Renoise Knock-Out 3 Hour Tournament - Round 1 - Results

YES! i made it! thanks for voting for me all who did! that means my earlier post about timing is valid. organic io, any idea if it will be possible to get the new round started coming weekend?

on the one hand, i really like the idea. on the other hand, keeping it at 3hrs will keep the time-pressure on. also, seeing the amount of stuff keith303 can do in just 3 hours time, it wouldn’t be much fun to give him yet another hour :)

oO I won my match?! Wow! I was pretty certain that Andy:Ray would beat me.

@Andy:Ray - F’låt! Trodde du hade tagit hem segern. Ska försöka ta mig så långt jag kan. Föga troligt med tanke på vem jag möter i nästa match.

B.t.w. Shouldn’t the total votes in every match ad up to 14? Oh wait, guess you can vote undecided too.

Instead of increased hours; why not ad a rule to future matches? Like “must use this sample” or “must use that DSP”… 'cause it should get harder to track the further into the brackets it gets.

Well on the other hand his track was actually only one which actually qualified as a real track. I was thinking of doing Remixta episode in the end of the tournament to play the best tracks. I am not that intrigued to play lots of 30 second snippets.

At least i got knocked out with style by having the least votes in the whole round :lol:
Congrats to chunter and all you other bastards! :D

Suva, organic io, lapubell, Mane, Andy:Ray, cocoa and Elephark, let’s go to the nearest pub and drink some beer. :badteeth:

Yeah, there were a few undecided, which I think is ok.

Strictly speaking, the tournament itself should make it harder and harder. But I like the idea of must-use targets, it’s like the short program in figure skating.

my snippet was 2mins or something! :)
but i get your point. as i said, i wouldn’t mind at all, i’m just very afraid of keith303.

see you there. :D

oh well, at least my track started in a direction I actually like, and may develop it further.

thanks dudes, it was fun.

Actually I just totally screwed up and forgot/didn’t have time to go vote for the rest of the matches. I thought I had another day to vote. Sorry! Weekends have been really busy lately. I shouldn’t have asked Chotoro to shorten the voting time :)

Congrats all the winners, and also thank you very kindly to the 4 people who actually voted for me against keith303… It’s an honor :)

So regarding the next round, let’s get it started within the next day or two. Whoever wants to submit some samples for the pack, go ahead and send me a PM with a link to them and I’ll compile them all up and include in the next round pack.

Yea i got through :D Was unfair competition though if Mane really made his first renoise thing for this compo :)
Listening back to my own track, i have to agree with Suva, mine hardly had any variation and didn’t improve much since i was 20-30 mins in :P
Getting ready for maybe commenting, there were some sounds i loved in this round… mainly i’ll ask people, hey how did you come up with that sound? :D
Plus, i’ll be sending in a candidate sample pack to OIO for next round. But the deadline for the Bomb Squad Remix comes first for me now hehe.

being the one that has whined about the tracking time limit from the very beginning g, i’d really love to see suva’s suggestion to be accepted.
the more time for tracking, the higher the probability of having quality entries.
don’t you think so?

compared to other compos like SDC for example, there is enough pressure by solely having just one week for tracking (as opposed to one month), if you ask me.

I, for one, am more than happy that there is a 3-hour curfew. If I had one month to make a song I’d probably, like always, goof off after a while and get nothing done. This way I have to force myself to actually produce something. Since, tbh, I’d never be able to make a 5-min song even if I had a year to make it.

I think 3 hours are just fine. That’s actually the deal-making-reason that made me I participate in this little shindig.

i agree about the possibility of improved quality, however, i have to agree with Robbie S here as well in that i signed up for this because of the challengingly short time. i join the DDRC compos every other round so i’m used to having a week for tracking, and even then i just use the weekend because i have to go to work and want to spend time with my wife and dogs as well. so as long as we’re not going for something like a full day i’m okay with increasing the tracking times. in that respect i like suva’s suggestion of increasing upon advancing in rounds the best. it will add an extra edge to the challenge i think.

edit: thinking about it, i wouldn’t mind having a full day either, i could just impose my own time-limit.
once again, i am of no use in the decision-making process!

I’m for the 3-hour limit.

I work better under that kind of pressure, pushes me into just making decisions instead of fooling around for ages :P

Alright, since there seems to be some dispute about the time limit, and I personally have no more vested interest in the time limit since I was already knocked out, we will settle this democratically: Round 2 thread with poll

Just set up a nicer looking brackets than that crappy spreadsheet…

wow. i’m glad this didn’t start out as USA vs. Europe. EU domination.

hey, a Dutch vs Dutch round!

td6d, ik maak je kapot! :D

Indeed :)

My hypothesis is that when babies are born in Europe, they are automatically given +10 tracking ability…
The only thing babies are given here in America is +10 excessive consumption & narcissism skills.

chunter is the lone US’er in round 2. chunter, do you think you can tie keith again??? :)

Nowai ^_^ Somehow I managed to get ahead of my honored competitor, lapubell. Well, I can just shake your hand, you have a very good track, I have a passion for such pieces, actually. This time I strayed into a totally unknown territory with the style for my own track, I might add.

Now 2nd round - me vs Chotoro? You must be kidding. I’m totally doomed. Totally :lol:.
I’m being honored.

to be completely honest, when I submitted my track i was thinking to myself, “Sweet! This track is actually pretty rad and it only took me 3 hours! Here I come round 2!”

then when the tracks got posted, I jumped straight to my competitor, you. After the first listen, I switched to thinking “Oh no! My competitor has something super good too! This is gonna be close!”

then when people started talking you up in this thread, i was fully prepared to concede defeat. very nicely done sir.