a statement that a dancing sprite within a DAW is useless crap, no more and no less.

WTF! Are you mad? Grow up, kid! What you’ve quoted is my honest experience with Renoise and if you can’t stand the fact that I don’t experience bugs just like you do, it’s YOUR PERSONAL fucking problem! As everybody can read in this thread, I just wrote that I fully agree with taktik’s statement about Renoise and I will continue to recommend Renoise to everyone who’s asking. You responded and said Renoise has “constant bugs and performance issues” and it’s “unhealthy to ignore that”. So what do you expect me to say if I’m NOT having YOUR problems? Dude, seriously, what’s your FUCKING problem? From now on I will ignore you, there’s absolutely no point talking to you, KID.

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No, it feels like I stated that a dancing sprite in a DAW is out of place. In fact it’s useless and imho it’s crap, that’s my honest opinion and I’m deeply convinced of that, whether you like it or not. If you’d read correctly you’d clearly see that this wasn’t an insult against the one who did that suggestion. It’s simply a statement that a dancing sprite within a DAW is useless crap, no more and no less.”

I’m not the only one that perceived that as an insult, OP had the same reaction… and it isn’t an unreasonable conclusion to take when you see someone going out their place replying that something is “crap”, “trash”, “useless” and whatnot out of the blue, without even saying hello or adding anything of relevant to the discussion. What’s that going to help OP? And if you truly intended to be helpful somehow you really missed the mark there.

WTF! Are you mad? Grow up, kid! What you’ve quoted is my honest experience with Renoise and if you can’t stand the fact that I don’t experience bugs just like you do, it’s YOUR PERSONAL fucking problem! As everybody can read in this thread, I just wrote that I fully agree with taktik’s statement about Renoise and I will continue to recommend Renoise to everyone who’s asking. You responded and said Renoise has “constant bugs and performance issues” and it’s “unhealthy to ignore that”. So what do you expect me to say if I’m NOT having YOUR problems? Dude, seriously, what’s your FUCKING problem? From now on I will ignore you, there’s absolutely no point talking to you, KID.”

I don’t think I am and I don’t doubt that’s your genuine experience and I don’t even think you and others are doing this on purpose but that’s the impression these types of comments in these types of circumstances give. As I’ve said, I’m not the only one that gets annoyed by this, and knowing I’m not the only one really made me feel the need to voice this publicly. And I really don’t mind if you ignore me to eternity, if this discussion results in you at least thinking for a picosecond before writing something that serves no purpose but to insult other’s suggestions and opinions, I’ve fulfilled my goal with this convo.

You wrote that sentence :point_up:

And the post started off snotty no?

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Are you all really having an argument - or you are just arguing because bored?

Remember the Delay Lama:


“Arguing on the Internet is like mud wrestling a pig… It doesn’t take long to realize that the pig is having a wonderful time”

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damn what the hell have i been brought into here?

Oh you know, just chatting about plans for renoise


Sure do. I had this one too back in the day. MetroGnome lol

I just can’t stand malicious insinuations and want to clear up some single points before I stop forever. But of course I already know it’s pointless to continue communicating with that kind of person.

  1. Your friend didn’t say hello as well
  2. With his entrance your friend also indicated that Renoise is just a toy and not to be taken seriously
  3. A dancing sprite is in fact 100% useless and contributes absolutely nothing to a DAW
  4. It’s absolutely relevant to understand point 3 if you REALLY want to improve ANYTHING

That’s why you’re doing malicious insinuations all the time?

I’m surely not the only one who’s getting irritated by “suggestions” like that. And someone who’s posting online should be generally prepared for ANY kind of reaction, especially if suggesting “meaningful” stuff like that. And even more if also indicating at the same time that Renoise isn’t to be taken seriously. If you can’t handle any kind of reaction don’t post online. Seriously! Especially if you feel offended by literally everything like you do.

Bye and have a nice life! :slightly_smiling_face:



I wish there were more constructive and inspiring posts again in this forum. Yes, if someone requests a dancing animation, I consider the poster acting as a troll. Some people are happy with Renoise, some are not. Repeating features which most likely will never be added is not constructive at all, too. Then reading fighting egos isn’t fun in the end. Maybe just ignore the troll. You can actually blend out posts from users.

Please write a tool instead, post about your song making, mixing, plugins, whatever.

Can someone close this thread?